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  1. MikeCarder

    REVIEW: - My Honest & Brutal Review

    Manneee im boutta do my own review too no cap, scammed my cuz like last week.
  2. MikeCarder

    REVIEW: Full Comprehensive (Personal) Review

    FAAXXXXX maaa boiii. they news be sucking frfr, top trash. Real talk no cap. GMFUUUUUU
  3. MikeCarder

    CPN tips? CPN will be over 700 in a few weeks - Also dropped gems for ppl getting into CPNs

    dude wtf are you talking about cpns are bullshit and where are the couple gems ur sure u left?....
  4. MikeCarder

    Drug dealer vs Fraudster

    The greedy fuckers. They have money printed whenever they need it and wont help granny recover from the fraud they should be protecting her from.
  5. MikeCarder

    Drug dealer vs Fraudster

    So get granny then report it after you cash out? That is RobinHood as fuck!!!
  6. MikeCarder

    Drug dealer vs Fraudster

    I likes me some spam musubi. lol! Good tip though, I'll look into that. Im most interested in getting the banks, cc companies and Gov. These fucking slave drivers owe us! Im not to stoked about hitting up Grama unless FDIC is going to fix it for her.
  7. MikeCarder

    Drug dealer vs Fraudster

    Thats a great idea. I guess the trust issue is a concern. How would I prove trust yet stay annoymous? Seems tough.
  8. MikeCarder

    Drug dealer vs Fraudster

    With the right business and accountant you can clean the money and not pay much taxes! And yes pay your fucking taxes!
  9. MikeCarder

    Help wit BankLog Cashouts/ Legit vendors

    So, man i iust got into fraud and this shit is wild, i havent even cashed out yet, started carding but now i want banklogs but im stuck finding a vendor and seriously understanding the cashout i know basics but not how to really do it if anyone has the time id take all help, NOT TALKING ABOUT...
  10. MikeCarder

    Drug dealer vs Fraudster

    I have been a dealer for over 20 years. I have been doing this IRL and have on the Markets since 2014. I have smuggled across international borders distributed in almost every state at some point. The money is generally good but it is hard work and the risk of getting a gun in your face or your...
  11. MikeCarder

    REVIEW: Bohemia Market, Dionysus Market, and FastandSafe Are All Darkweb Scammers

    Fraudulent Email: N/A Pseudonym: N/A URL/Website: http://bohemia2ek5v565xjhekuytgztljy3nabmqnsruy6znge4pvn5se4uid.onion Comment / Review: Dude this is such fucking bullshit. And nobody gives a fuck. I opened a ticket, I know that's not what they are for but I don't know what else to do. I...
  12. MikeCarder

    Trying to do Bank Open Ups (Based Out of UK)

    im uk based people say the carding scene is dead in the uk when it comes to bank open ups . Is it possible to do bank open ups in America from the uk and cashout in crypto? sorry if i sound like a noob im 2 days in