Doesn't antidetect bbasically configure your VM to the specifications of the the victims parameters? I'm sure they can still be usefill. I was looking at some cracked programs for sale on nemesis. It's worth the research.
Just placed an order for the mid-balance card. I really wanted to get the high balance card but I couldn't come up with all the money. Python is really a cool cat. I look forward to doing a lot of business with this vendor for a long time to come.
I've been hearing that all day. I got scammed twice today. I'm not buying anything anymore unless it's escrow or they send the product first, except from python
Second digit (authorization)
- x0x: Normal authorization, normal usage.
- x2x: Contact issuing bank.
- x4x: Contact issuing bank, exceptions rules by bank.
Third digit (services that the card can be used for):
- xx0: Can be used for anything, require PIN.
- xx1: Can be used for anything without...