How To Cash Out Banks Logs


Junior Contributor
Mar 18, 2022
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Welcome in today’s tutorial I will be teaching you everything you need to know to successfully cash out bank logs or credit card logs in 2022. I’ve been consistently eating from bank logs for 2+ years methods come and go but bank logs never die.

  • Fresh I.P / RDP
  • Fresh Device / PC​

  • Bank Drop (Real Bank or Pre-Paid) + AN / RN
  • Fake Physical ID (Optional BUT HIGHLY RECOMMENDED)​

  • Fresh bank log with FULL ACCESS + Fullz
  • Email Address​


It’s now 2022 cashing out bank logs isn’t as easy as linking a bank drop…. Verifying it… then doing an ach or whatever the case may be. In most cases you will be hit with OTP at some point or be hit with some form of extra authentication before being able to successfully move funds not to mention almost all activity is sent in the form of an alert to the victim via email or sms which is why if you are going to buy a log in 2022 I highly recommend buying one with email access.

Before I begin im not going to be going into depth about how to properly login to bank logs for the simple fact that if your buying logs / methods you should already know how to properly login.

Before I begin the tutorial let me explain why I recommend everyone get a Fake ID for every log you want to cash out.

As mentioned its 2022 and security of course is at an all time high, when your working with logs typically your looking at potentially thousands of $ in profit so there’s absolutely no reason to use a half ass method and expect a payout as mentioned above using your typical ach transfer just doesn’t cut it anymore it’s a 50/50 and me personally and for my clients I don’t recommend anyone use any method that is 50/50.

I personally use fake ID for any log I cash out just because the cash out rate is so high well beyond 80% if you can find a reliable seller for logs that you trust wont tamper with your logs while you wait for your ID or if you can spam your own then I promise this little trick will earn you 20x more than what you where making off of logs before reading this.

Now the first reason we use the fakes is to create drops now a days bank drops and getting harder and harder to create it started out as an easy think that most people could do to turning into one of the most sold items on the markets.

When you use fake ID you can create not only pre paid accounts and verify them such as PayPal, Venmo, Cash app, Varo Etc. But you can also create verified crypto accounts such as Coinbase, Blockchain, Kraken, Gemini, Etc. And of course you can always open up and real bank account now the reason this works so well is because of course your fully verifying an account with all the same info as your log victim. But if anything on the account gets frozen or limited you can provide the ID scan and cook a bank statement (if required) and unlock the account without issues I can name 3-4 different times on Venmo alone I have had funds frozen and within 24 hours I’ve had my account fully restored able to move the funds I was able to pull proofs from last month alone where I did exactly this.

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Established Contributor
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Dec 25, 2022
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Hi. Is this te method in its entirety?

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