BTC that were on DNM wallet linked to my person?


Established Contributor
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Aug 26, 2022
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Hi guys,

so before I read the DNM Bible and started using Tails etc., I might have done sth. stupid:
All this happened on windows, using Double VPN, thereafter starting Tor browser.

I bought BTC (NOT anonymously), sent them to an anonymous wallet (aw1), sent them to another anonymous wallet (aw2) and from there just sent a tiny amount to a DNM wallet, buying some digital advice on how to set up a fake P.O. box and stuff like that.
Then I sent the rest of the BTC (the ones still in the last anonymous wallet) to another new anonymous wallet (aw3) and bought more BTC (NOT anonymously) which I transferred to the same new anonymous wallet (aw3). From there it went though 9h of Tumbling into yet another new anonymous wallet (aw4). From there I sent it to a new DNM account wallet, but did not make any purchase. Then I withdrew the BTC from the DNM wallet back to the latest anonymous wallet (aw4) and there they are now.

I know its complicated to follow, but I tried to be as exact as possible for you to get a clear picture.

Is there any way I can use these BTC (its now a huge amount) e.g. by converting them into XMR or should I just forget about them to be safe?
Any other suggestions? Should I be worried?

Thanks guys


Established Contributor
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Aug 29, 2022
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would ditch all 6 of those wallets. If anyone really wanted to it would be far to easy to follow the trail, especially given that you de-anonymized aw3. As has been mentioned putting it into XMR is probably your best bet for the next step. As far as the next steps go it all depends on how much it is and how careful you want to be. At a minimum I would create multiple XMR wallets to transfer varying amounts to over a period of timeat least once before tranfering them back into one wallet or considering them clean. You could also use something like Tornado Cash on the ETH Network if your really worried but I don't think this situation necessary calls for that. But again, it all depends on how careful you want to be and what you think the situation warrants. I don't think you have to much to worry about in the immeadiate but I would definitely make sure you're confident that they're cleaned well before using them for anything DN related and I wouldn't use any of thse 6 wallets again.

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