Product Release: Cloned Cards (Physical & Shipped) [๐Ÿ‘‘ PYTHON KINGDOM ๐Ÿ‘‘]


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Apr 17, 2023
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got my card recently via USPS from tor order, i read in faq that you guys don't do usa shipping on fedex or dhl is there a way i can special request that on my next order?


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Jun 29, 2023
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Why i dont fw the python product array, needs some rethinking

i've been a buyer from python for probally the last like three months give or take, so let me preface by saying that these guys are like the creme de la creme when it comes with overall vendors, product, communication, and all that good stuff.

However like anything, theres some bad that comes with the good. So this isn't a slam dunk on them, they are probally the best in the game w/o a doubt to my experience and i've been on the darkweb for years.

The primary complaint i got about these guys is mostly within respects to their heirarchy on how they sell cards. The order from the best cards to worst cards are the following: High-Balance, Super-High Balance, and then Mid-Balance. The reason why is simply because the mid-balance is not an entry level card, its probally one of the harder ones to cashout amoungst the abundance of cards that they sell. You have to litterally work the clock to even get the money out smoothly, as it says in their cashout guide that you need to wakeup before midnight take out 500 then another 500 after at like 12:05 when ur first cashout is at 11:55 thats some fukin bs, im not tryna do all that shit, then after that you gotta do this other nonsense and cash the rest out at the fuckin store at near midnight lmao just to make around $1.8k.

Meanwhile the high balance card u litterally can just be up at noon hit the atm and then get the rest out in the store like they highlight within their faq on their site. Like its not even worth testing the lower one when u gotta wait hella time and stay up mad late, whilst also being limited on which stores u can even hit with the mid balance cuz everything is closed.... u can do bout the same shit witt the high and some without waking up at damn near midnight to do and also do western union or instore, u actually got a choice + engraving ur name for security sake.

I just don't understand why u guys put an entry level card at $250 thats the hardest for a litteral new user (which most the guys purchasing are) to cashout. And the high balance card at $400 which is only a $150 jump thats a litteral better card to start off with than the mid.

I'd just say like everyone else on this thread has also said, just start with the high balance and avoid the mid balance is the moral of the story i think if u just start high and then role the dice and hope u get an allocation for a super-high is best way to go.

sorry for the rant lol,
High balance is best card to start I agree, but python making card for lower price tag allows new buyer in for lower price point. I do think python needs to make it more clear that the mid balance is inferior as a card in comparison to the high balance card, and that high balance card is best starting point for beginner. The cashout is just so much harder on mid-balance i agree, but we must think about this from their perspective. I am from india many of my locals want to purchase a Mid-Balance card because this is all they can afford this is 2 month wages in my country, they would be more than happy to use the mid-balance instead of paying much more for the high balance despite the harder cashout procedure. I think it is all perspective my friend.


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Jul 5, 2023
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the 2 cards per week shit is killing me right now. Anyone have success getting into the p2p skimming infrastructure? and how do I get in?


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Apr 17, 2023
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the 2 cards per week shit is killing me right now. Anyone have success getting into the p2p skimming infrastructure? and how do I get in?
I'm on their site right now, they uploaded a page for their p2p program its fucking expensive though, shits like $35k just to enter.



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Apr 17, 2023
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Why i dont fw the python product array, needs some rethinking

i've been a buyer from python for probally the last like three months give or take, so let me preface by saying that these guys are like the creme de la creme when it comes with overall vendors, product, communication, and all that good stuff.

However like anything, theres some bad that comes with the good. So this isn't a slam dunk on them, they are probally the best in the game w/o a doubt to my experience and i've been on the darkweb for years.

The primary complaint i got about these guys is mostly within respects to their heirarchy on how they sell cards. The order from the best cards to worst cards are the following: High-Balance, Super-High Balance, and then Mid-Balance. The reason why is simply because the mid-balance is not an entry level card, its probally one of the harder ones to cashout amoungst the abundance of cards that they sell. You have to litterally work the clock to even get the money out smoothly, as it says in their cashout guide that you need to wakeup before midnight take out 500 then another 500 after at like 12:05 when ur first cashout is at 11:55 thats some fukin bs, im not tryna do all that shit, then after that you gotta do this other nonsense and cash the rest out at the fuckin store at near midnight lmao just to make around $1.8k.

Meanwhile the high balance card u litterally can just be up at noon hit the atm and then get the rest out in the store like they highlight within their faq on their site. Like its not even worth testing the lower one when u gotta wait hella time and stay up mad late, whilst also being limited on which stores u can even hit with the mid balance cuz everything is closed.... u can do bout the same shit witt the high and some without waking up at damn near midnight to do and also do western union or instore, u actually got a choice + engraving ur name for security sake.

I just don't understand why u guys put an entry level card at $250 thats the hardest for a litteral new user (which most the guys purchasing are) to cashout. And the high balance card at $400 which is only a $150 jump thats a litteral better card to start off with than the mid.

I'd just say like everyone else on this thread has also said, just start with the high balance and avoid the mid balance is the moral of the story i think if u just start high and then role the dice and hope u get an allocation for a super-high is best way to go.

sorry for the rant lol,
Dude they literally say on their FAQ that the high balance card is the card to start with. Like literally 10 minutes into reading the FAQ u can tell the mid-balance card is harder to cashout than the mid balance card lmfao. U basically ranting about them not telling u enough that the high balance card better, shits crazy man.


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Jul 5, 2023
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I'm on their site right now, they uploaded a page for their p2p program its fucking expensive though, shits like $35k just to enter.

View attachment 692
shit. they must've just added that, ima need to read through it and hop onto it. $35k not bad for what it is honestly can get that back with like a few super-high balance cards.


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Apr 17, 2023
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shit. they must've just added that, ima need to read through it and hop onto it. $35k not bad for what it is honestly can get that back with like a few super-high balance cards.
Dude if you don't mind me asking how much have you made doing this? Where I live its hard as shit to even be able to land 2 high balance cards a month because they are always sold out.

I want to be able to do all the things they say in p2p but its inconcievable given how sold out they are alot of the times, I have $12k saved from this so far, I'd want to save up $200k before I invest another $35k into building my operation.


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Jul 5, 2023
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Dude if you don't mind me asking how much have you made doing this? Where I live its hard as shit to even be able to land 2 high balance cards a month because they are always sold out.

I want to be able to do all the things they say in p2p but its inconcievable given how sold out they are alot of the times, I have $12k saved from this so far, I'd want to save up $200k before I invest another $35k into building my operation.
I made most of my money in CPN's been dealing with python for i'd say two months now. Probably made like $95k so far off pythons works, high and super-high and sometimes mid when I couldn't get a high balance card. I got like $750k in the bank right now, honestly I feel like i can probably get to $1.8m profit if i get into the p2p system.

What slows me down rn is that silly asf 2 card per week limit lol, i get it but still. You should probally save up like $100k before you apply for P2P IMHO, because you will hit a brick wall in earnings, just be more aggressive and less conservative...


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Jul 5, 2023
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Isnt it theoretically possible to just cash out only 500$ when using the mid-balance whenever part of the day? I mean that's enough for me to go through and pursue more higher cards.


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Jul 5, 2023
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I would like to ask, what do I do if supposedly the local ATM has a daily cash withdrawal limit much less than the initial cloned card? I live overseas and the ATM here contains pretty much daily cash withdrawal limits of 200$ per day, though not most of the ATM, some however, initially limits within 600$ or so.

Python Cards

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May 24, 2022
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Isnt it theoretically possible to just cash out only 500$ when using the mid-balance whenever part of the day? I mean that's enough for me to go through and pursue more higher cards.
Yep thats completely possible, some people do that.

Python Cards

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May 24, 2022
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I would like to ask, what do I do if supposedly the local ATM has a daily cash withdrawal limit much less than the initial cloned card? I live overseas and the ATM here contains pretty much daily cash withdrawal limits of 200$ per day, though not most of the ATM, some however, initially limits within 600$ or so.
The native ATM limitation must be counteracted with the native card limit. Meaning if the native ATM limit is $200 and the native Card Limit is $2,000 you will need to take the maximum out of the ATM 10 times to make the card work.


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Oct 14, 2022
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Why i dont fw the python product array, needs some rethinking

i've been a buyer from python for probally the last like three months give or take, so let me preface by saying that these guys are like the creme de la creme when it comes with overall vendors, product, communication, and all that good stuff.

However like anything, theres some bad that comes with the good. So this isn't a slam dunk on them, they are probally the best in the game w/o a doubt to my experience and i've been on the darkweb for years.

The primary complaint i got about these guys is mostly within respects to their heirarchy on how they sell cards. The order from the best cards to worst cards are the following: High-Balance, Super-High Balance, and then Mid-Balance. The reason why is simply because the mid-balance is not an entry level card, its probally one of the harder ones to cashout amoungst the abundance of cards that they sell. You have to litterally work the clock to even get the money out smoothly, as it says in their cashout guide that you need to wakeup before midnight take out 500 then another 500 after at like 12:05 when ur first cashout is at 11:55 thats some fukin bs, im not tryna do all that shit, then after that you gotta do this other nonsense and cash the rest out at the fuckin store at near midnight lmao just to make around $1.8k.

Meanwhile the high balance card u litterally can just be up at noon hit the atm and then get the rest out in the store like they highlight within their faq on their site. Like its not even worth testing the lower one when u gotta wait hella time and stay up mad late, whilst also being limited on which stores u can even hit with the mid balance cuz everything is closed.... u can do bout the same shit witt the high and some without waking up at damn near midnight to do and also do western union or instore, u actually got a choice + engraving ur name for security sake.

I just don't understand why u guys put an entry level card at $250 thats the hardest for a litteral new user (which most the guys purchasing are) to cashout. And the high balance card at $400 which is only a $150 jump thats a litteral better card to start off with than the mid.

I'd just say like everyone else on this thread has also said, just start with the high balance and avoid the mid balance is the moral of the story i think if u just start high and then role the dice and hope u get an allocation for a super-high is best way to go.

sorry for the rant lol,
Agreed, python a good vendor always been legit, nice person and stuff, not sure if its one person or a team but them as a company been nothing but good to me. Ima agree to disagree on the mid balance and high balance controversy because imo its not even that confusing, because now i think everyone that actually does their research and reads through the threads knows to start with the high balance and get the mid only if you are forced to or they run out of stock.

I don't think we need any more reminding or chitter chatter on which is the best, theres a clear sentiment within the comment section on which card is the best to start with, take the opinon or not idek


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Apr 12, 2023
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Isnt it theoretically possible to just cash out only 500$ when using the mid-balance whenever part of the day? I mean that's enough for me to go through and pursue more higher cards.
Easy way to do it would be to visit 3 different "branch" ATM's in your country eg.if you were in the USA go to ATM(Chase),ATM(Wells),ATM(BOA) and withdraw $200/$200/$100 on each ATM thus getting out the $500.


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Jul 4, 2023
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Easy way to do it would be to visit 3 different "branch" ATM's in your country eg.if you were in the USA go to ATM(Chase),ATM(Wells),ATM(BOA) and withdraw $200/$200/$100 on each ATM thus getting out the $500.
so just to be clear im new to cashing out, ive only done like online puraches on bestbuy and stuff. But if i go on this python site on the dark web, (ofc ima be protected while going on the dark web) and then i buy a high and medium balacned and order it to a address that I know i can get the card from?


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Jul 5, 2023
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so just to be clear im new to cashing out, ive only done like online puraches on bestbuy and stuff. But if i go on this python site on the dark web, (ofc ima be protected while going on the dark web) and then i buy a high and medium balacned and order it to a address that I know i can get the card from?
Indubitably. You can hand them a different address other than your home address for extra security. But of course it's okay to hand them your home address, it's recommended on their FAQ section. Then check upon how many days it might take for them to deliver from your country.


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Jul 4, 2023
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๐Ÿ“ข Announcements ๐Ÿ“ข

UPDATE V.3.1 (June 19, 2023):
TOR (.onion) Python Kingdom Store Released

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Orders for Cloned Cards can now officially be processed via TOR (.Onion) Browser or TOR Enabled Browsers (Darkweb not Clearnet). Products can be purchased seamlessly via Bitcoin, Monero, Ethereum, USDC (ERC-20 & BEP20), USDT (ERC-20, TRC-20, & BEP20). Our primary page can be found utilizing Torlinks or it can also be found via the "Links to Purchasing" seen below. Ordering via TOR is not a necessity, it is an option; you are still allowed to also order via Telegram.

What is Tor?:
How to Install Tor Browser?: READ
Alternatives to Tor Browser?: READ

Upon purchase read through the Description and FAQ extensively before purchasing a Cloned Card. Proceed to then choose between the ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ United States Card, ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง United Kingdom Card, & ๐ŸŒŽ International Card (based on your geo-location), then finally whether you would like โœ… Custom Name Engraving or โŒ No Engraving (engraving only possible for High/Super High Balance Cards). Once you finish making your specifications you can then add the card to the cart and reach the checkout phase and submit payment, during business hours and days (Monday-Sunday // 7:00AM - 10:00 PM) we will be Shipping Orders out Same Day.

Links for Purchasing (copy/paste to TOR Browser):

๐Ÿ“ฆ Products ๐Ÿ“ฆ

Tor Link to Order Mid-Balance Cloned Card: http://pythongw3ffuucukjwk46nxnfjdd...6ad.onion/index.php/product/mid-balance-card/

Tor Link to Order High-Balance Cloned Card: http://pythongw3ffuucukjwk46nxnfjdd...d.onion/index.php/product/high-balance-cards/

Tor Link to Order Super-High Balance Cloned Card: http://pythongw3ffuucukjwk46nxnfjdd...on/index.php/product/super-high-balance-card/

Rich (BB code):
Tor Link to Order Mid-Balance Cloned Card: http://pythongw3ffuucukjwk46nxnfjddxxa2dp2ko3tgyu65n3ooh5mx66ad.onion/index.php/product/mid-balance-card/

Tor Link to Order High-Balance Cloned Card: http://pythongw3ffuucukjwk46nxnfjddxxa2dp2ko3tgyu65n3ooh5mx66ad.onion/index.php/product/high-balance-cards/

Tor Link to Order Super-High Balance Cloned Card: http://pythongw3ffuucukjwk46nxnfjddxxa2dp2ko3tgyu65n3ooh5mx66ad.onion/index.php/product/super-high-balance-card/

๐Ÿ”— Primary Pages ๐Ÿ”—

Tor Link to View Cloned Card Product Array Page: http://pythongw3ffuucukjwk46nxnfjddxxa2dp2ko3tgyu65n3ooh5mx66ad.onion/index.php/cloned-cards/

Tor Link to View Python Kingdom Home Page: http://pythongw3ffuucukjwk46nxnfjddxxa2dp2ko3tgyu65n3ooh5mx66ad.onion/

Rich (BB code):
Tor Link to View Cloned Card Product Array Page: http://pythongw3ffuucukjwk46nxnfjddxxa2dp2ko3tgyu65n3ooh5mx66ad.onion/index.php/cloned-cards/

Tor Link to View Python Kingdom Home Page: http://pythongw3ffuucukjwk46nxnfjddxxa2dp2ko3tgyu65n3ooh5mx66ad.onion/
Notes & FYI:

Purchasing Restriction: All users regardless of purchasing medium (Tor/Telegram), are still restricted to the Two Card per week Limitation, as this privilege is exclusive to P2P Skimming Infrastructure Clients, not Retail Clients.

Post-Purchase Communication: Communication post-confirmation of the order will all be automated, as only a few hours after order you should receive automatic email regarding your tracking number within the closest business active business hours.

UPDATE V3 (June 19, 2023): Telegram Channel Re-Release & Two Card Per Week Limit

View attachment 617

Telegram Channel Re-Release:

We have now reactivated our new Telegram Channel after previously having it get deleted months ago for selling illegal products and services. All of the same posts that were there last time are now reinstated and active within the actual Telegram Channel. We encourage you to either purchase via our TOR Store or Telegram, which ever is most convenient for you personally. Simply navigate our Telegram Channel, and select the "Cloned Card" directory; choose a card that works best for you, and we will then send you an invoice to then purchase the card manually through Telegram.

New Telegram Channel Link: HERE

New Telegram Account Message Link: HERE

Purchase Limitation:

We are limiting retail clientele to purchasing up to two cards per week due to our current supply and demand equilibrium and other factors regarding onboarding to our higher level program. The primary way we acquire data is through peer acquisition, meaning individuals that first ordered a retail product like Cloned Cards; then working their way up to start acquiring substantial data via skimming for us in the future. Peers will submit that data to us, we use 50% of their data they submitted to support our retail operations (Cloned Cards), whilst in exchange they get a wholesale bulk shipment of Cloned Cards built off their local data that can be used to cash out like any of the other Cloned Cards we sell on the retail side.

The P2P Skimming Infrastructure will have exclusive ability to purchase Cloned Cards at wholesale/bulk scale. The program will cost roughly $35,000 USD to enter upon its release on our website coming in the next month or so, this is a separate service; therefore meaning it will also be host within a different thread despite the fact that they are both on our site. If you are interested there will be an application section within the website to apply to join the actual program and be a solidified data acquisition partner of Python Kingdom.

UPDATE V2 (Feburary 18, 2023): Telegram Deleted - Operating via Email Only for Time Being

Our Telegram has been deleted by policymakers at Telegram for selling and distribution of Illegal Products. This ban has halted our operations via Telegram; this we will be expanding to other platforms in the near future. Thus we will only be operating via email, we currently have two emails [email protected] (OLD) and [email protected] (NEW) either one works but the preferred would be our new email.

UPDATE V1 (January 29, 2023): 1,000 Sales - Thank You

Thanks for all of the support and frequent orders from here, we have just hit our 1,000 Sales landmark!
Speaking to any of the OG's on this forum anyone know when it is the right time to join the P2P skimming programme? i got my first order from python a high balance card yesterday, cashout worked as u guys said but I'm struggling to land another order already as its hard to get the high balance international card again, ig they are super in-demand. I want to have the money sitting so like all $35k stashed up, ill have no money after joining so I want to know if there is any other costs to install the skimming devices they say, becuase they give you the tools as part of the startup costs just dont know if i need to spend anymore outta pocket to keep it going before i get my first shipment.


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Apr 12, 2023
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so just to be clear im new to cashing out, ive only done like online puraches on bestbuy and stuff. But if i go on this python site on the dark web, (ofc ima be protected while going on the dark web) and then i buy a high and medium balacned and order it to a address that I know i can get the card from?
Yes that's correct but you can choose to either send to a drop address or your personal address.That shouldn't be a problem.

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