How to spam for bank logs tutorial


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Aug 28, 2022
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I'll try to detail how you can spam for bank logs using reverse proxy phishing server and mass mailer attacks, you can use the method below to spam bank logs yourself using phishing attacks.


Reverse proxy phishing tool (evilginx2)

SMTP server

Email list (containing email addresses of the bank users) e.g BOA

Vps server


1.You need to set up the phishing website, a reverse proxy phishing website (evilginx) will be ideal for spamming banks because it can bypass 2fa and will also get you the cookie session for the logins. You can host the evilginx phishing website on a vps server and it'll work just fine. Evilginx has templates already available in the script so you'll manually have to add the phis-lets for the bank you want to use, they're tutorials for that.

2. Next you'll need to get a solid email list with the victims of the bank you want to spam for and the write a a carefully crafted email which will include using html to make it look as legit as possible, once you're done writing your email(make sure you test it multiple times to make sure you bypass all spam filters so that your emails don't go directly to spam. once all that is done you'll need to prep an smtp server to send the email you crafted with your phishing link (make sure it's as convincing as possible).

3.Set up an SMTP server you will b using to send your emails to your targets. Once everything is ready send it to every one on the email list with the phishing link from Evilginx attached, sit back and let everything fall in place, if your email looks convincing and good people will click on it and you'll get access to their login details as well as cookie session and 2fa information.

Evilginx is a revers proxy phishing server, it also saves cookie sessions and bypasses 2fa so you shouldn't have any problem logging in later. If you also need access to the email address attached to the account you can spam it later.



Established Contributor
Regular Member
Aug 29, 2022
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preciate da info its very detailed also

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