REVIEW: Python Kingdom Carding Store (8/10) - Good but Could be Bettter


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Python Cards

http://pythongw3ffuucukjwk46nxnfjddxxa2dp2ko3tgyu65n3ooh5mx66ad.onion/ (TOR) - (Shadowforum)


The Good

The cards work....and they work well

Let me start off by saying this before i get the inevitable hate from dickriders in the comment section on this forum, Python Cards is by far one of the most professional vendors I've ever shopped from in anything in this darkweb niche, whether it be: Drugs, Carding, Weapons, etc. The packaging, the card itself, everything is done brilliantly. There is no question that the card works as they say it does, the card works at the atm, it works in store, you can do whatever u practically want with it, all the good stuff. The card will work great at ATM's, Money Orders, & POS, as they promise. This review isn't like many of the others u guys do on here basically sucking their nutsack about how good they are, they are good, thats not the point, its important that we give them a fair shake aswell.

The Bad

Customer support isn't up to par given the hype they get

According to my tor traffic tracker, their TOR site alone gets 10k visitors a month consistently so they probably do hundreds if not thousands of new sales a day. Given that all this stuff is practically illegal, they can only have but so big of a team for what they are doing specifically. If I had to guess probably a 15 to 30 person team would be adequate to sell cloned cards alone, yet they also sell a $30k subscription membership, so they are outworked if I must say. They have two lines of support both the customer support, meaning if u want to buy a card via telegram, aswell as the post-purchase support, meaning the support u get once ur card is shipped. These people are accessible in the groupchat and channel that they add you in with the other customers after purchasing a card from them. They reply to tickets in like 8 hours simply because I think they do multiple things at once so its a bit confusing. I've had to sustain contact with them MULTIPLE times because there was a small yet important imperfection on the printing of the pamphlet that kinda confused me whether the PIN had an 8 or a 6, i should of corrected that at the QC photos, but I didn't see it. They took 8 hours to get back to me in order to fix this, unbelievable. As said before, the card worked once I got the correct PIN but this delay in time they took to get back to me could of literally lost me money, if the victim decides to go ham and spend a bunch of money at the mall im literally FUCKED for like half the money I was promised on the card. I'm not nitpicking, these people are hyped the hell up on this forum, I expect better.

Cards are emulated and don't have all of the true functionality of a Debit Card

(I am an IT Professional, so I understand their business model) the cards Python Kingdom Sells are all emulated JAVA chip Cloned Cards, so they can copy enough of the information off the original card to fool the ATM and Store Registers, but Python Kingdom have the capability to go all the way and fully Clone the Debit Card but they cut corners and go 80% of the way there. Truth be told, I can't even hate them for this, as they are a business and adding in 20% more time for their workers to manually replicate and encode these cards is probably stupid expensive and would defeat the business model. However if you try to use these cards anywhere else outside of where they tell u to use them (Restaurants, Gas Pumps, or Online) the cards will not work and probably fail. They don't fully encode the cards because they know the end consumers (us) are just going to only use it to make as much money off them as possible and not for leisure use and spending, fair play, but i think its a bit absurd to call it a Cloned Card but the cards don't even have the full functionality of a true debit card so they aren't 100% cloned.

2 Cards per Week Limit

If you don't already know, Python Kingdom, doesn't allow for the purchase of over 2 cards per week, they simply will not allow you to do it. The reason is, because they have this program that can be seen on their tor store called "P2P Skimming Infrastructure" which im not going to get into, but its basically a datasharing communal thing they do to foster data to make cloned cards, blah blah blah. Anyways I understand technically why this is a limit they put, but from what I can tell is in the future they could possibly just not allow u to even buy from them if u don't move up to the P2P system. The whole limit is there in the first place because they want you to basically buy the Cloned Cards in the hope that a small percentage of us will cough up the $30k to join the P2P system in the future to then be able to have theoretically as many clones as u want, in return u must skim data in ur local area and give back 50% of it back to them. Soooooo, if you just keep buying the cloned cards for years with no intent to move up, I can see a scenario where they kinda just won't let you buy cards in general as you won't come on P2P and help the wheel keep turning.


Would I continue to keep buying from them?
Yes. Do I think they are worth it? Yes, but depends on the card, I think the super-high balance card they offer is too hard to cashout and overpriced, the Mid-Balance card just sucks a bit, how are you going to find a store to buy giftcards in at midnight? lol, the high-balance card is the best because its easy to cashout yet has a good balance. Are they perfect like everyone suggest they are? No, almost nothing is perfect, but they have done a darn good job.

clone (1).jpg

- second time trying to post this review, first one was more indepth had photos of me at the ATM cashing out and stuff, but got taken down because moderator said that taking photos doing illegal activities can get their website banned, and that proof of the purchase was adequate, so yeah RIP. this is good enough.

take care yall


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might be one of the most accurate and honest reviews i've seen about python overall. Been purchasing from them for months, even after the multiplicity update they have had bad shortages in cards specifically the ones most people seem to want most. Their P2P system is almost like some borrow data from paul to pay peter like a synthetic data ponzi scheme, but they seem to be converting enough of the customers to join their $30,000 P2P program to keep up the flow they are getting. Can't see this being viable long term though, we'll see how they go about it, I can see them not allowing certain customers to buy if they get too much demand. I've seen from others that they are basically going to go extinct within the north east coast of the USA because they get too much demand there. Only time will tell...


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Sep 19, 2023
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what’s good , how much did u cash out at the atm wit that card ^


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might be one of the most accurate and honest reviews i've seen about python overall. Been purchasing from them for months, even after the multiplicity update they have had bad shortages in cards specifically the ones most people seem to want most. Their P2P system is almost like some borrow data from paul to pay peter like a synthetic data ponzi scheme, but they seem to be converting enough of the customers to join their $30,000 P2P program to keep up the flow they are getting. Can't see this being viable long term though, we'll see how they go about it, I can see them not allowing certain customers to buy if they get too much demand. I've seen from others that they are basically going to go extinct within the north east coast of the USA because they get too much demand there. Only time will tell...
Yeah my concern now too, im just going to get as much honey from the nest while it still exists. I've heard from a few other users that are apparently in P2P Skimming Infrastructure, that it's really hard to manage all of the data and it takes alot of technical skills even after training. I doubt long term they will get as many technically inclined people to actually be able to join their program, soon it will be littered with hood dudes and gang members that just want their 2 cards per week and never want to join p2p, i can see them limiting people to only buying 1 card per week soon. Especially as they get more popular on this forum, long term theres just no way, its like a bunch of jengos all it takes is a few pulls and it can come falling down.


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what’s good , how much did u cash out at the atm wit that card ^
I got out around $9.6k, used WU and ATM. From UK but used it here in the USA, California Area.


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I got out around $9.6k, used WU and ATM. From UK but used it here in the USA, California Area.
Ai Ai, nice brodie. Jus ordered my first High-Balance Card today my QC say the card got $4.1k Balance on it for Chase, you think I'm finna get all the bread off it or only a certain percent if i use the method they got on they faq?


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Sep 7, 2023
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Ai Ai, nice brodie. Jus ordered my first High-Balance Card today my QC say the card got $4.1k Balance on it for Chase, you think I'm finna get all the bread off it or only a certain percent if i use the method they got on they faq?
as i saw in the forum the best way to cash out the most money from atm is using the method that is used in mid balance but u do diff u use the method in the high balance the 24h method if you understand. Im ordering tmrw too


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Yeah my concern now too, im just going to get as much honey from the nest while it still exists. I've heard from a few other users that are apparently in P2P Skimming Infrastructure, that it's really hard to manage all of the data and it takes alot of technical skills even after training. I doubt long term they will get as many technically inclined people to actually be able to join their program, soon it will be littered with hood dudes and gang members that just want their 2 cards per week and never want to join p2p, i can see them limiting people to only buying 1 card per week soon. Especially as they get more popular on this forum, long term theres just no way, its like a bunch of jengos all it takes is a few pulls and it can come falling down.
Yeah I agree I'm interested to see what they will be able to pull off in the future, I doubt its all going to fall off in a dramatic fashion like you suggest but I think that they will not allow customers to purchase more than one per week instead of two, its probably going to make an outrage on this forum, but the logic is sound. I've personally saved up $295k from doing this Cloned Card stuff and CPN's, I might pull the trigger on the P2P Skimming Infrastructure membership in November or something like that so that I can avoid all of the cuts and limitations that they will at some point place on everyone as time goes on.


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Sep 19, 2023
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as i saw in the forum the best way to cash out the most money from atm is using the method that is used in mid balance but u do diff u use the method in the high balance the 24h method if you understand. Im ordering tmrw too
Yuh i seen dat, im finna run that when I get it. Chase be hittin for $3k per use at da ATM so what im finna do is run it for 3 bands off top then another 1 band after midnight and take it out dat way. I'm in ATL area, mad other niggas in my city running plays so this gonna run under da radar fs. 🤝 bet twin


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Yeah I agree I'm interested to see what they will be able to pull off in the future, I doubt its all going to fall off in a dramatic fashion like you suggest but I think that they will not allow customers to purchase more than one per week instead of two, its probably going to make an outrage on this forum, but the logic is sound. I've personally saved up $295k from doing this Cloned Card stuff and CPN's, I might pull the trigger on the P2P Skimming Infrastructure membership in November or something like that so that I can avoid all of the cuts and limitations that they will at some point place on everyone as time goes on.
Smart move, I can see at some point all of them might consolidate together and not even allow retail customers to even use the cards unless they promise to join P2P. If you can't beat them, join em, might take the same route as you and just join P2P and reap the benefits if the retail end turns to a hell-hole like u said LOL


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Smart move, I can see at some point all of them might consolidate together and not even allow retail customers to even use the cards unless they promise to join P2P. If you can't beat them, join em, might take the same route as you and just join P2P and reap the benefits if the retail end turns to a hell-hole like u said LOL
lol yeh, luckily we purchased so early we already have a developed bankroll to be able to diversify into P2P. Many other new buyers may not be able to do this if the amount of people that join P2P drops substantially. We are of course being pessimistic, but regardless python seems to have it under control (for the time being).


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lol yeh, luckily we purchased so early we already have a developed bankroll to be able to diversify into P2P. Many other new buyers may not be able to do this if the amount of people that join P2P drops substantially. We are of course being pessimistic, but regardless python seems to have it under control (for the time being).
Python isnt even the one answering their telegrams messages they have a team answering messages it is not the CEO directly. They have no clue whats really going on in P2P, I've only spoken to 4 guys on this forum that are actually in it, I think they will be making it more difficult to join soon in terms of requirements. We'll see.


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Python isnt even the one answering their telegrams messages they have a team answering messages it is not the CEO directly. They have no clue whats really going on in P2P, I've only spoken to 4 guys on this forum that are actually in it, I think they will be making it more difficult to join soon in terms of requirements. We'll see.
yeh forsure, I've noticed that, theres a fuck ton of secrecy regarding its inner workings it feels like so we are going to have to see exactly what they are about in the future if the price is either reduced or more members come on-forum to talk about it. I'm sure its just under wraps because Python takes their security and safety super duper serious which leads to speculation. Time will tell, time will tell...


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yeh forsure, I've noticed that, theres a fuck ton of secrecy regarding its inner workings it feels like so we are going to have to see exactly what they are about in the future if the price is either reduced or more members come on-forum to talk about it. I'm sure its just under wraps because Python takes their security and safety super duper serious which leads to speculation. Time will tell, time will tell...
I don't think many people except for maybe 1 or 2 of the people ive seen in the replies of the thread are actually in P2P. It's hard to get accepted and also hard to come up with $35k even if ur hitting two super-highs a week, alot of people in the Python Buyers Groupchat are just a bunch of fools that spend all their money on designer and shit


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I don't think many people except for maybe 1 or 2 of the people ive seen in the replies of the thread are actually in P2P. It's hard to get accepted and also hard to come up with $35k even if ur hitting two super-highs a week, alot of people in the Python Buyers Groupchat are just a bunch of fools that spend all their money on designer and shit


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Nov 30, 2023
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Ai Ai, nice brodie. Jus ordered my first High-Balance Card today my QC say the card got $4.1k Balance on it for Chase, you think I'm finna get all the bread off it or only a certain percent if i use the method they got on they faq?
Did the card come in, and if so how much did you cash?


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Did the card come in, and if so how much did you cash?
im interesested in the same. btw have u ever cashed out a blank from them before?


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Did the card come in, and if so how much did you cash?
yeah card came in, didn't cash out as much as i wanted to becuz card stopped working after i waited too long after usin ATM n shit. Forgot u gotta cash that bitch out quick, i got like 2 bands out of it, nun against python but this game too high risk i stopped and i do shit witt bank logs n stuff now


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im interesested in the same. btw have u ever cashed out a blank from them before?
ion even think they sell blanks bro


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yo u got telegram

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