Great post, LOL! I have noticed that new carders often ask me about the distinction between CVV and dumps. If I ever get asked again, I will simply share this link to the guide. Thanks!
This nigga ripping, asking for 100 before he sends out to u to do a run then he takes ur bread away.
Honestly if ur looking to do that whole atm cashout shit just use a verified vendor and stop trusting these bum ass clowns on this thread.
Just use Python, or anyone else u can find verified...
Hey Fraudbox, great guide! There are a lot of young carders in the game who would love your information, methods, and guides. I just wanted to say thank you on their behalf.
Nice post!
Carding is definitely still alive and well. I made $6,000 this month so far. It's really just about learning what to try to card if using CVV2 (as opposed to dumpz).
If you want something physical, you need it to either ship same day or you need to card a company that has a...
You can't use a "vpn" for carding, you use proxies. In 2023, I don't think anyone really uses socks5 proxies anymore. All residential proxies are usually http/https rather than socks; socks5 is so 2018. Most cards work on shopify stores, like gfuel, fleshlight, kyliecosmetics, etc. If you have...
RDP residential + your pc's clock need to be adjusted to your ip adress + your dns need to match the ip
Most important : Act like "normal" customer on wesbite , dont go straight to card most expensive items if your account is new . need 2 or 3 days , check available products , browse pages =>...
1. Connect your ip to the cc's state 0-20 anti fraud score,dns leak must match with isp
2. Now head to the woot|dot|com site and create an account matching the cc's first and last name.
3. Add an item to your cart between $50-$350
4. Enter the cc's name on both the billing and shipping address...
Not hard to card stripe. But aging and warm up is required. Cheap to setup a woocommerce site, just take time. The plugins free for stripe getaway. Fresh IP is must, stripe collect his own database about fraudulent activities. Do small charges, If you go high with fresh account, high chance to...
There's not much to it. At the time of installation, it will prompt you whether you want to install Whonix or not. After that, it doesn't need any kind of tweaking. Don't forget to use as many disposable VMs as possible.
You won't find a binlist anywhere or from anyone. You gotta build it yourself and keep it private. So I suggest you buy like 50 cards and see which ones work and which don't. No one's gonna hand it to ya in this game, bro; gotta take matters into yer own hands.
TLo is used by scammers to look up someone's info to answer the questions for setting up bank accounts and drops. You can find their Social Security Number and a bunch of other info like address.
Thanks for taking time to respond. Your input is greatly appreciated. I hear you bt lets be honest, i don't know what country you in but lets test your moral compass.. So you think every Politician in your country are legit? or lets even keep it basic and talk about banks.. Whats a Bank.. This...
So this is a discussion forum, if youve been here long and have experience, feel free to leave a comment about your thoughts, if you just joined us and have no idea don't be shy to ask a comment too.. But if your noob ass just got scammed and are here ranting hate please take that energy to the...