I would advise reading the whole thread. Not in a sarcastic tone, literally every review of Python are in this thread as speak. They are professionals, dedicated to providing service.Is Python Cards legit?
My card hasn't touched down yet, but so far everything has been fine got qc and tracking, im assuming using the card gonna go fine too.Is Python Cards legit?
Yeah, good luck getting ur hands on the High or Super-High balance card where u live, its not as profitable as it used to be if you can't get the card u want. If ur stickin to mids good luck livin ya whole life on $5k a week shit is dead cuz mfs keep buyin and fuckin up the play. If ya get highs and super highs in ya state gun for those, buyin and exchanging gifties on paxful and shit for the rest of ya life is a dead sport.Is Python Cards legit?
Same, but ordered a super-high balance, got qc and tracking a bit quicker, ig sundays slow for them idk. Gonna recieve mine on Tuesday pretty hype. Lmk how High-Balance is fam, never ordered, saw that was the recommended on this forum just wanted to go all the way to the top to see if they had them y not. We allowed to exchange tele's on here?Ordered a high balance card today, didn't receive yet but I got QC and tracking near instantly in like 30 minutes, thanks for the contributors to this thread. Had to work an extra week to gather the money to afford the high balance card instead of the mid-balance but I'm happy i did should be easier to cashout. Will let yall know how it works when it touches down.
guys like you are why the carding scene doesn't progress. Is python legit? does their cards make you more money from what u initially pay for the card? yes and yes. But dudes like you don't hold vendors accountable for making their products better than they already are bro.I’ve never seen more people complain about the dumbest shit when getting FREE BANDS lml
lucky motherfuck*r yeah dude P2P probally gonna inflate ur bank account like crazy, im working on getting on ur level man lmao. Just secured a super-high balance international today so when I cash that out im gonna just save up for the $35k then go all in on the P2P program. As the americans say u gotta "risk it for the biscuit" fuck it lolzI made most of my money in CPN's been dealing with python for i'd say two months now. Probably made like $95k so far off pythons works, high and super-high and sometimes mid when I couldn't get a high balance card. I got like $750k in the bank right now, honestly I feel like i can probably get to $1.8m profit if i get into the p2p system.
What slows me down rn is that silly asf 2 card per week limit lol, i get it but still. You should probally save up like $100k before you apply for P2P IMHO, because you will hit a brick wall in earnings, just be more aggressive and less conservative...
We have officially stated within all public mediums that are attached to our names that the "High-Balance" Cloned Card in any of the variants (Agreed, python a good vendor always been legit, nice person and stuff, not sure if its one person or a team but them as a company been nothing but good to me. Ima agree to disagree on the mid balance and high balance controversy because imo its not even that confusing, because now i think everyone that actually does their research and reads through the threads knows to start with the high balance and get the mid only if you are forced to or they run out of stock.
I don't think we need any more reminding or chitter chatter on which is the best, theres a clear sentiment within the comment section on which card is the best to start with, take the opinon or not idek
@SNUGGLES this is good advice however we recommend that clients cash out the full extent of the Cloned Card as fast as possible and not to wait to go in between ATM's. Going between these ATM's would take significant time and possibly can alert the original user to shut down the card, the best method would be to simply cashout the full $500 at one ATM and executing the rest of the cashout inside of stores or doing the midnight reset glitch for the Mid-Balance Card.Easy way to do it would be to visit 3 different "branch" ATM's in your country eg.if you were in the USA go to ATM(Chase),ATM(Wells),ATM(BOA) and withdraw $200/$200/$100 on each ATM thus getting out the $500.
Thanks for answering this @pepepotato, but yes this is correct @motionmde.Indubitably. You can hand them a different address other than your home address for extra security. But of course it's okay to hand them your home address, it's recommended on their FAQ section. Then check upon how many days it might take for them to deliver from your country.
Hey @TooFast4Yall , we have fixed the stock outages problems as of recently and it can be found within this article we have made.Speaking to any of the OG's on this forum anyone know when it is the right time to join the P2P skimming programme? i got my first order from python a high balance card yesterday, cashout worked as u guys said but I'm struggling to land another order already as its hard to get the high balance international card again, ig they are super in-demand. I want to have the money sitting so like all $35k stashed up, ill have no money after joining so I want to know if there is any other costs to install the skimming devices they say, becuase they give you the tools as part of the startup costs just dont know if i need to spend anymore outta pocket to keep it going before i get my first shipment.
Thanks for Trusting us with your order @destroylonely , pleasure working with you.Ordered a high balance card today, didn't receive yet but I got QC and tracking near instantly in like 30 minutes, thanks for the contributors to this thread. Had to work an extra week to gather the money to afford the high balance card instead of the mid-balance but I'm happy i did should be easier to cashout. Will let yall know how it works when it touches down.
Hey @TooFast4Yall as said before we have fixed our issues regarding availability as stated within our new post:Yeah, good luck getting ur hands on the High or Super-High balance card where u live, its not as profitable as it used to be if you can't get the card u want. If ur stickin to mids good luck livin ya whole life on $5k a week shit is dead cuz mfs keep buyin and fuckin up the play. If ya get highs and super highs in ya state gun for those, buyin and exchanging gifties on paxful and shit for the rest of ya life is a dead sport.
Thanks for the Vouch @Cmen , was a pleasure dealing with you!やぁ、日本で超ハイバランスカードを買ったんだけど、Pythonの操作はスムーズで超クラシーだったわ。全体的な体験が最高だったから、この連中をおすすめするよ。![]()