Carding is still 100% not dead


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Sep 4, 2022
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So this is a discussion forum, if youve been here long and have experience, feel free to leave a comment about your thoughts, if you just joined us and have no idea don't be shy to ask a comment too.. But if your noob ass just got scammed and are here ranting hate please take that energy to the bathroom.. cry over there

in this forum i believe theres about 60% who believe carding is hard and dead after being scammed the shit out of their savings, 15% are making something small once a while though not consistent (hits n miss), 10% are making enough to keep around untill something bigger hits , 5% are killing it with profits and the rest just don't care coz they into drugs or are the people scamming the noobs.

if you are the 60% chances are that you are the guy who walks into a betting ring (lets say bull/cock/chicken/wresling fight) and you see everyone tossing and just gamble and you bet your money on the biggest guy coz the MC said so, no history of fighter, or anything so chances of you winning depend on what you heard not what you know and that's why you get scammed here too.. In short you can't make any money in a place you are not familiar with and that the reason carding appears hard and dead to you. You only familiar with the end product and cashing out and don't even pay attention to how it works.

This is my concept of carding if you've seen "Gone in 60 seconds" by Nicolas Cage youll get it if not just kno its a GTA movie they steal cars. So you'd be the guy who walks into the parking lot. The cc or debit card or bank log will be the key. so you need to steal a car but all you see are a bunch of keys. if you are not familiar with cars chances are you'll ruffle through the keys and probably be caught before you even go to the car. So how would you go about it, ill exaplin with relations to carding

Key - debit card, credit card, bank log

which type of key is this (key phob, chipped key, regular key)

which type of card is this (vbv, non, vbv, prepaid, virtual)

So you find the key is a key phob which means in the parking lot you eliminate each car that doesn't seem to use a phob and since you cant go pressing close to each car as you'll alert secutiy you'll check the make of the car and eliminate from there say its BIMA.. if you own a BIMA the key phobs vary from SUV to sedans so slowly until you narrow it down to a few BIMAs in the lot and from there all you need to do is move close and can open the door from the trunk and go in if the door will raise alarm.

this is the same concept as carding .. the cc are keys to opening a car or safe that has $$. Once you are familiar with the whole concept and how everything works then you'l be in the 15% that make something once ina while to come back and if you dedicate yourself to go beyond familiarizing yourself and get to understand carding then the options are limitless.
Carding to me will be dead the day not a single bank is sending physical cards to their users. As long as they exist then its easy. The bank doesn't have a dash cam or hidden cam to see WHO has the physical card in their wallet or pocket, and they aren't in the VICS brain to know what they want to buy or how to use their cards. If you understand the concept and are able to create a situation where the Bank is 100% certain that the VIC has his card and its they using it then you'll demystyfy the Carding is dead or hard concept.. I do it on a daily ....

Carding is NOT DEAD..


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Sep 24, 2022
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100% agree with this shit. alot of carders demotivated me n stirred me away from carding until I found a carding GC which actually proved to me that this shit actually does work n recently got my first proper hit after a lot of money wasted n trial n error but now im on my feet n starting to see shit happening. its not easy but u just gotta test the waters n ull most likely be burning ur money trying to figure out how to get shit down.


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Nov 17, 2022
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"in this forum i believe theres about 60% who believe carding is hard and dead after being scammed the shit out of their savings, 15% are making something small once a while though not consistent (hits n miss), 10% are making enough to keep around untill something bigger hits , 5% are killing it with profits and the rest just don't care coz they into drugs or are the people scamming the noobs."

No, i don't give a fuck about illegal things. Here, you could feel 90s internet, anonymity, no censorship, you could be yourself and if you are at least little bit smart you wont doxx yourself. I think many people in these illegal things subs are only curious. I don't want to moralize, but if you have computer, access to internet, and you are able to understand or even write English, why would you get dirty with fucking frauds or carding? With that tools you could learn anything, programming, hacking, something in finance, investing in crypto, whatever your interest is. If you are outside Russia or any other post USSR republic (except the EU ones), its question of time when LE will get you, if not your local police, but Europol or Interpol would be interested in your actions, if you are good in that type of business. I chose the less stressful but a lot more depressing path of life. I am unhappy, but i have freedom. You chose path of criminal and your freedom could be seized anytime. I wish you good life bro.


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Sep 11, 2022
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"in this forum i believe theres about 60% who believe carding is hard and dead after being scammed the shit out of their savings, 15% are making something small once a while though not consistent (hits n miss), 10% are making enough to keep around untill something bigger hits , 5% are killing it with profits and the rest just don't care coz they into drugs or are the people scamming the noobs."

No, i don't give a fuck about illegal things. Here, you could feel 90s internet, anonymity, no censorship, you could be yourself and if you are at least little bit smart you wont doxx yourself. I think many people in these illegal things subs are only curious. I don't want to moralize, but if you have computer, access to internet, and you are able to understand or even write English, why would you get dirty with fucking frauds or carding? With that tools you could learn anything, programming, hacking, something in finance, investing in crypto, whatever your interest is. If you are outside Russia or any other post USSR republic (except the EU ones), its question of time when LE will get you, if not your local police, but Europol or Interpol would be interested in your actions, if you are good in that type of business. I chose the less stressful but a lot more depressing path of life. I am unhappy, but i have freedom. You chose path of criminal and your freedom could be seized anytime. I wish you good life bro.
man you aint getting no bag. u thieving ass sneak nigga lmao. im in the field selling drugs, my money hard fucking earned, and i work jobs. just for an idiot like you to possibly hit my card or bank and temporarily fk my life up, and u think u got the bag? what u got ? 250$ ? lmao. karmas a bitch. all im sayin. im a criminal but i try hard to avoid crimes where there is a victim, especially that will greatly impact their life. You're hiding behind a computer screen u aint gettin shit let alone pussy or a bag lol. the amount of work you do hiding behind that screen fking people over lol. its gonna catch up bud. karma sucks. put all that time and energy into a career or something ffs.


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Sep 4, 2022
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So this is a discussion forum, if youve been here long and have experience, feel free to leave a comment about your thoughts, if you just joined us and have no idea don't be shy to ask a comment too.. But if your noob ass just got scammed and are here ranting hate please take that energy to the bathroom.. cry over there

in this forum i believe theres about 60% who believe carding is hard and dead after being scammed the shit out of their savings, 15% are making something small once a while though not consistent (hits n miss), 10% are making enough to keep around untill something bigger hits , 5% are killing it with profits and the rest just don't care coz they into drugs or are the people scamming the noobs.

if you are the 60% chances are that you are the guy who walks into a betting ring (lets say bull/cock/chicken/wresling fight) and you see everyone tossing and just gamble and you bet your money on the biggest guy coz the MC said so, no history of fighter, or anything so chances of you winning depend on what you heard not what you know and that's why you get scammed here too.. In short you can't make any money in a place you are not familiar with and that the reason carding appears hard and dead to you. You only familiar with the end product and cashing out and don't even pay attention to how it works.

This is my concept of carding if you've seen "Gone in 60 seconds" by Nicolas Cage youll get it if not just kno its a GTA movie they steal cars. So you'd be the guy who walks into the parking lot. The cc or debit card or bank log will be the key. so you need to steal a car but all you see are a bunch of keys. if you are not familiar with cars chances are you'll ruffle through the keys and probably be caught before you even go to the car. So how would you go about it, ill exaplin with relations to carding

Key - debit card, credit card, bank log

which type of key is this (key phob, chipped key, regular key)

which type of card is this (vbv, non, vbv, prepaid, virtual)

So you find the key is a key phob which means in the parking lot you eliminate each car that doesn't seem to use a phob and since you cant go pressing close to each car as you'll alert secutiy you'll check the make of the car and eliminate from there say its BIMA.. if you own a BIMA the key phobs vary from SUV to sedans so slowly until you narrow it down to a few BIMAs in the lot and from there all you need to do is move close and can open the door from the trunk and go in if the door will raise alarm.

this is the same concept as carding .. the cc are keys to opening a car or safe that has $$. Once you are familiar with the whole concept and how everything works then you'l be in the 15% that make something once ina while to come back and if you dedicate yourself to go beyond familiarizing yourself and get to understand carding then the options are limitless.
Carding to me will be dead the day not a single bank is sending physical cards to their users. As long as they exist then its easy. The bank doesn't have a dash cam or hidden cam to see WHO has the physical card in their wallet or pocket, and they aren't in the VICS brain to know what they want to buy or how to use their cards. If you understand the concept and are able to create a situation where the Bank is 100% certain that the VIC has his card and its they using it then you'll demystyfy the Carding is dead or hard concept.. I do it on a daily ....

Carding is NOT DEAD..
Thanks for taking time to respond. Your input is greatly appreciated. I hear you bt lets be honest, i don't know what country you in but lets test your moral compass.. So you think every Politician in your country are legit? or lets even keep it basic and talk about banks.. Whats a Bank.. This is an Institution that makes free money out of THIN AIR by charging fees and fines on MONEY THEY DON"T OWN!! .. ok lets move to Insurance, they are another institusion that collects free money by creating an fake assumptions and models of risk and uncertainity.. You'll see this the day you try file a claim after months of faithfully paying your insurance policy. If this suggestion was viable trust me there wouldn't be any crime..

". I don't want to moralize, but if you have computer, access to internet, and you are able to understand or even write English, why would you get dirty with fucking frauds or carding? With that tools you could learn anything, programming, hacking, something in finance, investing in crypto"

I can guarantee you that half mu network link have tried the above but the system is flawed in most countries.. I have 2 apps that would be life changing but where and how to market them? I've spent over $20k marketing and making that stupid app but it needs more than just a code.. it need money to push ot and networking to make it happen but for now its just on my phone i check on in once a whle..
So I'm I wrong for wanting to be like a bank that makes money out of nothing? or insurance that scams and frauds and slowly drain your funds and still not cover you.. what about the politician tellin lies.. I'm just but a small part of a bigger broken system my friend

I can tell you right now that you might think you are free but you really arent trust me.. all the best to you too.. dont worry about the negative comments below, part of the system


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Nov 17, 2022
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Thanks for taking time to respond. Your input is greatly appreciated. I hear you bt lets be honest, i don't know what country you in but lets test your moral compass.. So you think every Politician in your country are legit? or lets even keep it basic and talk about banks.. Whats a Bank.. This is an Institution that makes free money out of THIN AIR by charging fees and fines on MONEY THEY DON"T OWN!! .. ok lets move to Insurance, they are another institusion that collects free money by creating an fake assumptions and models of risk and uncertainity.. You'll see this the day you try file a claim after months of faithfully paying your insurance policy. If this suggestion was viable trust me there wouldn't be any crime..

". I don't want to moralize, but if you have computer, access to internet, and you are able to understand or even write English, why would you get dirty with fucking frauds or carding? With that tools you could learn anything, programming, hacking, something in finance, investing in crypto"

I can guarantee you that half mu network link have tried the above but the system is flawed in most countries.. I have 2 apps that would be life changing but where and how to market them? I've spent over $20k marketing and making that stupid app but it needs more than just a code.. it need money to push ot and networking to make it happen but for now its just on my phone i check on in once a whle..
So I'm I wrong for wanting to be like a bank that makes money out of nothing? or insurance that scams and frauds and slowly drain your funds and still not cover you.. what about the politician tellin lies.. I'm just but a small part of a bigger broken system my friend

I can tell you right now that you might think you are free but you really arent trust me.. all the best to you too.. dont worry about the negative comments below, part of the system
I live in fucking banana republic, safe, rich compared to rest of the world, but politicians here are fucking pigs and godfathers. I don't give fuck about moral compass. If would be necessary to kill someone, i will do it. If would be profitable for me to steal something from taxes, i will do it. My biggest value is freedom. Why would i risk my freedom? Because i am angry like teenager, but not to parents but to government? Immature behavior. Get your own fucking sandbox, set boundaries, steal at lest 10% of your income on taxes and don't violate the law too much to become redflag for authorities and live quite simple life. Invest in crypto or stocks, if the stock/crypto drop buy more, sell it after at least 15 years of holding it, and retire before 50 year of your life. What more do you need?

"I have 2 apps that would be life changing but where and how to market them?" Man, have you ever read about social media? Gary Vaynerchuk, marketing genius. Watch few of his videos about using social media, be persistent with posts and be patient. Its cheap, not really time consuming (if you are familiar with Photoshop already) and success will come, if its really good product. Market doesn't care about you, your effort or your heart, market care only about the product that you made.

System is not broken. In western countries you could be: 1. rat that will adapt on every sewerage without complaining 2. fucking weak victim of the system drowning in debt 3. wannabe gangsta/politician psychopath that will be prisoner or killed by someone.

I am free, but i traded part of my freedom to money and future freedom. I want to be free on second part of my life (from 40-50 year, until death), no need to work, just enjoy the life. I dont give a fuck about anonymous trolls, they are usually unsuccessful in life, why should i care about that people?


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Dec 4, 2022
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Thanks for taking time to respond. Your input is greatly appreciated. I hear you bt lets be honest, i don't know what country you in but lets test your moral compass.. So you think every Politician in your country are legit? or lets even keep it basic and talk about banks.. Whats a Bank.. This is an Institution that makes free money out of THIN AIR by charging fees and fines on MONEY THEY DON"T OWN!! .. ok lets move to Insurance, they are another institusion that collects free money by creating an fake assumptions and models of risk and uncertainity.. You'll see this the day you try file a claim after months of faithfully paying your insurance policy. If this suggestion was viable trust me there wouldn't be any crime..

". I don't want to moralize, but if you have computer, access to internet, and you are able to understand or even write English, why would you get dirty with fucking frauds or carding? With that tools you could learn anything, programming, hacking, something in finance, investing in crypto"

I can guarantee you that half mu network link have tried the above but the system is flawed in most countries.. I have 2 apps that would be life changing but where and how to market them? I've spent over $20k marketing and making that stupid app but it needs more than just a code.. it need money to push ot and networking to make it happen but for now its just on my phone i check on in once a whle..
So I'm I wrong for wanting to be like a bank that makes money out of nothing? or insurance that scams and frauds and slowly drain your funds and still not cover you.. what about the politician tellin lies.. I'm just but a small part of a bigger broken system my friend

I can tell you right now that you might think you are free but you really arent trust me.. all the best to you too.. dont worry about the negative comments below, part of the system
I absolutely agreed, that what realy happen in my country


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Nov 23, 2022
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its not about "doing illegal things". its about realizing you're a cog in a giant fucking machine and from your birth you were determined to be no more than a fucking number... a statistic... another 9-5 npc civillian who believes "wOrK hArD aNd SaVe YoUr MoNeY" when the own government you reside under is partaking in crimes 10x worse than you an imagine and theyre fucking you harder than ever. Some people are in fucked up situations and this can bring them out. just cuz you break the law dont make you a criminal. Think about the dude who got mouths to feed and rent thats due in a day and is struggling, nd how the same corrupt government that is out to arrest that man is the same government fucking him over to begin with. wake up u fuckin npc.
"in this forum i believe theres about 60% who believe carding is hard and dead after being scammed the shit out of their savings, 15% are making something small once a while though not consistent (hits n miss), 10% are making enough to keep around untill something bigger hits , 5% are killing it with profits and the rest just don't care coz they into drugs or are the people scamming the noobs."

No, i don't give a fuck about illegal things. Here, you could feel 90s internet, anonymity, no censorship, you could be yourself and if you are at least little bit smart you wont doxx yourself. I think many people in these illegal things subs are only curious. I don't want to moralize, but if you have computer, access to internet, and you are able to understand or even write English, why would you get dirty with fucking frauds or carding? With that tools you could learn anything, programming, hacking, something in finance, investing in crypto, whatever your interest is. If you are outside Russia or any other post USSR republic (except the EU ones), its question of time when LE will get you, if not your local police, but Europol or Interpol would be interested in your actions, if you are good in that type of business. I chose the less stressful but a lot more depressing path of life. I am unhappy, but i have freedom. You chose path of criminal and your freedom could be seized anytime. I wish you good life


Established Contributor
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Dec 15, 2022
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100% agree with this shit. alot of carders demotivated me n stirred me away from carding until I found a carding GC which actually proved to me that this shit actually does work n recently got my first proper hit after a lot of money wasted n trial n error but now im on my feet n starting to see shit happening. its not easy but u just gotta test the waters n ull most likely be burning ur money trying to figure out how to get shit down.
Hi want to get started can you send me the GC link?


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Mar 19, 2023
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100% agree with this shit. alot of carders demotivated me n stirred me away from carding until I found a carding GC which actually proved to me that this shit actually does work n recently got my first proper hit after a lot of money wasted n trial n error but now im on my feet n starting to see shit happening. its not easy but u just gotta test the waters n ull most likely be burning ur money trying to figure out how to get shit down.
I'm still failing on carding. Many times I tried, I only hit twice out off 100, lol pure luck. Any great tips?


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Feb 23, 2023
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want more info

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