Product Release: Cloned Cards (Physical & Shipped) [👑 PYTHON KINGDOM 👑]


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Aug 22, 2023
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recently received a high-balance card through the mail from python. I have to work a few nightshifts, I work on an oil rig and will be away for a bit, is it safe to not use the card till i come back? will the balance change?

if anyone knows please notify me.
The card is copied off a real user, the balance they state on the card is just what they extracted upon creating the cloned card, the balance will go either up or down more the more time u wait to not use it as the victim is using the card. Always use python's cards instantly when u get them, don't wait long. Bad habit.


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Aug 19, 2023
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high-balance cards aren't as victim to this in comparison to the mid-balance cards from my experience so far. I've only use a high cc and had it waiting for two days before using, barely any difference but i think its case per case.
You got tg? What's ur @ ?


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Aug 16, 2023
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Tracking, qc, all going well so far, from NY so shipping coming in later today gonna test it tmmw 💫
hey, so did you get the card? did it work? please lmk


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Feb 6, 2023
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The mid-balance card is really meant for people that kind of want to get a trial of what it is like to use the card or economical reasons. Not everyone has $400 USD to spend with a vendor, that is why this card exists, its functionality is inherently worse than the High-Balance & Super-High Balance Card. We recommend IF you can afford it to start with the High-Balance, but this is not the case for everyone.
Aight but don't you feel like you owe it to your customers to clarify this more within the thread itself? maybe some sort of tag that says its the most popular card or something maybe not just the faq?

Like no disrespect you guys are some of the best vendors for this service in the whole darkweb, amazing products and stuff and love dealing with you guys.

But you have to be more clear about how this product works outside of just the FAQ not everyone is going to through the faq to find that the high balance card is the best i think u need to make it so that everyone is clear which card is most ideal.

I think it does a disservice to your customers if they buy a mid-balance card as a starter card and have to go through all that extra work to get the money off of it, they might think lesser of the product, if u can like just make it clear that mid-balance card ur going to have to suffer a bit to get the money off because its not optimal.

Position it so that its like a starter card but also the "least convient" not like a starter card that is just so people can get their feet wet.

Just my thoughts. sorry for the rant again.

Python Cards

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May 24, 2022
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Aight but don't you feel like you owe it to your customers to clarify this more within the thread itself? maybe some sort of tag that says its the most popular card or something maybe not just the faq?

Like no disrespect you guys are some of the best vendors for this service in the whole darkweb, amazing products and stuff and love dealing with you guys.

But you have to be more clear about how this product works outside of just the FAQ not everyone is going to through the faq to find that the high balance card is the best i think u need to make it so that everyone is clear which card is most ideal.

I think it does a disservice to your customers if they buy a mid-balance card as a starter card and have to go through all that extra work to get the money off of it, they might think lesser of the product, if u can like just make it clear that mid-balance card ur going to have to suffer a bit to get the money off because its not optimal.

Position it so that its like a starter card but also the "least convient" not like a starter card that is just so people can get their feet wet.

Just my thoughts. sorry for the rant again.
We understand this concern, the primary issue with this is if we place "recommended" on the front facing of the thread and the website, there needs to be a rationalization for this, which I feel like we cover best within the actual FAQ as we have the space to do it. Most people to my experience are reading atleast 50% of the FAQ before purchasing from us, hence why we feel like its the most adequate place to put that, some people read it and then choose the Mid-Balance anyways it is their prorogative, alot of people in this forum tend to prefer the High-Balance Card, and for good reason. Granted, a counter to this can be that we we need to place a "most popular" or other way to show that the High-Balance Card is best, and thats simply disingenuous. The highest selling card that we sell is actually the Super-High Balance card ever since we have done the P2P Multiplicity Update.

We let people come to their own senses upon which is best for them from both an Economical and Utilitarian perspective, our recommendation as Vendors is in clear adjacency to yours as the High-Balance Card being the best card for beginners to start with. However its important that people choose upon what makes sense for them, we can't make peoples mind.


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Aug 8, 2023
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hey, so did you get the card? did it work? please lmk
Yeah, sorry for not updating. Yeah it went fine, ATM glitched a bit when u first put it in, maybe this is just something that happened for me. But yeah it works like they say it does, i don't really do clones anymore, doing more stuff with drops and bank logs nowadays.

These guys good but its a little too risky fa me rn personally, im on parole


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Aug 16, 2023
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Yeah, sorry for not updating. Yeah it went fine, ATM glitched a bit when u first put it in, maybe this is just something that happened for me. But yeah it works like they say it does, i don't really do clones anymore, doing more stuff with drops and bank logs nowadays.

These guys good but its a little too risky fa me rn personally, im on parole
why not just go with a ski mask? lol. But yeah thanks just ordered mine recently, got qc pretty quick too lol. I feel you on the bank logs but thats kinda fucked, id rather stack a few hundred grand and then get into real estate or sumthin


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Aug 16, 2023
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I made most of my money in CPN's been dealing with python for i'd say two months now. Probably made like $95k so far off pythons works, high and super-high and sometimes mid when I couldn't get a high balance card. I got like $750k in the bank right now, honestly I feel like i can probably get to $1.8m profit if i get into the p2p system.

What slows me down rn is that silly asf 2 card per week limit lol, i get it but still. You should probally save up like $100k before you apply for P2P IMHO, because you will hit a brick wall in earnings, just be more aggressive and less conservative...
Alot of other people on this forum cap off at like $30k per month off of mid balance cards, how long did it take you to save up the first 95k to get into p2p? because im trying to do that myself but I need to get to the UK before this happens. lmk whats ur tele so we can talk if possible


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Mar 18, 2023
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The card is copied off a real user, the balance they state on the card is just what they extracted upon creating the cloned card, the balance will go either up or down more the more time u wait to not use it as the victim is using the card. Always use python's cards instantly when u get them, don't wait long. Bad habit.
thanks for the advice. cashed the card out yesterday because i got back home early, i think i got with the luck of the draw the balance was fine not very different than what they told me it was going to be. appreciate the advice man.


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Feb 6, 2023
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We understand this concern, the primary issue with this is if we place "recommended" on the front facing of the thread and the website, there needs to be a rationalization for this, which I feel like we cover best within the actual FAQ as we have the space to do it. Most people to my experience are reading atleast 50% of the FAQ before purchasing from us, hence why we feel like its the most adequate place to put that, some people read it and then choose the Mid-Balance anyways it is their prorogative, alot of people in this forum tend to prefer the High-Balance Card, and for good reason. Granted, a counter to this can be that we we need to place a "most popular" or other way to show that the High-Balance Card is best, and thats simply disingenuous. The highest selling card that we sell is actually the Super-High Balance card ever since we have done the P2P Multiplicity Update.

We let people come to their own senses upon which is best for them from both an Economical and Utilitarian perspective, our recommendation as Vendors is in clear adjacency to yours as the High-Balance Card being the best card for beginners to start with. However its important that people choose upon what makes sense for them, we can't make peoples mind.
Hey, I appreciate the time you took out of ur day to make this response, im sure u guys are super busy.

I'll make this short and sweet, no rant.

I respect that, what I ask is that maybe you put in your thread "Recommended by Us" over the High-Balance Card so that people can choose the right card on the first one. I know you guys are on the production side of this equation, but for us being the buyers we don't want to only get $1,000 out of a clone card when we could get alot more.

The reality is, there is no stores open at midnight that we can buy $500 giftcards for that won't look at us sideways. The highest in my local area of Arizona is like $100 and thats at a 24hr gas station. After you take ur $1k out of the ATM its tricky getting the rest of the money off. This can be avoided if the extra $150 is spent to get the high-balance.

I just ask this of you guys plz, as I went through this on my initial first purchase. I started with the Mid-Balance Card then got into the High and Super-Highs, if I knew that the High-Balance Card was best from the start my predicament would of been alot better from the start. I agree that you should still have the Mid-Balance card exist in the first place for people that can't afford it. I just think you guys should be more vocal on how much more superior the High-Balance Card is.

hope yall understand.


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Aug 9, 2023
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vouch. super-high balance. never talked to yall before glad to find this forum, used u guys on tor for a while now. keep in touch. 🤞


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Aug 27, 2023
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vouch. super-high balance. never talked to yall before glad to find this forum, used u guys on tor for a while now. keep in touch. 🤞
same boat bro, didn't know shit about this forum, thought they were only on tor for a minute. Super-High Balance 💳 def goated bro on the same lane.


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May 13, 2023
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Aight but don't you feel like you owe it to your customers to clarify this more within the thread itself? maybe some sort of tag that says its the most popular card or something maybe not just the faq?

Like no disrespect you guys are some of the best vendors for this service in the whole darkweb, amazing products and stuff and love dealing with you guys.

But you have to be more clear about how this product works outside of just the FAQ not everyone is going to through the faq to find that the high balance card is the best i think u need to make it so that everyone is clear which card is most ideal.

I think it does a disservice to your customers if they buy a mid-balance card as a starter card and have to go through all that extra work to get the money off of it, they might think lesser of the product, if u can like just make it clear that mid-balance card ur going to have to suffer a bit to get the money off because its not optimal.

Position it so that its like a starter card but also the "least convient" not like a starter card that is just so people can get their feet wet.

Just my thoughts. sorry for the rant again.
I think anyone who is seriously gonna buy usually reads through the reviews and finds out the high-balance card is the best, i don't think they need to let everyone know what they think is best. U read the faq and it clearly states on the cashout method how difficult the mid-balance card is to cashout, its not rocket science. Judging by their site they do a pretty good job of showing which is best just by the small descriptions they put. I think ur just complaining about nonsense lol, telling a team of multi-millionaire computer engineers that basically help u make free bands they running they store wrong is wild lol 🤣🤣🤣 yall got some nerve.


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Aug 28, 2023
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High Balance is 🟢 for walmart money orders too, yall need to add that to the cashout strategy yall got


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Aug 29, 2023
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Copped the high-balance last week bro, used the atm midnight glitch on it for 2k each on chase. This fax the high-balance can work on the mid-balance method or the super-high balance method. Wanted to know if you had any free game for me broadie been tryna talk to other mfs on here to try to max out what we can get bro.

Dm me on T/e/l/e/g/r/a/m: (@bigbiddness)
Copped the high-balance last week bro, used the atm midnight glitch on it for 2k each on chase. This fax the high-balance can work on the mid-balance method or the super-high balance method. Wanted to know if you had any free game for me broadie been tryna talk to other mfs on here to try to max out what we can get bro.

Dm me on T/e/l/e/g/r/a/m: (@bigbiddness)
I’m looking to get my first card and going for the high balance that’s recommended. I read the facts, and it said atm limit withdrawal $1000-$1500. So you saying we can get more off the card per day?


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Feb 15, 2023
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Purchased high balance card, hype seems to be justified with these guys. Been doing logs and CPN before this, this has gotta be the quickest way to make bread in carding, all things come and go in this space, hopefully these guys don't get locked up or anything, stuff like this generally doesn't last long.

It's gonna be good while it lasts, the two cards per week thing is dumb but i get the logic from their end. Ima keep buying forsure, 10/10 thx guys


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Aug 2, 2023
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I’m looking to get my first card and going for the high balance that’s recommended. I read the facts, and it said atm limit withdrawal $1000-$1500. So you saying we can get more off the card per day?
idk what ur talking about brodie the balance between $2,500 to $4,000 it says that on the thread


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Aug 29, 2023
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idk what ur talking about brodie the balance between $2,500 to $4,000 it says that on the thread

I understand that part I’m talking about the ATM withdrawal limitation. I’m guessing you can pull out more if you saying you did 2k each

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