Python Kingdom Mid-Balance Card is a Scam


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Aug 2, 2024
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The mid-balance card that python kingdom offers is not a good card for purchase. My first purchase I saved a bunch of money ($250) for myself to buy the Mid-Balance card and was promised according to my balance around a balance of $1,900 according to my paper. The method of cashout is not going to work in 90% of the world with an exception to the USA. The card must be used after midnight whenever you get your first $1,000 out of the ATM (which I completed myself). Then rest of the card has to be cashed out within that night (when there are no stores open) so you are now stuck in my situation where I have a $900 worth of money left on the card that I cannot access because there are no store available.

Python kingdom will tell you that you can access this $900 at the stores... if you wait too long user will cancel this. This card is bullshit, I am not mad of my healthy returns of 4x but these funds were going to pay off debts and I cannot recieve my promised amount because ofr their lack of transparency. Most nations globally do not have a wide array of stores open at these late times, you will never get full amount of money off of card, there are no giftcard shops that you can go to at these times.

If I would of known this earlier I would of purchased the High-Balance Card before and just waited another month to buy it. Python Kingdom need more accountability for their client. Bullshit like this is no good.


Junior Contributor
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Mar 21, 2023
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This is very true, although if you look at the older replies on the thread you can see that they have had this discussion about a hundred times it feels like. They seem to have updated their FAQ and cover this. The "transparency" is definetely hidden and not in plain site I'm sure many others think the mid-balance is a good starter card, it isn't at all. Great thread @wisdomage

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