or i could be prepared from the start so i dont need to run into problems? whats the point of putting anything at risk when i can make sure im protected from the start?
Looking for a vendor or a market that would allow me to find a vendor that sells either gas pump skimmers or sells a guide on how to make one. Please help, thanks for reading.
Whats good yall I'm starting to understand the concept of carding and how Opsec works. Im lost at the RDP part. Over the forums i see people saying use rdp or vm software and me personally ive seen that rdp is more secure since you are basically doing all the illegal transactions and that on a...
Whats good yall I'm starting to understand the concept of carding and how Opsec works. Im lost at the RDP part. Over the forums i see people saying use rdp or vm software and me personally ive seen that rdp is more secure since you are basically doing all the illegal transactions and that on a...
This is a good example of natural selection in the fraud game, how do you get scammed 8 times and not realise shit, though if you have an actually good log just import session cookies, learn to bypass 2fa and wire money to someone on LM that accepts wire for monero
It isn't rocket science
I am freshly new at all this and I've been doing a lot of reading up and trying to figure it all out, but I was wondering for whenever I think I'm ready and I think I've found a good vendor can the CC and fullz info be sent to me digitally? Or is mail really the only way?
My understanding is that a CC autoshop is where you buy CC's and don't have to wait around for a vendor to be online. I may be wrong I am still new to anything fraud/carding related.
Hello i am just beginner here but i am trying to learn much as possible
I have i think all things what i need Hardware Omni, Msr, card and i think i have all the software to write on mag strip and write emv. I would like to ask where to find some good cc's with pins i found on the forums when...
Yeah you need an invalid SSN to use for a CPN bro. You can prolly open a drop tho but you'd want to def make sure your opsec is good FIRST before you do shit like that, and yeah no physical shit at all. Out of the question unless you have a crash dummy to use.
I'd say its around the 3/4 mark, my experience is that 1 in 4 cards you buy are either dead or invalid or incorrect billing address. The ones that have been live though have been great. But it's kind of pricey compared to other autoshops. Easy to use but not super reliable. And 99.9% of the...
It's a magnetic strip reader and writer, you can get dumps and then write them on blank cards which act like any normal card in an atm, therefore easy money
So there is this guy who dm'ed me an onion link to his website "ELITE CARDING UNIVERSITY" that offers a 3 weeks paid course ($200) and this is what the website reads and the websites reads that they'll share secrets and resources to card. Seems like a scam tbh. If anyone has any info please...
directly? no. in my experience banks will block you from purchasing crypto even with your own card.
and don't bother using an omnikey or any of those fuckin blanks. it's an immediate red flag if you go into a store and try pay with a blank card lmfao (i suggest using an old credit card of...