Dumps and CVV... What's The Difference ?


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Jan 5, 2024
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Many carders cannot fully understand the differences between dumps and CC at the beginning of their work. In this text, I will talk to you about the main difference between these two aspects of carding.

We will start with the fundamentals of carding and instore carding. Carding is the process by which a person online (!) buys information about a credit card and the owner of this card. This information calls CC or CVV. The whole procedure of carding is entirely online.

Buying CC, carder gets almost all the information about the cardholder:

1️. A number of the credit card.
2️. CVV
3️. Date of the card expiration(03/2024).
4️. Name of the person that owns a credit card.
5️. Full card owner’s address.

There is also some optional information (FULLZ):

1️. Card owner’s phone number.
2️. Date of birth.
3️. E-mail of the card owner.
4️. Social Security Number.
5️. VBV password.

All this information is needed to make purchases on the Internet. Fullz is data needed to confirm the fact that you are a cardholder. Online store employees can ask you to prove your mother first name or some other information when they aren’t sure that you are a real card owner.

When a carder buys CC, he has several options for earning. The first and most profitable option is to buy expensive items in online stores using information about someone else’s card and then resell them. There are also such options as affiliate marketing or online cashback games, but they are not so useful.

Now let’s deal with instore carding and dumps.

Instore carding is a process when a person in real life (!) encodes information (stolen with the help of dumps) on a plastic card with a magnetic stripe and gets a copy of someone’s real card.

A dump is certain information that places on a magnetic strip of a bank card. Three tracks are recorded here; they are a set of bytes, and unique information contains in each of them. The primary information carrier is the second track. If the carder takes possession of it, he can find out the missing information. Thus, the dump and pin code is the information that the card needs to receive money from an ATM.

CC is information that we need only on the Internet, and the dump is the information that we need for carding in real life. Now, based on my explanation, you see all the pros and cons and decide what kind of carding you can do now.


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Mar 30, 2023
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CC is just the info sent to you; Name, CC#, EXP, CVV,. Addy(billing). Can be used virtually. If you are missing info you can fill it in with the iinfo you have.

Fullz: dudes full info, not debit card info, govt-type. Name/(possible) ID pic/dob/releveant email/ssn/VBV

A fullz doesn't have to include a CC. Having a CC where you can gain access to the Fullz information allows you to to be even more devious.

Dump is the magnetic strip encoding on cards. it includes information needed to make in-person purchases. Just like with a CC or Fullz, you can use a dump of the person aswell to help fill in any blanks. You do NOT need a pin code to use a dump, but DO need it to receive money from an ATM. If you wrote a debit card to a blank and you know it has enough money on it, you can bypass pin at a lot of places and put the billing zip code. If you already have the dump, hope you remembered it.when you wrote it.
edit: note! Wanna add people selling dumps w/ pin are almost 100% going to be a scam. If they have the ability to get the dumps, then somehow magically know the pin, theres no reason to to not overnight a MSR to your home and go for a bike ride atm to atm cashing them all out yourself.
Dumps sell without pins because cameras are hard to hide on POS terminals and a lot of swipes that aren't spammed ccs are through slight of hand from people who deal with transactions daily.

tl;dr dont but a $1000 dump with pin for $250. maybe $900-950. Pretty much, if they saythe pin's with it, it's probably a scam. just 'clone' a card you don't know the pin to and run credit.

If there's any 24.7 Diesel stations/truck stops go fill up 3 100 gallon jugs of diesel. sell at 60% and make $600 a stop. though i'd spread them out, no double dipping neighborhoods besides a few weeks apart.
Mite wana travel around about. Find you ur mans that'l buy it discounted liked that and you're balling (and they do exist $)


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Apr 23, 2024
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its not that simple to just buy Crypto bro thats the perfect scenario that all acrders want but unless u have a matching BIN which is almost impossible ob-gain ur next best bet is to order expensive items that sell quick like designer clothing,iphones/earphones ect and alot do Amazon refunds which isn't actually that hard to do but carding is not an easy task it takes hours of trail and error im still trying to hit perfectly every time but aint having much luck, was gutted when genesis/911 went down. "Your Proxy is your main key in my eyes"

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