How to Review Vendors on Crdforum within "Vendor Reviews" Section

ShadowMod (Влади́мир)

Staff member
Dec 31, 1969
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How to Review Vendors

Users of Crdforum can create reviews of Vendors by using the preassembled template set up for posts automatically when desiring to post within the "Vendor Reviews" thread. Below is an example of what the template will look like when you post a new thread within the area, you must insert the relevant information to your thread following the provided formatting. The title must contain "REVIEW:" in the beginning to signify that this post is a review of an auxiliary product/service of a Vendor or a Marketplace. The "VENDOR EMAIL" must consist of the Email associated with the Vendor/Marketplace, as this is typically a common conversation medium. The "PSEUDONYM" refers to the nickname or common name that the Vendor or Marketplace is generally known as, this is due to the fact that it is another referential source outside of simply the URL/Link. The "URL/WEBSITE" section must consist of the direct source in which the Vendor/Marketplace hosts their operations online. The "COMMENT / REVIEW" must consist of your honest review of the Vendor or Marketplace that you are reviewing, we recommend this section to have a few paragraphs of content. Finally, the "ATTACHMENTS" section can consist of all Photos or Videos that coincide with your written content.


How to Make a "Vendor Review" Post Step-by-Step

1. How to Fill out the Vendor Email Section


Firstly under "Vendor Email" the Email Address of Crdforum was put within the space. Signifying this is the primary way in which to contact the owner/vendor of the specific platform, in this case, Crdforum. Use "N/A" if there is no Vendor Email available.

2. How to Fill out the Pseudonym Section


Secondly, under "Pseudonym" the nickname would be "Crdforum" as most would call the forum this name instead of calling it by the link with the ".cc" at the end. This makes the review more relative, and people would properly understand exactly what is being referred to. Use N/A" if there is no Pseudonym available.

3. How to Fill out the URL/Website Section


Thirdly, under the "URL/Website" our website link "" is posted as it is the main way to get to the Vendor/Marketplace that is under review. This will allow users to easily navigate to the website in question.
Use N/A" if there is no URL/Website available.

4. How to Fill out the Comment / Review Section


Fourthly, under "Comment / Review" you can write your review of the Vendor or Marketplace, typically we recommend reviews stay in between two sentences to a paragraph long. However, feel free to extend it as far as you would like to.

5. How to Fill out the Attachments Section


Finally, under "Attachments" any photos/videos that you need to properly depict your review can go within the section. This serves as a great visual element to your review, that will help it resonate with viewers. Use "N/A" if your review does not need Attachments under it.

6. Post Thread

Navigate to the bottom, and select "Post Thread", Then you are finally done writing your review 🎉
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