Alphabay and other Darknet Marketplaces works with FBI ,CIA here I have all the evidence! - 2022/2023


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hello everyone we created this post because we are serious sellers in the market and we called ourselves on alphabay mrjok00 because the name MrSoSa had already been used !
I want to tell you about our experience and what happened, when we entered alphabay we made a nice record of 210 welded in a short time with the votes of 94% positive .. the customers came back happy and and we were happy too.
on the day Jul 10 and happened that 4 customers write to me that they can no longer see our lists and that they wanted to buy ... then we go to the lists and notice that all the lists were suppressed without any warning .

to open a ticket to ask for information and why after a few days thecrytp or TheCypriot replies to me I do not remember qull bad nickname .. saying our guides were not good.. then we view that no customer gave problems and that indeed the customers were happy we already smelled
then we decided to investigate with our team , we said that the lists were good , then they closed the ticket saying that I had to contact the moderator .

while we noticed that the positive feeds released by our customers were suddenly deleting from 94% to 90% we made the screen of the votes and the amount of votes in the 90% .hence the first screen :).
from here comes in social engineering :)to create a situation to prove what we were saying and that they manipulate the market :) .

we then sent a message with such importance writing that we loved alphabay and wanted to improve and if they could please reactivate our lists :) (Note: of course after seeing the market manipulation we realized that we will no longer be part of the market)

so as to create a great importance and power that they already possess by showing that they were the strongest, big and powerful and we of the miserable little sellers, we asked them if they could reactivate the lists and to tell us what lists guides they did not like ...
the moderator falling into the trap to delete even more feeds because we were too good to create a situation of this type and to decide their interests .

then TheCypriot to delete other feedback :) yes just so it falls into the trap demonstrating its great power still leaves us in suspension with the money blocked the lists that we could not delete and we lower the feed to 85% deleting even more feedback :)

below you have the link proof that I insert here to show you that the market makes manipulations of the market and the total conversation with the market
now I'll explain why the market works for the CIA, FBI.
I list the why it is easy and very likely that they are blue hats (FBI, CIA)
we carried out investigations in this regard where there were other very experienced sellers with the same problem, the market had done this because it was not possible that a seller could provide so much great information not to mention that each customer brought more and more money .. so this situation was created by agents who didn't want anyone to card and use our accounts and cards because they knew they would make a mess with their operation.
the market was created by an agent with the collaboration of the old moderators caught in the black market in alphabay many years ago .

there are many cases of sellers and buyers discovered on alphabay 87% more than other markets!! here I list one of the news where a seller of documents has been found !

if you do some research you will find many more! especially buyers where they find themselves caught because they did not use the normal GPA but the automatic one! ,
this market is manipulating everything for one purpose to destroy black markets there has been a great progress of DDoS attacks in rival markets !

because they want to bring many more customers to destroy the best sellers this and only the work of a blue hat who works to save his ass from jail do not enter this market soon will also be banned by Dread and other places that are understanding the gravity .. that block us who have been working since 2014 and sedating bases on Jokerstash .. after in 2019 we moved here in the dark makes us understand that and this is the truth the market wants to ruin your life!

Trust me!
below instead I list the proof of the last market where we did in 8 months of work 1.9 BTC and 18 XMR 3781 SALES in World Market
this screen we had done to talk that we had a scammer customer who on 5 orders had opened 5 disputes with requests for the documents we sold obtained through SQL attacks
of course you also see the amount of BTC and XMR earned on World Market to show you that we are very good as sellers and that happy customers always come back

request :
we request us and ban this site for market manipulation ! and to wait until soon you will find out that this market works with the blue hat be on guard withdraw the money and do not enter anymore !


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>> the market works with FBI ,CIA here I have all the evidence !
The clickbait title.

>> on the day Jul 10 and happened that 4 customers write to me that they can no longer see our lists and that they wanted to buy
>> saying our guides were not good.
What actually this is all about. We do not allow products especially reported ones by other members of very low quality to be sold. There was another vendor that had bad guides, we limited him, he updated and now he is working well within the quality standards we have at AlphaBay.

>> the moderator falling into the trap to delete even more feeds because we were too good to create a situation of this type and to decide their interests .
Since you want to question us let me show you the notes on your account.

TheCypriot - Limited account. Using c****1 to pad feedback. - 17 July 2022

TheCypriot - Duplicate listings. Garbage product. Suspended listings. - 12 July 2022

wxmaz - Selling garbage accounts. Telling customers they need to buy 4 or 5 to get one working. - 16 June 2022

wxmaz - bond denied 387 sales - 31 March 2022

You can clearly see you were suspending for peddling absolute shit guides and padding feedback. Let me also put what you had sent me on Dread again since you want to question and accuse.

13th July, 2022
hello I am a seller of your market :) we have a lot of esteem for you and your team we have also invested time to make advertising and help your market ,to grow but now we have noticed thanks to one of our customers that you have suspended my lists , I also see that you have not announced anything to me and for three days I was empty without customers luckily one of our customers who was to buy looked for me and asked me why he no longer saw my lists then we twisted we also always put over $ 300 in the market per month to help in advertising and the market I would like out of respect for our group that has been working since 2014 and to collaborate with the big markets like Jokestash ,WSM,World market thanks snake our name in the market and this MrJok00 in the general markets we are known as MrSoSa we had to put another name because someone had stolen our hope you solve as soon as possible because I care a lot thanks
3 days ago
14th July, 2022

What is your vendor name?

Thank you.
3 days ago
Hy DeSnake our name in your market and mrjok00 you find me as a seller , we found out that one of your moderators is kicking on our market please check because you and I have also already worked together many years ago :)

I have a lot of respect for you but not for this moderator of yours who is also working as a seller here we have brought all the evidence of what we say we do many customers and this makes other sellers stink, here I list all the conversation plus the ticket because I want to talk to you I hope you will understand what I am saying the moderator to found an excuse to suspend all our lists with serious problem for everyone, at your market we are here to help change people's lives we have money and boredom and so much :) here I list you conversation and below also the tests plus the ticket number attentive to this moderator because he is playing the double game and is making you lose customers.
Hy thecypriot we feel very offended by this so we dirty the market .. because the guides are outdated.. we did not even put the direct link from these guides , as you judged my guides , also we also wrote the date of the guides for us is not a problem if you want to get out of the market . we have over 90% positive not to mention that in the world market they had given me as a reward all my extra lists for 30 days and we as a reward we gave him the victory I can not say what we gave him :) this and the proof that on the World market we had over 2 BTC in 8 months of activity 4 months of holidays not and a problem we have many customers if you want me to go out because your store and here and you as a moderator bothers you because we make more customers is not a problem .


you make me talk to Desnake because it seems to me a kick in the legs this, if also they were only the guides that you did not like then you suspended only those to someone bothered all our market because we do many customers not to say that already while we are here we have an order from $ 500 on dark fox and and a customer of yours and moved because you have delete my all list , so I repeat for us is not a problem and for Desnake the problem because he will have someone kicking him in the legs as it happened to me !

LINK :this is the proof of one of the many clients that your moderator made lose for his purposes of selfishness

View Support Ticket #W5ZaL8Ne71WC
2 days ago
tanks DeSnake :)
2 days ago
15th July, 2022
the DeSnake I closed the ticket without responding and without activating our lists of CVV accounts and more all suspended for no reason with also active advertising, this and a serious lack of respect for our wolves that year hunger I hope that I reactivate the lists as soon as I await your response
1 day ago
Again a lot of shit talking but main point is yesterday it was 'we are very respected by you' and today it is 'run by feds' all because we suspended your listings and refused you to scam our customers. Take that shit to some other second or third tier market that will accept such bullshit.

I am also not going to delete this FUD topic as you have shown what an absolute clown of a vendor you are and how things are in private few days back vs today. When it is not convenient for you, we are this and that but when it is we are 'highly respected'. Right.

Thank you.


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hilarious fud and salty vendor
i will say ive had issues before but you guys have always been on it. only issue ive had recently is the open tickets ive been waiting a while for but i see you guys are dealn with a lot rn


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Hy thanks for giving me the crazy seller , we are crazy you stay in the dark for many years and you will see, and you will see if you disappear the money because of this market as you become, you will see after the care of many customers what happens :)


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Apr 12, 2022
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>> the market works with FBI ,CIA here I have all the evidence !
The clickbait title.

>> on the day Jul 10 and happened that 4 customers write to me that they can no longer see our lists and that they wanted to buy
>> saying our guides were not good.
What actually this is all about. We do not allow products especially reported ones by other members of very low quality to be sold. There was another vendor that had bad guides, we limited him, he updated and now he is working well within the quality standards we have at AlphaBay.

>> the moderator falling into the trap to delete even more feeds because we were too good to create a situation of this type and to decide their interests .
Since you want to question us let me show you the notes on your account.


You can clearly see you were suspending for peddling absolute shit guides and padding feedback. Let me also put what you had sent me on Dread again since you want to question and accuse.

Again a lot of shit talking but main point is yesterday it was 'we are very respected by you' and today it is 'run by feds' all because we suspended your listings and refused you to scam our customers. Take that shit to some other second or third tier market that will accept such bullshit.

I am also not going to delete this FUD topic as you have shown what an absolute clown of a vendor you are and how things are in private few days back vs today. When it is not convenient for you, we are this and that but when it is we are 'highly respected'. Right.

Thank you.
hello FENDIFURY good to done well to publish even with education and respect we tried to understand the shit you are building .. here we also brought proof that the problem was only the guides as said by your moderator .

now it is you who do not know which cards to use, as well as we have evidence of market manipulation ,
it's called social engineering! :).
the problem was the guides and now looked at you are saying that all our stuff and shit so still lying even about the real problem the guides :)
I repeat we had over 94% positive and no wax customer who made problems proof in link,
# we also have proof that in World Market in 8 months there are turned 120K so customers made big orders and were happy ! even now some of them are looking for me because in the markets they write to me I found you and more the customer we have treated him well and we will always treat him well.
anyway thanks that you give us clown in fact it was also Jokestash :)


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Jan 22, 2022
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Trying to read this almost broke my brain 😅


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Jul 12, 2022
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I remember Mr. Sosa from the old ABM.
For those of you that aren't familiar, he has hundreds (maybe even thousands) of lilttle mini-guides and some software, mostly copied and pasted or downloaded from clearnet websites (or old forums) and listed for sale for a couple of dollars each. If you could find it for free on google or TPB, odds were Sosa was selling it on ABM for a buck twenty five.
Back on the old ABM, he would spam these in every category. So like if you were looking for CVVs in the CVV category, you had to scroll through dozens of pages of $2 Mrsosa guides on how to cashout CVVs, most of them written when people were trying to card beanie babies, hammer pants, and new kids on the block tickets.
He gets good reviews because he sends extras (why not), and because most new users don't want to get in a fight about leaving bad feedback for a two dollar digital product.
This thread is actually the best news ive heard about the new ABM so far.


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I remember Mr. Sosa from the old ABM.
For those of you that aren't familiar, he has hundreds (maybe even thousands) of lilttle mini-guides and some software, mostly copied and pasted or downloaded from clearnet websites (or old forums) and listed for sale for a couple of dollars each. If you could find it for free on google or TPB, odds were Sosa was selling it on ABM for a buck twenty five.
Back on the old ABM, he would spam these in every category. So like if you were looking for CVVs in the CVV category, you had to scroll through dozens of pages of $2 Mrsosa guides on how to cashout CVVs, most of them written when people were trying to card beanie babies, hammer pants, and new kids on the block tickets.
He gets good reviews because he sends extras (why not), and because most new users don't want to get in a fight about leaving bad feedback for a two dollar digital product.
This thread is actually the best news ive heard about the new ABM so far.
hello no you are wrong for digital products easily write bad things. also from our experiences there were other sellers who wrote that the card for example was bad and to go to the seller where he was fine with his name in the market so let's not say bullshit not to mention the scammers who asked for example new documents continuously to get more documents this always happens on every 100 orders because there are also anonymous resales.
# anyway you have never tried our market because it has in all only a couple of guides in all 9


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hello no you are wrong for digital products easily write bad things. also from our experiences there were other sellers who wrote that the card for example was bad and to go to the seller where he was fine with his name in the market so let's not say bullshit not to mention the scammers who asked for example new documents continuously to get more documents this always happens on every 100 orders because there are also anonymous resales.


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Mar 8, 2022
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alpha bay mods and admins suppressing you selling illegal items is the last thing feds would want. are you fucking stupid?? they would want to cast a net of active criminals thus expanding their chances of catching illicit actors. it sounds like you were selling garbage and thecypriot who is known to be very hard core in terms of enforcement which i support raised the hammer on you to do better.
do better and be better and you might get your ban lifted. the worst approach to this is to try to rile the customer base with FUD against the market.............
grow up. do better.


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Apr 12, 2022
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Why would you post a download link to a mega URL?
If anyone downloads that, let alone open it you're retarded. He could of infected the download with a R.A.T.
Be cautious of external links / downloads if you are new to the scene.


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Jan 22, 2022
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Why would you post a download link to a mega URL?
If anyone downloads that, let alone open it you're retarded. He could of infected the download with a R.A.T.
Be cautious of external links / downloads if you are new to the scene.
hello these links are not infected can be seen without downloading them from the browser .


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Jul 12, 2022
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cypriot is a very fair moderator. from my experiences with him in disputes or tickets, he asks for evidence and values them whit calmly before making a judgment
it seems that you are mixing your experience, taken out of context, with a conspiracy theory.
are you aware that there is a part of the market that is under the wing of Russia? we will not dwell on this point, because you are capable of blaming President vladimir putin for your problems tomorrow, in a connection with Biden, the CIA, the FBI and the illuminati lodge that asked for your head.
you are a criminal, a criminal, as all of us who are in this business, the mere fact that the transaction is a crime, the mere fact of receiving drugs in this way is plotting to commit a crime, and even if you are a seller before a court, you are participating in a criminal enterprise, or bandwidth, so that the punishment would be much harder if you are in a street in buying a man with face-s bully
so yes desnake is an cia agent, cypriot a fed, and the market fsb tool


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I have now banned your account with mrjok00 for revealing that I am a fed.


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I have now banned your account with mrjok00 for revealing that I am a fed.
hello thanks we will never have been in this market that manipulates for a very simple interest that I described above :)


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Do you guys know why I am so addicted to Crdforum and DN world now?

It is the most dramatic series beating all series in Netflix ... Peaky Blinders? Nah ..

The FED, The CIA, The KGB and DeSnake.
Series name "Where is my Honey?"

Guys, Please continue...


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So many words, such little done


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Desnake used to be an informant, but since he knows the names of all the cops who buy Dark Net drugs, they have to take orders from him now. In fact working with LE is really the only way to be in the DNMarket business now days


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Mar 8, 2022
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Desnake used to be an informant, but since he knows the names of all the cops who buy Dark Net drugs, they have to take orders from him now. In fact working with LE is really the only way to be in the DNMarket business now days
He's a fucking genius. But don't use that word, it's what I call my girlfriend

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