I saw a guide on the tor2doormarket and it was only like $3 but I didn't have any btc. As soon as I load my wallet I'm gon a purchase it and I'll share what it's about on this forum
Ok. Thanks everyone. I've been going through it not wanting to make the wrong move. I ain't no nine to fiver so I was feeling overwhelmed like I lost something like my balls but I got them back. Thank you for the confidence.
You're right man, but I'm not a cop. I am being a little paranoid. I just want to make sure that the ones that copped didn't get busted after they left the ATM. I don't want to go back. Just being cautious.
Shows you step by step process from creating a virtual machine to what bins you can use. Not one step is left out of this guide. Check out the attachment . Let me know if ur interested in trading or buying my guide.