Product Release: Cloned Cards (Physical & Shipped) [👑 PYTHON KINGDOM 👑]


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Feb 3, 2023
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u fucked with the mid-balance cards? I got mine like 3 weeks ago, that thing is like how people say in this thread it is. "Mid" asf no pun intended LOL. Most u can get out of that card is $1k and MAYBE will be able to get some bread from the giftcards if u actually are lucky to find a giftcard vendor at a local 24hr gas station that can sell you the most expensive giftcard possible ($500) to actually be able to get the money out. Most of the people that I have seen actually be able to cash those out are not getting the full balance maybe $1k thru atm.

I get testing the waters, but we gotta collectively stop making the same mistake, congrats on flipping the balance to some of the higher cards though man happy for u. Unless ur in a fucked up money position, like homeless or fucking broke as shit the mid-balance card is never the answer, stick with high and scale that bitch up to the moon till this rodeo is over.

Everyone in this forum has been making a fuck ton of money off this, but at some point it will get hot and all of our shit gonna get jeporadized, so yeah lets just enjoy this shit while it last tbh.
Bruh I never once said the Mid-Balance Card was OP or goated, relax, ur talking too much man. Everyone in this thread is toxic and critical smh


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Jul 28, 2023
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Anyone know if the Fedex tracking they send is sign on delivery or just the regular? i got mine like 20 min ago, im at work maybe it shows it on PC. It's waiting to be picked up, I Ordered on TOR


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Aug 19, 2022
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Anyone know if the Fedex tracking they send is sign on delivery or just the regular? i got mine like 20 min ago, im at work maybe it shows it on PC. It's waiting to be picked up, I Ordered on TOR
It's never sign on delivery from my experience, def gonna be regular


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Nov 27, 2023
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Anyone know if the Fedex tracking they send is sign on delivery or just the regular? i got mine like 20 min ago, im at work maybe it shows it on PC. It's waiting to be picked up, I Ordered on TOR
you in the USA? the order I placed yesterday was thru USPS maybe they used fedex for different purpose idk. If ur international it might be different...


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Oct 4, 2023
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Not gone fake i want everybody to have motion but im not sharing python cuz niggas is dumb asfc and flunkeys


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Oct 4, 2023
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went carhopping last night and found emv card domt know pin though what can i do with it im still learning my ways around the shi lmk sum


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Oct 4, 2023
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Bruh I never once said the Mid-Balance Card was OP or goated, relax, ur talking too much man. Everyone in this thread is toxic and critical smh
well consider im not paying bills rnah and im 16 1k aint that bad imma just use that 1k to smack booku more


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Feb 3, 2023
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went carhopping last night and found emv card domt know pin though what can i do with it im still learning my ways around the shi lmk sum
can't do shit unless u can clone it lol


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May 28, 2023
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He's definitely not in P2P Program LOL no one that actually makes several posts talking about which card is the best for starters is in P2P they get hundreds of cards a month or sometimes a week. My friend is in it, they work extremely hard, they don't have time to be having these conversations on the thread, while they make millions are year or like a million a week. I agree with his sentiment though, the High-Balance is the best card for starters, I'm in Kentucky not in EU so domestic cards are different here, but it doesn't even really matter the Bank tbh, they are just best value for money regardless of if you get a Chase, BOA, etc. thats irrelevant for the most part.

Bought my first High-Balance card probably 4 months ago by now, never once did the Mid-Balance Card because the 24hr reset time is not possible in my small town. We don't have any 24hr open places that sell high-value giftcards to be able to get the rest of the balance off of it like Python's FAQ says so its kinda fucked. The High-Balance Card atleast gives you the flexibility to cashout the card at any time and at any place. My first cashout using the High-Balance Card was like a hybrid strategy of the Mid-Balance and High-Balance. I had an ATM limit on my card paper that said $1k/day at ATM so I first did a WU at like 10PM in my ime, I figured the victim was sleep because they were in NY and thats east coast time, my time is back a bit because I was in the Mid-West, I transfered $2k to my older brother right before my WU tender closed, I used the custom name thing to get it to through on my ID. Then I waited till mid-night and did the 1k at like 11:55pm then the other 1k at 12:05am at a local Chase ATM. My card was a BOA but the branch don't matter unless u got a card that has a higher limit at their own atm's in this case it didn't matter.

I wouldn't use that strategy again because it just gives too much time for the victim to cancel ur ass before you get the rest of the funds out, so it jus ain't worth the damn risk imho. When u get ur card u wanna take it all out in one go, the Mid-Balance gives the victim too much time for them to cancel the card. It's non-disputable that high-balance is best for that reason, the super-high is too expensive for starters, I agree.
wassup bro, new to this community. From kentucky too doe brother, wanted your take on the super-high balance card? me and by boy been buying the high-balance card for a minute like past month or so on TOR, everything been going well but he recently decided to take all of the money and FUCKING dipped like a worthless loser, was savin up to get into P2P like we agreed to after we came up on some mother fucking money, anyways... i need to re-up on my money shit and high balance would take me like 15 fuckin cards to get back to the bread i need to apply to join p2p and shit but fuck it. U got anytin thats finna bang in the frankfort big bro? like hella specific methods for super-high no bland shit ik theres some secrets to this game that I haven't unlocked yet, shits like fucking zelda or pokemon u feel me?

I'm just tryna level up out my situation, near homeless rn after my bro screwed me on the plan we was finna go ahead and do. Ima order me this super-high but i need some free fucking game man u need to help out or anyone in this thread @ApexCarder i seen u givin free game, help a brotha out will ya? fuck it nvm im high as shit but hear me oout plszzzzzz drop tele or game here fw gang


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Sep 7, 2023
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wassup bro, new to this community. From kentucky too doe brother, wanted your take on the super-high balance card? me and by boy been buying the high-balance card for a minute like past month or so on TOR, everything been going well but he recently decided to take all of the money and FUCKING dipped like a worthless loser, was savin up to get into P2P like we agreed to after we came up on some mother fucking money, anyways... i need to re-up on my money shit and high balance would take me like 15 fuckin cards to get back to the bread i need to apply to join p2p and shit but fuck it. U got anytin thats finna bang in the frankfort big bro? like hella specific methods for super-high no bland shit ik theres some secrets to this game that I haven't unlocked yet, shits like fucking zelda or pokemon u feel me?

I'm just tryna level up out my situation, near homeless rn after my bro screwed me on the plan we was finna go ahead and do. Ima order me this super-high but i need some free fucking game man u need to help out or anyone in this thread @ApexCarder i seen u givin free game, help a brotha out will ya? fuck it nvm im high as shit but hear me oout plszzzzzz drop tele or game here fw gang
Yeah man, for the Super-High just use Walmart in Fort White Kentucky, there should be an old lady there that handles the Money Orders. Use the whole thing to send to a family member or friend, Walmart Money Orders on High and Super-High Balance Cards are heavily slept on tbh. You don't need to use the ATM at all for the cashout, just use the whole spending balance on there, it should be like $8k all in one or two Money Orders charged to debit. Make sure that you do the custom name engraving, I'm not in P2P yet, and don't plan on doing such till like 2025 or something, so good luck on your ventures, sorry for what happened between u and ya friend mane. Peace brother

Python Cards

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May 24, 2022
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the python cards shit is hella popular on tor, hella niggas in gangs buy from here so NJ flooded as fuck cuz mad gangsters hip to this shit, im in brooklyn shits not dead but niggas def overusing it, wouldn't suprise me if alot of these niggas is in P2P, shits finna be dead in years if this shit stays ODE. Ik niggas buying high-balance cards cuz them the only ones that buss frfr
Predominantly there are alot of users within the East Coast, NJ / NYC are extremely popular areas for us. This is for several reasons however, the primary one being that we are located within the East Coast in proximity with these regions, thus meaning that the highest density of P2P users are based within the same exact areas in which we started. This is because when we initated the P2P program in 2017, we contacted users via email that we saw lived in adjacent states to ours. Those members have first movers advantage, and have the largest scaled p2p systems throughout the region relative to all of the newer P2P members that have joined since we came to this forum. Customers are generally the highest within the area aswell, because of not only the population density but also word of mouth from the earlier years till now. It's only within the past 2 years that we have been servicing clients that were outside of East Coast USA.

Python Cards

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May 24, 2022
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WOO is hot on this shit, Chase gonna require ID for regional ATM's inside of banks. Guys in the python kingdom buyers chat been saying thats on they radar, but it could all be cap. Nun gonna happen anytime soon, like twenty percent of the niggas in the python kingdom buyers chat is all a bunch of dudes from NY and CT area, NE just hot in general. Miami hot too, Chase all in stock and they still hit like they always have u just FUDDin frfr
The capitalization that we have on the market is not as severe as you might think, we really don't effect banks much at all in regardless to the funds we are stealing. I think many of the people here, and in our buyer's community in general; have a misrepresentation of how many of us there really are. The effects on the banks fraud budgets is extremely low, Banks set aside funds that will be allocated towards fraud (if they don't take federal insurance). The security vulnerabilities and flaws within ATM & Card Systems that we are expoiting has been known about by Europay / Mastercard / Visa for years now in regards to EMV Chip Replication (not the fake X2 software / Smartcard Alliance, etc that rippers sell) but real engineering level replication. This issue is the fact that the ATM system network is too large and its physical hardware, installing an ATM-side solution simply isn't financially viable unless the funds we are looting is that high to justify it. Chase and or other banks updating their systems is extremely unlikely, but if they do; we will engineer a solution to bypass it aswell and adjust :)

Python Cards

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May 24, 2022
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I've read your other replies bro I understand your positions. I agree High-Balance is best value for money, but I need to ask you, are you in P2P Program or are you just a buyer bcuz you seem knowledgable in this space, I think with the two cards per week limit Super-High Balance seems best value for money, but I'm sure u will disagree 🤣 but ur probally a P2P guy that doesn't struggle like us. I know the Mid-Balance Card is garbage, but for us regulars the super-high is best with the 2 card per week limit that they got.
We have covered this frequently in-depth in the FAQ and have officially said that High-Balance Cards are generally the best for starters, but the Mid-Balance Card is still available as we know that not many customers starting out have $400 just to spend, therefore for people either budget conscious or nervous to start we continue to have those cards available.

Python Cards

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May 24, 2022
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High-Balance, ordered via tor store, good communication via email so far with my QC and tracking. Don't have my card yet as I just ordered this morning but seems to be going as planned. Vouch +++
Thanks for the Vouch @phocohanoi7

Python Cards

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May 24, 2022
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He's definitely not in P2P Program LOL no one that actually makes several posts talking about which card is the best for starters is in P2P they get hundreds of cards a month or sometimes a week. My friend is in it, they work extremely hard, they don't have time to be having these conversations on the thread, while they make millions are year or like a million a week. I agree with his sentiment though, the High-Balance is the best card for starters, I'm in Kentucky not in EU so domestic cards are different here, but it doesn't even really matter the Bank tbh, they are just best value for money regardless of if you get a Chase, BOA, etc. thats irrelevant for the most part.

Bought my first High-Balance card probably 4 months ago by now, never once did the Mid-Balance Card because the 24hr reset time is not possible in my small town. We don't have any 24hr open places that sell high-value giftcards to be able to get the rest of the balance off of it like Python's FAQ says so its kinda fucked. The High-Balance Card atleast gives you the flexibility to cashout the card at any time and at any place. My first cashout using the High-Balance Card was like a hybrid strategy of the Mid-Balance and High-Balance. I had an ATM limit on my card paper that said $1k/day at ATM so I first did a WU at like 10PM in my ime, I figured the victim was sleep because they were in NY and thats east coast time, my time is back a bit because I was in the Mid-West, I transfered $2k to my older brother right before my WU tender closed, I used the custom name thing to get it to through on my ID. Then I waited till mid-night and did the 1k at like 11:55pm then the other 1k at 12:05am at a local Chase ATM. My card was a BOA but the branch don't matter unless u got a card that has a higher limit at their own atm's in this case it didn't matter.

I wouldn't use that strategy again because it just gives too much time for the victim to cancel ur ass before you get the rest of the funds out, so it jus ain't worth the damn risk imho. When u get ur card u wanna take it all out in one go, the Mid-Balance gives the victim too much time for them to cancel the card. It's non-disputable that high-balance is best for that reason, the super-high is too expensive for starters, I agree.
Thanks for highlighting this in the thread @skrtkobain , there are many different ways to cashout the cards that we provide, you can almost use your imagination to make up whichever works best within your area given it falls within the ATM Limitation & Balance Thresholds. We don't put the methods within the FAQ as a one key fits all locks, but generally just best practice that we reccomend to consumers, if you have a better method thats more tailored towards your region; feel free to use it.

Python Cards

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May 24, 2022
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u won't get caught in US, just be careful more in EU because of CCTV ofc, more location based than anything IMO
The tolerance of Operational Security (opSEC) is generally up to the user's risk to reward bias, but in general cashing out from ATM's is "Low-Risk" and going up to purchase goods and services with our cards is higher risk on Mid-Balance as we don't do name engraving, and lower risk on High / Super-High but both are relatively low regardless, if you factor in all sectors of fraud. This type of fraud is generally on the lower spectrum all things considered.

Python Cards

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May 24, 2022
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It's never sign on delivery from my experience, def gonna be regular
We only do Sign-On Delivery in very select countries, 95% of the time to almost all of the time it's going to be dropped off at the address specified via the given shipping provider that we put in the FAQ and our TOR Store

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