Product Release: Cloned Cards (Physical & Shipped) [πŸ‘‘ PYTHON KINGDOM πŸ‘‘]

Python Cards

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May 24, 2022
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Is that why chase is always quoted as being the best?
Chase cards, more specifically (Chase - High Balance Cards) are generally quoted as being the best because the ATM limits are higher for Chase cards used at the ATM (up to $3,000 USD). This is something unique to Chase as a brand specifically, hence why most people request the High-Balance Card to that specification; if they have cashout strategies that use the ATM more intensively.

Python Cards

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May 24, 2022
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You guys been acquiring BMO cards alot it seems lol, its been like my last pas 6 orders so far on the HB Card... They work good im not complaining but i expect just a little bit of diversity πŸ˜†
We have been acquiring new clients on the P2P Skimming Network within Canada quite rapidly. Therefore we have had points of data acquisition within BMO Branch ATM's aswell as misc. ATM's in Canada. High-Balance Cards have been quite popular as the data suggests especially for BMO Card's premiums amongst P2P users.

Python Cards

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May 24, 2022
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Theres a high chance you are just in a state or city that is an exception to the rule, MOST of us can't even get lucky enough to get our hands on a chase card these days its just the reality of supply and demand. Python does their stuff state specific so theres just a chance that they don't have as many buyers in your state, therefore you may be getting prioritized selections.
Python's High-Balance Cards are the highest selling cards they have I am sure. I doubt it has anything to do with the specific Bank more or less than just the fact that its a product they never seem to have favorable stock of all of the time (even after their multiplicity update). The High-Balance Card is the BEST value-for-money card they sell, period. I think ur right about them having different amounts of Chase cards depending on the region, but Idk how deep you have been reading thru their threads on the buyers groupchat, a bunch of guys who are in P2P aswell as the buyers chat were saying their data quantification was going to be more favorable to the P2P users rather than the retailers (us). Meaning if the P2P rank the Chase Card as something more favorable that they get while skimming, therefore when Python Kingdom does the split for the data that they acquire; the P2P users will be taking home most of the Chase Card data under their own requests, then after that the retailers (us) are going to be left with less favorable data because for them we really aren't a piority. Beggars can't be choosers man. That's the reason why we have been seeing less chase cards and whenever we do, its always like not the highest balance out the bunch. My suggestion is to stop trying to do all the work at the ATM and stop being so lazy, just use WU and In-Store purchases like the method says on the faq.

ur wrong mate, I am in the groupchat aswell, very active; I may of seen three others at maximum, most are getting Wells Fargo if they are in the states and HSBC Premier if they are in UK.
The primary issue alot of people in our thread constantly make us aware of is the demand for certain cards. You have to be weary that the data splits that occur between us and our P2P affiliates isn't fully arbitrary. The more opage or less-competitive an acquisition region is (meaning less P2P users with skimmers) we give preferential data treatment to (meaning P2P users can choose which Bank, Balance, etc they would like to take for themselves) rather than a direct split down the middle. We call these regions "premium regions" and the choices they make in regards to which Banks they prefer is only adjacent to their team that does cashouts.

Some prefer Chase Card's and some do not like Chase Cards. While Chase Cards may have an advantage to strategies that prefer Cash, some strategies may be reliant on Money Transfers or purchasing Goods and Services; which would yield Chase Cards as being useless for the given strategy. In dense areas of P2P Clients (NYC / MIAMI / LONDON), these preferential treatments for P2P users aren't there, however the demand is so high that we end up simply selling out of Chase Cards. This is not the case for less preferential treatment areas, alot of the time they are simply sold out and you were late to purchase it.

Hopefully that gives you some insight :)

Python Cards

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May 24, 2022
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Imo I think long term this isn't good for Python Kingdom, wouldn't be surprised if all the retail people either revolt or simply stop buying as much if they can't get the cards they want. Are the rumors about the reduction in cards they sell per person gonna be reduced too or is that just rumors? Until I see action from them idk where this is gonna go, at least they are honest about telling people that the goal of the Cloned Cards is to get people into the P2P program, the bigger P2P gets at some point its inevitable that the only person able to purchase their cards will just be P2P people and no more retailers.

Everyone in the buyers groupchat that isn't in P2P is posting designer and new cars and stuff, they don't seem highly technical at all and will probably get fucked over when Python actually stops supporting retails cards like they are now. Reducing the Chase Cards availability is just the start imo, we are yet to see the rest of the impact of this (n)
P2P will always have an advantage over retail clients, if this dichotomy wasn't existant, there would be no retail cards available in-general. P2P Skimming Infrastructure costs $35k to join, the retail cards you can get started with for as low as $250 USD/BTC, and on-top of the high price tag of P2P; they still have to do the work and actually contribute to the acquisition of data for the collective. We will always intend on expanding the P2P Infrastructure and not down-sizing or scaling it down within the near future. Reason for such being, that the P2P Infrastructure will always need liquidation in order to remain profitable, therefore the retail arm will always exist.

Python Cards

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May 24, 2022
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How do we verify if the given data is valid and accurate, ensuring that it will function as intended?
The data provided on the paper that comes with the card is acquired via synapsing (a backend data inquisition that is similar to an ATM balance check) that is done in-house by our staff. That is the most accurate representation of the victims Balance at the given time period, during shipping the balance could change as the victim could use the card during the time in transport. This is generally minimal; however if it changes drastically it would fall under our refund/replace policy as seen on the FAQ.


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Dec 14, 2023
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I’ll be placing my first order next week hopefully all goes right shooting for the high bal first really need this fasho tryn get into that p2p make money forever


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Mar 9, 2023
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P2P will always have an advantage over retail clients, if this dichotomy wasn't existant, there would be no retail cards available in-general. P2P Skimming Infrastructure costs $35k to join, the retail cards you can get started with for as low as $250 USD/BTC, and on-top of the high price tag of P2P; they still have to do the work and actually contribute to the acquisition of data for the collective. We will always intend on expanding the P2P Infrastructure and not down-sizing or scaling it down within the near future. Reason for such being, that the P2P Infrastructure will always need liquidation in order to remain profitable, therefore the retail arm will always exist.
Thats reassuring, I understand your point, but how do you guys plan on balancing out the demand to supply ratios for the retail products compared to your P2P stcck-holdings. I'm just referring to the multiplicity update that you guys have posted here:


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Mar 28, 2023
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We have been acquiring new clients on the P2P Skimming Network within Canada quite rapidly. Therefore we have had points of data acquisition within BMO Branch ATM's aswell as misc. ATM's in Canada. High-Balance Cards have been quite popular as the data suggests especially for BMO Card's premiums amongst P2P users.
So if I was in the P2P Skimming Infrastructure *which I plan to be when I save up enough from cashing out clones. Would I be getting BMO skimming overlays like the debit card entry for ATM's plastic clone, or is it just an OEM GSM device? thx


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Dec 14, 2023
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So if I was in the P2P Skimming Infrastructure *which I plan to be when I save up enough from cashing out clones. Would I be getting BMO skimming overlays like the debit card entry for ATM's plastic clone, or is it just an OEM GSM device? thx
Yes you get all of that stuff jus gotta go his website he tell everything you get with it’s great fr bro im placing first order Tuesday I’ll b p2p soon and I’ll definitely give my reviews all my focus is is never going broke again python won’t steer no wrong.


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Nov 21, 2023
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Vouch +1 , 2 High Balance Cards - Los Angeles Metro Area. Hit $3.3k/$4.1k WU/ATM bing bong.


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Dec 19, 2023
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Chase cards, more specifically (Chase - High Balance Cards) are generally quoted as being the best because the ATM limits are higher for Chase cards used at the ATM (up to $3,000 USD). This is something unique to Chase as a brand specifically, hence why most people request the High-Balance Card to that specification; if they have cashout strategies that use the ATM more intensively.
Got it now, makes sense. Thanks


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Jul 23, 2023
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We have always seen

ARCQ and X2 is all fake, python exposed it in that article they made a while ago, don't fall for niggas that say it exists. I think they encode it with some special shit, its not the normal run around like what niggas talk about on the net tbh. Finna purchase they book at some point jus not rn, tryna get jiggy witt some shit myself.
I know now, but do you have any info on the C++ protocols python teaches in their book? I'm putting money together to buy the physical kit for the book that they sell on their telegram channel. It's like $600 USD, my boy has the digital version on his PC but its rate limited access to one PC. Tryna get started before early febuary type shit


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Dec 14, 2023
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The Binary Code on my high-balance card says "PV173-BOA" is that for bank of america? anyone got any experience with the advanced stuff that python kingdom does for this?


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Mar 28, 2023
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Yes you get all of that stuff jus gotta go his website he tell everything you get with it’s great fr bro im placing first order Tuesday I’ll b p2p soon and I’ll definitely give my reviews all my focus is is never going broke again python won’t steer no wrong.
o i see thx


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Jan 31, 2024
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πŸ“’ Announcements πŸ“’

UPDATE V.7 (January 14, 2024): Mandatory Review Disclosure (ShadowForum Transparency Agreement)

ShadowForum has recently started to required all Verified Vendors to have reviews enabled on all sales threads. We have been noticed of this, and encourage all new clientele to submit reviews of our product upon receival of the product. This will help us maintain our rapport as vendors within the forum. Fake and or fabricated reviews will not be permitted. Thanks for the Support β€” Python (CEO of Python Kingdom)

UPDATE V.6 (July 11, 2023): Stock Outages [SOLVED] & P2P Program Multiplicity

We have recently released an in-depth article regarding the problem surrounding our constant stock outages, we have officially rectified this problem within its entirety, ensuring that clients can order any and all cards with ease. The P2P Program has been further scaled in order to handle the higher influx of order volume, however such scaling comes with growing pains, which was explained thoroughly throughout the article we have released. We consider this overall problem to be rather unique and not a re-occurring problem, and just a roadblock in the scaling process of our storefront in general.

View Full Article:

UPDATE V.5 (June 19, 2023): TOR (.onion) Python Kingdom Store Released

Cloned Card Home.jpeg

python product page.jpeg

Orders for Cloned Cards can now officially be processed via TOR (.Onion) Browser or TOR Enabled Browsers (Darkweb not Clearnet). Products can be purchased seamlessly via Bitcoin, Monero, Ethereum, USDC (ERC-20 & BEP20), USDT (ERC-20, TRC-20, & BEP20). Our primary page can be found utilizing Torlinks or it can also be found via the "Links to Purchasing" seen below. Ordering via TOR is not a necessity, it is an option; you are still allowed to also order via Telegram.

What is Tor?: READ
How to Install Tor Browser?: READ
Alternatives to Tor Browser?: READ

Upon purchase read through the Description and FAQ extensively before purchasing a Cloned Card. Proceed to then choose between the πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ United States Card, πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ United Kingdom Card, & 🌎 International Card (based on your geo-location), then finally whether you would like βœ… Custom Name Engraving or ❌ No Engraving (engraving only possible for High/Super High Balance Cards). Once you finish making your specifications you can then add the card to the cart and reach the checkout phase and submit payment, during business hours and days (Monday-Sunday // 7:00AM - 10:00 PM) we will be Shipping Orders out Same Day.

Links for Purchasing (copy/paste to TOR Browser):

πŸ“¦ Products πŸ“¦

Tor Link to Order Mid-Balance Cloned Card: http://python7xnsayxuxvoheh5372vwru...cid.onion/index.php/product/mid-balance-card/

Tor Link to Order High-Balance Cloned Card: http://python7xnsayxuxvoheh5372vwru...d.onion/index.php/product/high-balance-cards/

Tor Link to Order Super-High Balance Cloned Card: http://python7xnsayxuxvoheh5372vwru...on/index.php/product/super-high-balance-card/

Rich (BB code):
Tor Link to Order Mid-Balance Cloned Card: http://python7xnsayxuxvoheh5372vwru...cid.onion/index.php/product/mid-balance-card/

Tor Link to Order High-Balance Cloned Card: http://python7xnsayxuxvoheh5372vwru...d.onion/index.php/product/high-balance-cards/

Tor Link to Order Super-High Balance Cloned Card: http://python7xnsayxuxvoheh5372vwru...on/index.php/product/super-high-balance-card/

πŸ”— Primary Pages πŸ”—

Tor Link to View Cloned Card Product Array Page: http://python7xnsayxuxvoheh5372vwru...j7cid.onion/index.php/index.php/cloned-cards/

Tor Link to View Python Kingdom Home Page: http://python7xnsayxuxvoheh5372vwru...j7cid.onion/index.php/index.php/cloned-cards/

Rich (BB code):
Tor Link to View Cloned Card Product Array Page: http://python7xnsayxuxvoheh5372vwru...j7cid.onion/index.php/index.php/cloned-cards/

Tor Link to View Python Kingdom Home Page: http://python7xnsayxuxvoheh5372vwru...j7cid.onion/index.php/index.php/cloned-cards/
Notes & FYI:

Purchasing Restriction: All users regardless of purchasing medium (Tor/Telegram), are still restricted to the Two Card per week Limitation, as this privilege is exclusive to P2P Skimming Infrastructure Clients, not Retail Clients.

Post-Purchase Communication: Communication post-confirmation of the order will all be automated, as only a few hours after order you should receive automatic email regarding your tracking number within the closest business active business hours.

UPDATE V4 (June 26, 2023): Alternative Payment Methods for Individuals New to Crypto

Cryptocurrencies have been increasingly harder to acquire due to higher regulations within certain jurisdictions. Due to the nature of our products being illegal, we can only accept digital cryptocurrencies. However, there are expedited and/or non-kyc ways to purchase cryptocurrency two recommended ways we would recommend purchasing crypto if you are new to cryptocurrency.

Option 1: Crypto Voucher [Non-KYC / Debit & Credit Card - Instant Dispatch]

Crypto Voucher allows you to purchase crypto e-giftcards that can be extracted by us remotely to our crypto wallet. After purchasing the giftcard, a code will be supplied to you, which you can send to us post-purchase to us on Telegram, this option cannot be used in conjunction with our online store. We will list the suggested Crypto Voucher giftcards to purchase depending on which card you purchase.

Mid-Balance Card - [CLICK HERE]

High-Balance Card - [CLICK HERE]

Super-High Balance Card - [Unavailable (Must use Option 2)]

Note: Crypto Voucher charges a small fee for the transaction, hence the discrepancy in price of giftcard relative to received amount.

Option 2: Changelly [KYC / Debit & Credit Card - Instant Dispatch]

Changelly is a KYC (Know-Your-Customer) based exchange that requires identity verification before purchase, you can use Credit & Debit Card for purchase. Purchases can be made either through Telegram or our TOR Site. The "destination address" is our BTC receival address, which for Telegram customers can be acquired by asking for an invoice for the specific card you would like to purchase; for TOR customers it can be acquired by going to the end of the purchasing cycle, where the BTC address is shown for payment.

Note: Changelly charges fees for purchasing crypto, use a crypto calculator in order to find out the exact exchange value of USD to BTC

UPDATE V3 (June 19, 2023): Telegram Channel Re-Release & Two Card Per Week Limit


Telegram Channel Re-Release:

We have now reactivated our new Telegram Channel after previously having it get deleted months ago for selling illegal products and services. All of the same posts that were there last time are now reinstated and active within the actual Telegram Channel. We encourage you to either purchase via our TOR Store or Telegram, which ever is most convenient for you personally. Simply navigate our Telegram Channel, and select the "Cloned Card" directory; choose a card that works best for you, and we will then send you an invoice to then purchase the card manually through Telegram.

New Telegram Channel Link: HERE

New Telegram Account Message Link: HERE

Purchase Limitation:

We are limiting retail clientele to purchasing up to two cards per week due to our current supply and demand equilibrium and other factors regarding onboarding to our higher level program. The primary way we acquire data is through peer acquisition, meaning individuals that first ordered a retail product like Cloned Cards; then working their way up to start acquiring substantial data via skimming for us in the future. Peers will submit that data to us, we use 50% of their data they submitted to support our retail operations (Cloned Cards), whilst in exchange they get a wholesale bulk shipment of Cloned Cards built off their local data that can be used to cash out like any of the other Cloned Cards we sell on the retail side.

The P2P Skimming Infrastructure will have exclusive ability to purchase Cloned Cards at wholesale/bulk scale. The program will cost roughly $35,000 USD to enter upon its release on our website coming in the next month or so, this is a separate service; therefore meaning it will also be host within a different thread despite the fact that they are both on our site. If you are interested there will be an application section within the website to apply to join the actual program and be a solidified data acquisition partner of Python Kingdom.

UPDATE V2 (Feburary 18, 2023): Telegram Deleted - Operating via Email Only for Time Being

Our Telegram has been deleted by policymakers at Telegram for selling and distribution of Illegal Products. This ban has halted our operations via Telegram; this we will be expanding to other platforms in the near future. Thus we will only be operating via email, we currently have two emails [email protected] (OLD) and [email protected] (NEW) either one works but the preferred would be our new email.

UPDATE V1 (January 29, 2023): 1,000 Sales - Thank You

Thanks for all of the support and frequent orders from here, we have just hit our 1,000 Sales landmark!
Hey @Python Cards is there a reason why you guys keep shipping my cards on FedEx instead of USPS every time? I see in your FAQ that you guys ship on USPS to all of the USA customers but every card I order it is FedEx. My friend in Texas gets his on USPS but mine are always on FedEx and I'm in VA. It's not a big deal but I just kind of want answers... because FedEx generally leaves the parcels out at weird hours and my area packages get stolen often.


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Jul 23, 2023
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Hey @Python Cards is there a reason why you guys keep shipping my cards on FedEx instead of USPS every time? I see in your FAQ that you guys ship on USPS to all of the USA customers but every card I order it is FedEx. My friend in Texas gets his on USPS but mine are always on FedEx and I'm in VA. It's not a big deal but I just kind of want answers... because FedEx generally leaves the parcels out at weird hours and my area packages get stolen often.
lol dude i feel you, same shit happens to me except one order I get USPS and then the next one its FedEx then recently I got a UPS delivery lmao. It's strange asf, maybe they are testing different shipping carriers for who knows what reason


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Jan 31, 2024
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lol dude i feel you, same shit happens to me except one order I get USPS and then the next one its FedEx then recently I got a UPS delivery lmao. It's strange asf, maybe they are testing different shipping carriers for who knows what reason
yeah like wtf lmao :ROFLMAO:

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