Could you share some more information about this?Stay away from whole foods and hooters as they do not longer work in my area and almost went to jail at whole foods (had to run out of store).
Looking to give these a try too. I see them selling on the clearnet, as well.Could you share some more information about this?
I'm actually about to pull the trigger on his Wholefoods card and I want to make sure I don't run into the same issues you did.
I just say e-Giftcard as id say 4/5 restaurants now have giftcards you can purchase online. If they don't have those I usually just act like its a normal gift card I have on my phone. Apps like Gyft and a few others allow you to put the card number etc and itll present you with a bar scanner as well as the restaursnts logo and balance it looks very legitimate in the eyes of a worker. I usually just say i dont carry 10000 gift cards around in my pocket so i just upload them to my phone.Looking to give these a try too. I see them selling on the clearnet, as well.
What do you refer to them as when you call before hand to see if they're accepted at a particular location? Digital gift cards?App. codes?