
Established Contributor
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Jul 24, 2022
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13 days ago I sat down and finally realistically considered fraud as a new possible source of income. This is after years of deliberation, and a few paypal scams when I was a teenager. But I decided it's time, and now two weeks later I successfully got my first couple gift card hits today.

This post is for other people who are looking to get into carding/fraud, so you can have a very realistic understanding of my experience these past couple weeks as a noob. I would bet money that you will experience a lot of the same.

Before you continue reading repeat after me.

"Carding is not a way for lazy people to make a lot of money easily without any work."

Trust me. No one wants it to be that more than me. I'm late on my rent and my car just got repo'd. I will likely be homeless at this time next week. I would love for nothing more than to be able to buy a $30 credit card and go cashout 2k in bitcoin, unfortunately this is real life in 2022. It's not like that and if you expect it to be, you are going to be sorely disappointed.

Got it? Okay. Repeat it one more time.

"Carding is not a way for lazy people to make a lot of money easily without any work."

Alright. Now you're ready to continue.


If you opened this post expecting a method to card laid out on a silver platter, we are first going to practice common sense. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. If you had a carding method, where you could make hundreds or thousands every day, would you be on crdforum giving it out? Or looking for noobs to help? Or hell, even selling it for $5, $10, or $20? No. You wouldn't. And nobody else is either.

Information is everything when you are trying to learn to card. I've spent countless hours reading through OPSEC posts, methods, this /others. If you don't know the difference between a VBV and nonVBV card, or 3d and 2d secured sites, you have no chance. And that is just the very tip of the iceberg. You need to learn OPSEC, how to imitate the consumer, how to utilize hot BINs (I still don't really understand that myself, but I know it's limiting the amount of money I can make!), and much more.

So that being said - be very careful who you take information from, and always take it with a grain of salt. A quick crdforum search on the use of VMs or protocol for MAC address changing will show you a lot of conflicting information. The first way to sweep away 90% of the bullshit you should ignore is by thinking this.

"If I do this, is there any benefit for the poster?"​

Take this post for example. Nowhere (not in PMs, not on another site, nowhere) am I offering you anything of value. I don't have a method to sell you. I don't want you to add me on another site. I don't want you to PM me with questions. I have nothing to lose/gain if you read this post. It's honest.

Now take many of the other posts you see on here that are offering help. What are some common themes? "PM Me" or "Add me on such and such app" or "I have a method/cardable site/cheap nonvbv, I can help you out!"

If a post has anything like that, I'd say theres a good 99% chance they are trying to rip you off one way or another. Stick to information that the poster has nothing to lose or gain whether you follow the advice or not. And even then, take it with a grain of salt as I said and use your best critical thinking skills to deduce if it is good advice. It will get easier as you learn more and expand your knowledge.

I can not stress this enough though. I spent 13 days reading posts for hours on end to accumulate the little knowledge that I have. You aren't going to get your first hit today. Or tomorrow. Maybe I didn't need to spend that long before my first attempt, but guess what, I'm not one of the ones posting "Why won't my card hit" so I am counting it as a success.

Section 2. VENDORS​

So you've gathered all of your information, created a method, have your opsec down, and you are ready to buy your first card (and socks5!!!). Everything above applies here. I'm not going to tell you where to go to buy your proxies or cards. I'm going to give you information to help you choose a vendor that will work for you.

REVIEWS: Can be a good way to tell a scammer. Not always, as competitors on markets will sometimes negrep, but an insane amount of negative reviews OR negative reviews without any response from the vendor are a huge red flag. On the other hand, a lot of positive reviews is not indicative of a legit vendor. There are ways to boost your reviews as there are on any other platform. Use reon. Use crdforum. Search their name and find posts about them on crdforum (check the crdforum account reviewing them. Is it new? Has it been making intelligent posts for the last year? Think.) Do all of their reviews look like the same person typed them? Similar phrases/typos/grammar? You'd be suprised how people go and review bomb themselves, but type like the exact same person on every review. It can be very obvious.

LISTINGS: Pay attention to their listings. Do they have 100 different methods listed for sale, and then one or two larger listings for cards, or bank drops, or something? Be cautious. Often small items like guides are used by vendors to boost their overall trust rating/reviews on the market. This isn't an automatic red flag, but in conjunction with other signs, you might wanna stay away from the vendor.

OFF MARKET: I don't recommend going off market for a vendor. I use alphabay, there are other reputable markets. There are things like benumb/briansclub as well that I hear good/mixed things about. I'm thinking of trying benumb next myself, just keep in mind you will have to lock down an invite and deposit $100 (credited to account balance) to activate your account and be able to buy cards. This is to weed out people who aren't serious. Don't buy cards off of the random guy who told you to PM them on crdforum. Don't buy cards off some random clearnet honeypot.

SOCKS5 PROXIES: This one took me the most time to research honestly. There are some decent resources for proxy providers, but there are a lot of different factors. Do they actually have proxies in the area you'll be carding? How expensive are they (many providers aren't geared towards low usage like what you need for carding)? Can you pay with cryptocurrency? Can you specifically choose the IP or location you'll connect to, or will you just be able to connect to random locations in the US? Is this provider known for shitty dead proxies or proxies with a high fraud score? All of this matters. A lot. If you try to buy something with a Texan's creditcard and or wherever you are trying to card see's your IP coming from a McDonalds on the fucking moon, or with a 85 fraud score, do you think that payment will process?

Being able to find vendors is vital. Not finding vendors. Being able to find them. It doesn't matter if you have one now. Can you find a new one if they get shut down without getting yourself scammed?


No. You are not going to get into carding by investing the spare $50 you have laying around. No. You won't buy a $10 credit card and cheap proxies but then get a hit.

I've already gotten burned a couple times paying $5-$20 here and there for a "method" or "advice from a good carder" along with a shitty outdated BIN list. Don't do that. They don't want to help you. They don't care if you can card next week or if you are living in a box. Use your money on tools to make your setup better. Buy higher quality cards. Fuck it, don't even card.Get bank drops. Buy a card with corresponding fullz and then buy a custom KYC verified crypto drop with that info or some shit. Get bank logs. Just level the fuck up and don't think you are going to make a lot of money carding. None of this is free and you have to spend money to make money.


This was my biggest mistake.​

Are there carders who do everything online and don't mess with drops? Of course there are. Are they noobs reading a post like this? Likely not, and if they are, they are for amusement not my advice. But guess the fuck what? That shit is hard. It's 2022, you aren't going to load up some random site and buy $500 worth of gift cards. You aren't going to open a crypto exchange account with no ID and just cash out. You aren't going to go open a gofundme and blow that shit up yourself. Security is constantly evolving, and as many of us wannabe fraudsters as there are, there are a hell of a lot more people trying to stop us.

Truthfully, you aren't going to discover a good method to stay digital. Especially if you are new. I was barely able to get hits on a couple egifts after all this time or researching, and I'm still waiting for the delivery. The payment just processed thankfully. Then I still have to go sell them. This is a shitty method and it's the oldest one in the book. If you are planning on buying a shit ton of gift cards and then reselling them on Paxful, reconsider. It took me days to find my target for egifts and I got lucky that I didn't kill the card x2.

That's before factoring in that pretty much any Paxful seller who is going to sell BTC for , 1. an egift or 2. to an unverified account, is going to try to rip you. Look at almost any vendor on Paxful who sells gift cards. If they have any decent amount of transactions, I will bet they also have hundreds of people blocked (this is for the ones that DON'T already have a shit ton of negative reviews).

Paxful is a cesspool from what I can tell. You need a physical drop. You need to resell the carded items. That is very likely going to be your best bet if you REALLY want to get into carding. Instead of bank logs, or one of the other easier, more profitable methods of fraud in 2022.

Section 5. CONCLUSION​

This is likely a little scattered, but hopefully is readable and helpful.

I didn't write this post to discourage anyone from carding. I wrote this post to provide a realistic insight into what it is to be a noob and an attitude adjustment for those who (like I did) had a completely unrealistic view of carding. It is very easy to get caught up in your imagination while you are learning about carding. "Oh if I can do this, I'll be able to make X amount/day holy shit!!!!". Trust me. I spent a lot of time in the first few days thinking about how I'd be able to get myself out of my situation now. Then go make all this money. I was already planning on how I was going to clean 10k a month before I knew what OPSEC was. Cut that shit out. Get a fucking grip. This is real life.

If you want to be successful at this, you will need to work.

That ends my post though. If you have any questions about my experience up until now feel free to comment. I will not be disclosing my cc/proxies vendors, sites I carded, or any other information regarding actual carding/methods. That's not what this post is for. I have nothing else to offer you than these words.


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Jul 30, 2022
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Really these words touch into my heart this is a same story like i feel like it's me who did all these stuffs brother i really respect your words i tried alot of these stuffs but disappointed many times but it's i don't blame any of vendors or scammers I learn alot from this and now i'm too confident to find out who is scammer or legit one i feel like my thinking skill improving anyways these all word are correct 100% in this field 99% of people are scammer probably you have to be smart yeah starting days the one who think I can get anything I'm smart not getting fooled but thats not true. If you are reading this comment please be aware carding isn't easy in 2022 but trying my best still don't lose my hope getting closer day by day.


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Mar 28, 2022
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solid intro to the game without saying too much. good shit. post like these go a long way for certain people


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Sep 21, 2022
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I freshly joined this forum and been browsing for a few hours. I saw the title and felt spoken to so I clicked it. And by no means did I expect such a masterpiece of a post. The things I liked most about your post were "None of this is free and you have to spend money to make money." and "Cut that shit out. Get a fucking grip. This is real life."
I have not yet had an actual attempt of carding something. But those words did something man. I feel like you even motivated me even more to trying to get this to work. I feel sad for you with all due respect. Your situation sounds pretty bad and I am lucky to not be in such a situation. Still not a good one but be thankful for what you got I guess. I feel like I have a pretty good understanding of OPSEC and terminology because of a leaked guide that had very much information in it. I will likely post it in this forum sometime in the future anyway because I really like it here. No fucking ads. And not this weird scammy appearance that other forums have, I am saying that im going to post it because I dont want anyone to think I am going to be asking money or something for it. I just want to give something back. All the best for you. Looking forward to posts from you in the future.


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Jul 24, 2022
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I freshly joined this forum and been browsing for a few hours. I saw the title and felt spoken to so I clicked it. And by no means did I expect such a masterpiece of a post. The things I liked most about your post were "None of this is free and you have to spend money to make money." and "Cut that shit out. Get a fucking grip. This is real life."
I have not yet had an actual attempt of carding something. But those words did something man. I feel like you even motivated me even more to trying to get this to work. I feel sad for you with all due respect. Your situation sounds pretty bad and I am lucky to not be in such a situation. Still not a good one but be thankful for what you got I guess. I feel like I have a pretty good understanding of OPSEC and terminology because of a leaked guide that had very much information in it. I will likely post it in this forum sometime in the future anyway because I really like it here. No fucking ads. And not this weird scammy appearance that other forums have, I am saying that im going to post it because I dont want anyone to think I am going to be asking money or something for it. I just want to give something back. All the best for you. Looking forward to posts from you in the future.
i love this forum . no ads no scam just straight up education on carding


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Jan 4, 2023
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I couldn't agree with you more.
I work in security myself.
Unemployment rate now. It makes it impossible for me to make a living.
Maybe swiping cards is the quick way to make money.
Skills can be shared with each other.
And I would be happy to redeem gift cards. If you have one.


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Feb 10, 2023
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