So First
In my group everything is escrow so you don't need to worry
As for the balance banklog - good banklogs are often sold at high prices - it depends very little on the balance in the banklog - which depends on the accompanying information to cashout
so for 100-200$ you won't buy a...
i usually work with canada banklog
it's easy to cashout because they can add your phone number in Log
i also have a group - they sell everything on it including the banklog - and also some people can cashout it to btc - so if you are a newbie and don't want to lose the first amount to your...
I met a lot of people using their own laptops for carding without any vm vpn or rdp - just sock and tmac
Of course I don't recommend anyone to do that
PC---->VPN+VM---->>>RDP+SOCK + (Tmac if you do banking stuff)
Just stop while you're ahead.
You're a kid and you want to make 2-3k a month? People are going to instantly ask question where this money is coming from. Carding? How are you planning to cash out? Want to face laundering charges plus fraud?
Dealing on the street? What are you going to do when...
Logs generally is where you can start. And one thing i can tell you is just think outside the box. Everything seems easy but not what everyone thinks. Look also for some post i made here and other post on the forum that way you will have a clear way of how to go about it.
Also brodie get logs...
1. A full set of info on someone (varies by vendor) usually full names, addresses, cc#'s, ssn, email.
2. Cards and dumps are just different forms of the same card info. The main difference is dumps are used irl/in store carding most cards aren't. Dumps are raw card data that is skimmed or...
here some links
Error code starting with 3 means NO balance. So the card was washed/emptied.
Can you please state where you got the dump from? That would explain a lot.
I've Had success with both , Though I lost my login to Benumb so I use Briansclub more (used it more anyways) Briansclub don't disappoint for me In My Honest Opinion .
First Answer :- Any 10 year old laptop will work fine for carding bc its not any heavy task. But if you got any plans for malware then you should definitely go with High specs.
For your carding question :- ( Bitter truth ) you're still a Newbie in fraud/carding. Carding is tough these days bc of...
carding is not dead , carders are making tons of money everyday , it just got more difficult (websites have strong security measures now ) find easy cardables website list in forums or buy it in the markets .
You can use briansclub, official working url is " briansclub(.)cm", thats without the parentheses of course. They have working cc with a checker also, if you buy a refundable card, after you buy the card, if the card is not working through their checker, you get a refund on your money. A great...
bro buying clothes is easy just use the info to create the account but create you own email through gmail or whatever provider you like and create a pinger for the number just to have one on file or use the number from the fullz ive heard it does good for you opsec. but just dont rush the...