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Dec 10, 2022
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Hello, I am new to cloning dumps and ran into a little problem at Walmart the other day. I bought 3 dumps on Briansclub (all of them in the same city as me). I put 1 of the dumps on the Deftun software and wrote Track 1 and Track 2 with my MSR605X onto an empty Visa Green Dot Card. I went to Walmart to try and test it out. I wasn't planning on buying anything expensive to resell and make money, I just wanted to see if this could actually work and what to expect if the card declines. So right when I walked in, I noticed the claw machine and that it didn't need a chip for payment in order to play. Bingo! I walked right up to it and swiped my newly written card I got from Briansclub... It worked; I couldn't believe it. I was excited and eager to buy something expensive to cash out, so I walked to the electronics section and grabbed a speaker that was $100. I went to the register and when it was time to pay, I inserted the card in the chip slot. As expected, it didn't work so the cashier had me insert it 2 more times and then had me swipe it. I swiped it and it didn't work. I tried again and it still didn't work. I was nervous so I told the cashier I'll go pull some cash out from my bank and be back.

I went back to my car and drove off. I thought the card declined the 2nd time because I made a small purchase and then a much larger purchase. (I've been told this sets off red flags with the person's bank and is a security feature designed to detect fraud)

I had 2 dumps left. I figured the one I just used isn't going to work anymore. I erased my card data and wrote a fresh new dump onto it. I went to a different Walmart about 5 miles away and tried to buy a $50 speaker this time. Same thing happened it didn't work. But this time the clerk read what was on the screen and it said: "Card Issuer Denied this Purchase". I started to walk out of the store but decided to try the Claw Machine because why not lol. It worked! I swiped the card and the first try it worked.
I even tried it on a vending machine that uses chip and on the 4th try it let me swipe it and it worked. I also tried the key making machine and it worked too.
What I'm getting at here is that the cloned cards are only working for things like vending machines that don't require a person to make the sale.
I'm very confused on why these dumps are working for non-expensive things like a vending machine or a key-cutter, but not for anything that has to be paid from a register.
Does it have to do with the different payment systems stores have in place? Is it just Walmart registers that have good fraud detection? How do I cash these dumps out?
I would really appreciate some info on getting these dumps to work from someone experienced.
Thanks for reading.


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Dec 6, 2022
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This is very simple. You're wasting your time (and your dumps) at Walmart. Most carding rookies want to go straight to Walmart. Or Home Depot. Or Best Buy. Or buy gift cards. Or buy electronics. High profits and easy to sell right? Get over it. I'm not trying to discourage you. Take a step back and start with facts - you can get valid dumps (Briansclub sells decent stuff for the most part), and you can correctly write a card that will work. So far so good. Now what to do with them? I won't tell you what I do, why would I do that? Seriously, nobody would. You need to come up with that part. Start small. Learn as you go. You're welcome.


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Dec 10, 2022
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This is very simple. You're wasting your time (and your dumps) at Walmart. Most carding rookies want to go straight to Walmart. Or Home Depot. Or Best Buy. Or buy gift cards. Or buy electronics. High profits and easy to sell right? Get over it. I'm not trying to discourage you. Take a step back and start with facts - you can get valid dumps (Briansclub sells decent stuff for the most part), and you can correctly write a card that will work. So far so good. Now what to do with them? I won't tell you what I do, why would I do that? Seriously, nobody would. You need to come up with that part. Start small. Learn as you go. You're welcome.
I apricate the advice. I should of seen your reply sooner but I kind of lost hope of someone replying to this thread and I barley ever checked back. I know you don't want to go into detail on how you exactly you cash out cards but could you give me any pointers on which type of places I should be trying these dumps on? Should I try more local stores that aren't a big chain company, or should I go try it at the mall?


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Aug 3, 2022
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Yo, if y'all wanna get that stuff at da store come 2023, you gonna need an EMV Chip. Swiping yo' card'll work on a lotta small items, like just 'bout a buck or somethin', but if you lookin ta cop dem bigger ticket items, y'gotsta have da emv. Ain't no way 'round it, at least not so far as I can see nohow.


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Dec 10, 2022
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Yo, if y'all wanna get that stuff at da store come 2023, you gonna need an EMV Chip. Swiping yo' card'll work on a lotta small items, like just 'bout a buck or somethin', but if you lookin ta cop dem bigger ticket items, y'gotsta have da emv. Ain't no way 'round it, at least not so far as I can see nohow.
Thanks for the info. Is there any tutorials out there on how to write emv cards?

Cipher Soul

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Mar 6, 2023
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The information is not entirely correct, as some states, cities, or towns may take a considerable amount of time before implementing it.

- Cipher Soul

Cipher Soul

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Mar 6, 2023
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Hello, I am new to cloning dumps and ran into a little problem at Walmart the other day. I bought 3 dumps on Brians Club (all of them in the same city as me). I put 1 of the dumps on the Deftun software and wrote Track 1 and Track 2 with my MSR605X onto an empty Visa Green Dot Card. I went to Walmart to try and test it out. I wasn't planning on buying anything expensive to resell and make money, I just wanted to see if this could actually work and what to expect if the card declines. So right when I walked in, I noticed the claw machine and that it didn't need a chip for payment in order to play. Bingo! I walked right up to it and swiped my newly written card I got from Brians Club... It worked; I couldn't believe it. I was excited and eager to buy something expensive to cash out, so I walked to the electronics section and grabbed a speaker that was $100. I went to the register and when it was time to pay, I inserted the card in the chip slot. As expected, it didn't work so the cashier had me insert it 2 more times and then had me swipe it. I swiped it and it didn't work. I tried again and it still didn't work. I was nervous so I told the cashier I'll go pull some cash out from my bank and be back.

I went back to my car and drove off. I thought the card declined the 2nd time because I made a small purchase and then a much larger purchase. (I've been told this sets off red flags with the person's bank and is a security feature designed to detect fraud)

I had 2 dumps left. I figured the one I just used isn't going to work anymore. I erased my card data and wrote a fresh new dump onto it. I went to a different Walmart about 5 miles away and tried to buy a $50 speaker this time. Same thing happened it didn't work. But this time the clerk read what was on the screen and it said: "Card Issuer Denied this Purchase". I started to walk out of the store but decided to try the Claw Machine because why not lol. It worked! I swiped the card and the first try it worked.
I even tried it on a vending machine that uses chip and on the 4th try it let me swipe it and it worked. I also tried the key making machine and it worked too.
What I'm getting at here is that the cloned cards are only working for things like vending machines that don't require a person to make the sale.
I'm very confused on why these dumps are working for non-expensive things like a vending machine or a key-cutter, but not for anything that has to be paid from a register.
Does it have to do with the different payment systems stores have in place? Is it just Walmart registers that have good fraud detection? How do I cash these dumps out?
I would really appreciate some info on getting these dumps to work from someone experienced.
Thanks for reading.
To increase the likelihood of card approval, it's advisable to explore alternatives to big chain stores such as Walmart, Target, and Best Buy. You can find high-end products at smaller independent stores that may not have the same card processing systems as the larger stores. This is also why claw machine work and vending machines are often successful, as they operate on different systems than Walmart's processor.

- Cipher Soul

Cipher Soul

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Mar 6, 2023
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To increase the likelihood of card approval, it's advisable to explore alternatives to big chain stores such as Walmart, Target, and Best Buy. You can find high-end products at smaller independent stores that may not have the same card processing systems as the larger stores. This is also why claw machine work and vending machines are often successful, as they operate on different systems than Walmart's processor.

- Cipher Soul

TIP: For instance, popular companies like Walmart, United Airlines, and Marriott hotel chain rely on ChaseNet for credit card processing, which may result in card declination. To avoid such situations, consider exploring places that use Square or Payment Depot for credit card processing. Conduct thorough research and compile a list of such places, which may take a few hours, but it will increase your chances of successful card transactions.

Cipher Soul

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Mar 6, 2023
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Hello, I am new to cloning dumps and ran into a little problem at Walmart the other day. I bought 3 dumps on Brians Club (all of them in the same city as me). I put 1 of the dumps on the Deftun software and wrote Track 1 and Track 2 with my MSR605X onto an empty Visa Green Dot Card. I went to Walmart to try and test it out. I wasn't planning on buying anything expensive to resell and make money, I just wanted to see if this could actually work and what to expect if the card declines. So right when I walked in, I noticed the claw machine and that it didn't need a chip for payment in order to play. Bingo! I walked right up to it and swiped my newly written card I got from Brians Club... It worked; I couldn't believe it. I was excited and eager to buy something expensive to cash out, so I walked to the electronics section and grabbed a speaker that was $100. I went to the register and when it was time to pay, I inserted the card in the chip slot. As expected, it didn't work so the cashier had me insert it 2 more times and then had me swipe it. I swiped it and it didn't work. I tried again and it still didn't work. I was nervous so I told the cashier I'll go pull some cash out from my bank and be back.

I went back to my car and drove off. I thought the card declined the 2nd time because I made a small purchase and then a much larger purchase. (I've been told this sets off red flags with the person's bank and is a security feature designed to detect fraud)

I had 2 dumps left. I figured the one I just used isn't going to work anymore. I erased my card data and wrote a fresh new dump onto it. I went to a different Walmart about 5 miles away and tried to buy a $50 speaker this time. Same thing happened it didn't work. But this time the clerk read what was on the screen and it said: "Card Issuer Denied this Purchase". I started to walk out of the store but decided to try the Claw Machine because why not lol. It worked! I swiped the card and the first try it worked.
I even tried it on a vending machine that uses chip and on the 4th try it let me swipe it and it worked. I also tried the key making machine and it worked too.
What I'm getting at here is that the cloned cards are only working for things like vending machines that don't require a person to make the sale.
I'm very confused on why these dumps are working for non-expensive things like a vending machine or a key-cutter, but not for anything that has to be paid from a register.
Does it have to do with the different payment systems stores have in place? Is it just Walmart registers that have good fraud detection? How do I cash these dumps out?
I would really appreciate some info on getting these dumps to work from someone experienced.
Thanks for reading.
TIP: For instance, popular companies like Walmart, United Airlines, and Marriott hotel chain rely on ChaseNet for credit card processing, which may result in card declination. To avoid such situations, consider exploring places that use Square or Payment Depot for credit card processing. Conduct thorough research and compile a list of such places, which may take a few hours, but it will increase your chances of successful card transactions.


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Dec 10, 2022
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TIP: For instance, popular companies like Walmart, United Airlines, and Marriott hotel chain rely on ChaseNet for credit card processing, which may result in card declination. To avoid such situations, consider exploring places that use Square or Payment Depot for credit card processing. Conduct thorough research and compile a list of such places, which may take a few hours, but it will increase your chances of successful card transactions.
Thanks for the info man, I really appreciate it. Ill go give it a try. What price range would you recommend I try buying items in? Reselling items would be the end goal so I can make money but should I go for a larger purchase first or a smaller item?

Cipher Soul

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Mar 6, 2023
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In my opinion, it's best to aim for a budget of $600. To be frank, you can start small and gradually invest in Python cards. This approach can yield significantly higher profits with minimal effort.

- Cipher


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Dec 10, 2022
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In my opinion, it's best to aim for a budget of $600. To be frank, you can start small and gradually invest in Python cards. This approach can yield significantly higher profits with minimal effort.

- Cipher
Thanks man, also for online carding what Socks 5 do you use? I used to use 911 but they got shut down.


Established Contributor
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Mar 15, 2023
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To increase the likelihood of card approval, it's advisable to explore alternatives to big chain stores such as Walmart, Target, and Best Buy. You can find high-end products at smaller independent stores that may not have the same card processing systems as the larger stores. This is also why claw machine work and vending machines are often successful, as they operate on different systems than Walmart's processor.

- Cipher Soul
I was gone say this yeah bro start with smaller stores

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