Product Release: Cloned Cards (Physical & Shipped) [👑 PYTHON KINGDOM 👑]


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I've read your other replies bro I understand your positions. I agree High-Balance is best value for money, but I need to ask you, are you in P2P Program or are you just a buyer bcuz you seem knowledgable in this space, I think with the two cards per week limit Super-High Balance seems best value for money, but I'm sure u will disagree 🤣 but ur probally a P2P guy that doesn't struggle like us. I know the Mid-Balance Card is garbage, but for us regulars the super-high is best with the 2 card per week limit that they got.
He's definitely not in P2P Program LOL no one that actually makes several posts talking about which card is the best for starters is in P2P they get hundreds of cards a month or sometimes a week. My friend is in it, they work extremely hard, they don't have time to be having these conversations on the thread, while they make millions are year or like a million a week. I agree with his sentiment though, the High-Balance is the best card for starters, I'm in Kentucky not in EU so domestic cards are different here, but it doesn't even really matter the Bank tbh, they are just best value for money regardless of if you get a Chase, BOA, etc. thats irrelevant for the most part.

Bought my first High-Balance card probably 4 months ago by now, never once did the Mid-Balance Card because the 24hr reset time is not possible in my small town. We don't have any 24hr open places that sell high-value giftcards to be able to get the rest of the balance off of it like Python's FAQ says so its kinda fucked. The High-Balance Card atleast gives you the flexibility to cashout the card at any time and at any place. My first cashout using the High-Balance Card was like a hybrid strategy of the Mid-Balance and High-Balance. I had an ATM limit on my card paper that said $1k/day at ATM so I first did a WU at like 10PM in my ime, I figured the victim was sleep because they were in NY and thats east coast time, my time is back a bit because I was in the Mid-West, I transfered $2k to my older brother right before my WU tender closed, I used the custom name thing to get it to through on my ID. Then I waited till mid-night and did the 1k at like 11:55pm then the other 1k at 12:05am at a local Chase ATM. My card was a BOA but the branch don't matter unless u got a card that has a higher limit at their own atm's in this case it didn't matter.

I wouldn't use that strategy again because it just gives too much time for the victim to cancel ur ass before you get the rest of the funds out, so it jus ain't worth the damn risk imho. When u get ur card u wanna take it all out in one go, the Mid-Balance gives the victim too much time for them to cancel the card. It's non-disputable that high-balance is best for that reason, the super-high is too expensive for starters, I agree.


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These still work???


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Jun 21, 2023
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These still work???
Yeah, these methods work well because Python hooks you up with the chip you need. Swiping with the magnetic stripe and MSR is kinda outdated. But with Python, you've got both chip and swipe, so you're all set for a complete solution


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He's definitely not in P2P Program LOL no one that actually makes several posts talking about which card is the best for starters is in P2P they get hundreds of cards a month or sometimes a week. My friend is in it, they work extremely hard, they don't have time to be having these conversations on the thread, while they make millions are year or like a million a week. I agree with his sentiment though, the High-Balance is the best card for starters, I'm in Kentucky not in EU so domestic cards are different here, but it doesn't even really matter the Bank tbh, they are just best value for money regardless of if you get a Chase, BOA, etc. thats irrelevant for the most part.

Bought my first High-Balance card probably 4 months ago by now, never once did the Mid-Balance Card because the 24hr reset time is not possible in my small town. We don't have any 24hr open places that sell high-value giftcards to be able to get the rest of the balance off of it like Python's FAQ says so its kinda fucked. The High-Balance Card atleast gives you the flexibility to cashout the card at any time and at any place. My first cashout using the High-Balance Card was like a hybrid strategy of the Mid-Balance and High-Balance. I had an ATM limit on my card paper that said $1k/day at ATM so I first did a WU at like 10PM in my ime, I figured the victim was sleep because they were in NY and thats east coast time, my time is back a bit because I was in the Mid-West, I transfered $2k to my older brother right before my WU tender closed, I used the custom name thing to get it to through on my ID. Then I waited till mid-night and did the 1k at like 11:55pm then the other 1k at 12:05am at a local Chase ATM. My card was a BOA but the branch don't matter unless u got a card that has a higher limit at their own atm's in this case it didn't matter.

I wouldn't use that strategy again because it just gives too much time for the victim to cancel ur ass before you get the rest of the funds out, so it jus ain't worth the damn risk imho. When u get ur card u wanna take it all out in one go, the Mid-Balance gives the victim too much time for them to cancel the card. It's non-disputable that high-balance is best for that reason, the super-high is too expensive for starters, I agree.
Fucking genius lol, never thought of using the high-balance that way


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Mar 28, 2023
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Fucking genius lol, never thought of using the high-balance that way
python doesn't specify in the FAQ that it has to be used the way they say it does they just recommend that


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Sep 7, 2023
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Fucking genius lol, never thought of using the high-balance that way
Lol yeah u don't need to use it the way they say to. If you ever talked to one of pythons reps or him himself, they say that you can use whatever method u want, aslong as you just operate within the given limits of the card itself. It's more profitable to just do whats best for u man.


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Sep 9, 2023
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Hey mane from Kansas area too lol, i tried droppin my tele but i think the administrators ban that because they don't want mfs getting ripped or sumn. Gonna give the high-balance card a try, just ordered hopefully we can connect somehow
Yo bro saw your reply to my reply, I got out of the carding game. Made myself like $500k off these works from python and selling lean and stuff. I'm into real estate now and investing. U prolly balling out by now judging by when u bought ur first high-balance. Good luck mane, stay safe. Always repping python and the other legit vendors for shit till the day I die even doe im out the game, glad I could help anotha brotha from Kansas.


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Jan 17, 2023
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ayooo mad CT niggas in here tf? the whole hood find out about this shit or what? yall niggas ODE LMAO. CT finna be dead, ik bout 50 different niggas in CT buyin from python in EBK. This shit boutta be dead soon gang omm. I was jus finna tap in to get me the high-balance jawn was readin thru reviews and shit and u niggas deadass already hot on here, wililn gang 😂😂😂😂
CT will be dead because of niggas like u bro, u are deadass part of the problem. Jacking High-Balance Cards and shit its only a matter of time befo they seize one of them, and show em ot news reporters on WTNH or sumn and they finna say if u see a nigga witt a silver, gold, or black card don't take they purchases. Yall laughing but i really be usin python and these other mfs to feed by family bro, u niggas need better OPSEC before they find out our asses and stop havin em work at registers cuz all dey employees already on tap witt what type scam we running.

Gettin u a high balance like the rest of dem niggas, im telling u gang, all it takes is one mf karen to be sayin "don't trust niggas witt a gold credit card" and boom we dead out this bitch, checking cards and shit. Stop fukin playin, run opsec, and stay lowkey u gang niggas always ruin a fucking bag bro


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Dec 31, 2022
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Lol yeah u don't need to use it the way they say to. If you ever talked to one of pythons reps or him himself, they say that you can use whatever method u want, aslong as you just operate within the given limits of the card itself. It's more profitable to just do whats best for u man.
yh noticed that myself after looking at the limits, good point

nicko nice

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Feb 12, 2023
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Vouch for High-Balance Card here in Netherlands. Works on all ATM, faq was a bit confusing regarding if I can only use branch bank when I first purchased I didn't know this, but it seems to work everywhere. I ordered on TOR so I didn't know this community existed, glad to talk to everyone here and collaborate 😊


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Feb 13, 2023
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U just take the card out and put it in again bruv on a diff atm that ting doesn't even need to be different bro, just gotta use that ATM multiple times till card done g
u can use the same ATM you don't have to go to a different one, ive never had that issue thus far ive ordered the high-balance card 6 times and the super-high balance twice. That only applies for the super high balance card imo, u dont need to use different ATM's on the high-balance just split your cashouts out.


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Nov 16, 2023
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u can use the same ATM you don't have to go to a different one, ive never had that issue thus far ive ordered the high-balance card 6 times and the super-high balance twice. That only applies for the super high balance card imo, u dont need to use different ATM's on the high-balance just split your cashouts out.
Not good for opsec always use different atms, everytime I use my High-Balance Card or Super-High Balance Cards I order I never once ever used the cards a tthe same atm, you probally won't get caught but its in ur best interest to be as secure as possible. just sayin


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Feb 13, 2023
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Not good for opsec always use different atms, everytime I use my High-Balance Card or Super-High Balance Cards I order I never once ever used the cards a tthe same atm, you probally won't get caught but its in ur best interest to be as secure as possible. just sayin
I try to use different ATM's in intervals. Meaning ill take $1k out of 1 ATM and then $1k out of another and so-forth till I get to my desired goal. The opsec is most important for the Super-High Balance Card, so I get what you are saying. I don't think it has as much application on the High-Balance Card, and the Mid-Balance Card kinda sucks so it lacks complete effectiveness as you won't need opsec anyways.


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Nov 10, 2023
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Not good for opsec always use different atms, everytime I use my High-Balance Card or Super-High Balance Cards I order I never once ever used the cards a tthe same atm, you probally won't get caught but its in ur best interest to be as secure as possible. just sayin
you won't get caught, they don't even check the ATM cameras they usually just take the federal insurance claim and don't do anything about it. Python told me that it doesn't matter unless ur taking out large amounts of funds in a consolidated area (like $200k+ in one go) it doesn't seem like anyone in this thread is actually in their P2P program so it doesn't even apply to most of us i think this conversation is irrelevant. Everyone here is capped to 2 cards per week for orders so it doesn't actually apply to us because we can't even get to that much money anyways.


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Nov 16, 2023
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Yeah, these methods work well because Python hooks you up with the chip you need. Swiping with the magnetic stripe and MSR is kinda outdated. But with Python, you've got both chip and swipe, so you're all set for a complete solution


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Nov 19, 2023
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vouch - high-balance


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you won't get caught, they don't even check the ATM cameras they usually just take the federal insurance claim and don't do anything about it. Python told me that it doesn't matter unless ur taking out large amounts of funds in a consolidated area (like $200k+ in one go) it doesn't seem like anyone in this thread is actually in their P2P program so it doesn't even apply to most of us i think this conversation is irrelevant. Everyone here is capped to 2 cards per week for orders so it doesn't actually apply to us because we can't even get to that much money anyways.
I know but something about the drug dealer in me ig xD I always think every crime is high risk now. I just got out of prison recently after doin like 7 years behind bars for weed distribution. RIP. Ur right but I think more opSEC is better than less opsec regardless of the risk level. Thats just my perspective, but your take is also valid man


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I know but something about the drug dealer in me ig xD I always think every crime is high risk now. I just got out of prison recently after doin like 7 years behind bars for weed distribution. RIP. Ur right but I think more opSEC is better than less opsec regardless of the risk level. Thats just my perspective, but your take is also valid man
u won't get caught in US, just be careful more in EU because of CCTV ofc, more location based than anything IMO


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Feb 3, 2023
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So I've been copping from this Python source since early February and overall the quality's been solid All the cards I've copped have been working without any issue The only snag is I can only grab three cards at a time and he's often out of stock for my city wont spill the location but I've been cashing out smooth with every card ive copped

The mid-balance cards are chill as the name suggests first card I grabbed was a mid-balance just to test the waters It's got a decent balance nothing too crazy but since then I've been flipping profits from cashing out the mids and now I only roll with the super high balance ones I've only scooped the mid-balance card once cause now I've got enough bread to aim for the higher balances


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Mar 28, 2023
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So I've been copping from this Python source since early February and overall the quality's been solid All the cards I've copped have been working without any issue The only snag is I can only grab three cards at a time and he's often out of stock for my city wont spill the location but I've been cashing out smooth with every card ive copped

The mid-balance cards are chill as the name suggests first card I grabbed was a mid-balance just to test the waters It's got a decent balance nothing too crazy but since then I've been flipping profits from cashing out the mids and now I only roll with the super high balance ones I've only scooped the mid-balance card once cause now I've got enough bread to aim for the higher balances
u fucked with the mid-balance cards? I got mine like 3 weeks ago, that thing is like how people say in this thread it is. "Mid" asf no pun intended LOL. Most u can get out of that card is $1k and MAYBE will be able to get some bread from the giftcards if u actually are lucky to find a giftcard vendor at a local 24hr gas station that can sell you the most expensive giftcard possible ($500) to actually be able to get the money out. Most of the people that I have seen actually be able to cash those out are not getting the full balance maybe $1k thru atm.

I get testing the waters, but we gotta collectively stop making the same mistake, congrats on flipping the balance to some of the higher cards though man happy for u. Unless ur in a fucked up money position, like homeless or fucking broke as shit the mid-balance card is never the answer, stick with high and scale that bitch up to the moon till this rodeo is over.

Everyone in this forum has been making a fuck ton of money off this, but at some point it will get hot and all of our shit gonna get jeporadized, so yeah lets just enjoy this shit while it last tbh.

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