Search results

  1. GeniusMidnight

    Newbie here-- How are CC sent to me

    So info isn't mailed to me- I don't mean emailed, I literally mean put in the mail
  2. GeniusMidnight

    How to find a proper drop house

    What if I know a home is a summer house?
  3. GeniusMidnight

    Opinons on carding with a mobile phone?

    Newbie here. I have been looking into carding for the past few days, I was already familiar with a lot of the stuff here so learning curve is more focused on the payment gateways and fraud detection methods. Lots of people here seem to say that acting like the card holder as much as you can is...
  4. GeniusMidnight

    Need Help Asap/Stop Passing And Help A Brother Out... I'm Stuck With Cards... CAN'T CASH OUT

    Your problem is trying to purchase a 1k item. Make a merchant acct and swipe 50 cards a week for 200$ a pop
  5. GeniusMidnight

    [ For Newbies ] Ask questions here!

    It works by faking the most common fingerprinting parameters your browser gives to the website you're on. This can include: Fonts installed, number of hardware devices (AV input/output), OS version/language, Date/Timezone, Browser version, hardware make&model, etc... Antidetect software or...
  6. GeniusMidnight

    I need help please (with credit cards)

    Hello, i m new in that subject First, my english is not so good I have a question, you know some website to buy legit credit card ? I want to buy some cc, and after i want to deposit into crypto account, is this possible ? Or how can i withdraw the money from the card ?
  7. GeniusMidnight

    Any good place to get skimmers?

  8. GeniusMidnight

    Any good place to get skimmers?

    i bet you are the type of person that are just trolling people and dont have knowledge of anything at all ( no wonder with a score of 0) and besides that you can protype with arduino to eventually make an final product. how the fuck do you even think people prototype these days? out of thin air...
  9. GeniusMidnight

    Product Release: Cloned Cards (Physical & Shipped) [👑 PYTHON KINGDOM 👑]

    no one witt a 9-5 can afford that shit lol 🤣🤣🤣
  10. GeniusMidnight

    Product Release: Cloned Cards (Physical & Shipped) [👑 PYTHON KINGDOM 👑]

    Bro on gd newark niggas be fucking shit up for everyone
  11. GeniusMidnight


    Check out my profile...... The resources have been infront of you THIS WHOLE TIME" I just went through your profile and didn't find anything resembling information about carding, save for a few tips here and there. You, sir, are part of the problem