Debunking EMV X2 Software (PythonCards Editorial)

Python Cards

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May 24, 2022
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PythonCards Editorial Series Introduction

Hello, I am "PythonCards" a Verified Vendor for Cloned Cards, Skimming Devices, Dumps, and other Physical Carding Products here on ShadowForum. I am the CEO and owner of "PythonKingdom" a Physical Carding storefront that dates back to Silkroad, so we have been vending within this space for roughly a decade. We have seen the transcendence within the Dumps/Cloned Cards/Physical Carding space from the time in which it was fully distributed upon accessibility in terms of production (anyone and everyone could effectively clone a card and cashout), to now where it requires significant capital and resources to bypass the barrier to entry regarding the data acquisition (skimming) and manufacturing of Cloned Cards because of various security features added into the Cloned Cards.

I wanted to make an editorial series weekly to provide the users within this forum further insights into the interworkings of Physical Carding, as there is a vast amount of misinformation on the internet about it. It was subsequently leading to many different prospective buyers losing their funds from predatory scam artists selling dreams. The first topic I believe should be covered is the "X2 EMV Software" or "X2 Smartcard Allinone" card encoding software, which is completely and utterly fake beyond comprehension. We are Computer Scientists/Computer Engineers by trade, so our views tend to have a bias towards technicals; however, we will break everything down in a digestible way even for the most uninformed novice Carder.

This post will consist of two distinctive critiques that will debunk the X2 Software myth and shed light on the realistic ways to actually acquire data for Cloned Cards to produce them at scale. Feel free to contact me personally (Python Kingdom CEO) on Telegram: or just by searching my username @python013 on Telegram search bar. We also have a Telegram Channel that is still under development where we will be selling Cloned Cards, Skimming Devices, Dumps, & a lot more. Our thread here on ShadowForum is under development currently, however, are still selling them directly as well, you can message me personally to commit to an order; they start at $250 USD and range up to $875 depending on the balance of the Cloned Card you purchase. Skimming Devices and Raw Dumps data will be available exclusively to our V.I.P Clientele and older Past Marketplace clients for the time being, we are new to the Forum Space; and we have to orient products to be digestible for more of a novice audience besides of experts; so bear with us.

Find our Telegram Channel: HERE


Critique 1: EMV Software is Conceptually IMPOSSIBLE

We witnessed early iterations of EMV Software come to light during the early 2010s; being peddled as software to combat the required usage and acceptance of the chips within American Credit/Debit Cards and POS/ATM Machines alike. The consensus of this software was that they allow you to effectively encode the EMV Chip utilizing the Magnetic Stripe as a data catalyst to properly install the data into an EMV Chip. This conceptually is beyond fiction, into a new realm of pellucid insanity as that is both theoretically and practically INSANE.

Magnetic Stripe (LEFT), Chip (RIGHT)


The Magnetic Stripe and the EMV Chip are not homogeneous in any capacity, they are completely agnostic; meaning there is no data that correlates in terms of function or capability (they have fundamentally nothing in common), therefore there is no such thing as software that can magically from thin air translate magnetic stripe language to EMV Chip (key transmission language). It's effectively like trying to translate English to some other planetary fictional alien, it's impossible because all terminology primarily stems from Latin, hence why you can translate English to Mandarin or Polish to Engish; because they all have the same underlying terminology to be translated upon. This same theory applies to code, datasets that underly the magnetic stripe, do not share the same base understanding as the datasets that sit upon the EMV. Not only that, but the EMV Chip serves as a validator thus meaning that the EMV is to supplement or "validate" the correct usage of the magnetic stripe; meanwhile the magnetic stripe's purpose is to serve as an identifier meaning it allows the POS Machine, ATM, or any other card entry solution, to identify who the actual card owner is. Once the card owner is identified by the machine (ATM, POS, etc), the EMV Chip sequentially validates that this magnetic stripe is a real magnetic stripe and not cloned.

Hence why EMV Chips were even introduced in the first place because individuals were cloning Magnetic Stripes rampantly, as it was quite easy and only required an MSR pre-2011, thus leading to the introduction of EMV Chips; which aren't exactly full-proof but it dramatically heightens the tools and infrastructure needed to clone the cards at scale; to the point that the average and the non-technically inclined fraudster cannot Clone the Cards, hence reduce fraud drastically. Granted, no security system is truly flawless, as said previously the Card Manufacturers know this just as well; the goal of security is simply to make doing the thing you want to restrict people from doing much harder to accomplish. In the next critique, I will go over the tools and infrastructure that are actually needed to clone cards.

Critique 2: FALSE NARRATIVES are more appealing than REAL NARRATIVES

The narrative that has been propagated by scam artists or "rippers", is as we previously stated, that installing the EMV Data is simple; just use the Magnetic Stripe data that is already easy to acquire and widely available. This narrative is far easier to appeal to people as historically it was the same narrative that the individuals selling shovels gave to the miners and mining companies during the Gold Rush: "Don't worry, the Gold is everywhere; just use my Shovels. Eventually you will find it...". However contrary to the lies these rippers sell you, it is far more multiplex and complicated. The real narrative is that producing Cloned Cards requires Propietary Data Inflow (Modified Skimmers), Visa/Mastercard/Europay Authorized Chip-Level Manufacturing Utilities (Official Chip Encoders used by Card Manufacturers), High-Level Firmware Coding Knowledge (C/C++), and Dip1/Dip2 Base Cards. For a small scaled localized setup of this operation, it would cost north of $360K USD to set up and actually be able to Clone Cards at scale, and the manufacturing process is far more difficult than how it was previously promoted.

Below I will break down the costs of each and every attribute of what typically makes the true way to execute Cloned Card production so expensive.

Propietary Data Inflow (Modified Skimmers)

Skimming Devices are devices that typically go on top of POS Machines or ATMs as overlays in order to take the data off of victim's credit/debit cards via acquiring Magnetic Stripe data through magstripe heads, and they acquire PIN through a touchpad tracker or small pinhole cameras. There are also more sophisticated ways of data acquisition via skimmers that are wireless, like GSM Skimmers; but we will go into that in more detail within our future posts that will go over skimming devices. The Skimming Devices we sell commonly range from $1,000 all the way up to $7,500 depending on the device's specifications and capabilities. What makes our skimming devices proprietary is that our skimmers acquire EMV Data within a customized formatting LStacks/GStacks/Binaries which is a derivative of the programming language C++, this data can then also be reinstalled into a Cloned Card within its native formatting via backend encoding. The code framework is proprietary because of the fact that the language is made in-house. We aren't going to go into extensive detail about it, as we have a 220 Page book about it already called "Starting a Physical Carding Business" that is available on our Telegram channel if you would like to dive deeper into how to set this up. Purchase the "Starting a Physical Carding Business" Book HERE. However, for visual purposes; I will be posting a few photos of some of the skimming devices so you can visualize your own personal setup.

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20210911_192029 (1).jpeg

Visa/Mastercard/Europay Authorized Chip-Level Manufacturing Utilities (Official Chip Encoders used by Card Manufacturers)

Visa, Mastercard, & Europay all utilize the same exact Chip-Base on all cards they manufacture. These chip's despite what everyone on the internet proclaims are NOT encoded utilizing random chip reader/writers on Amazon called "Omnikey" or "HID Readers/Writers" that is all made-up and are commonly used for what we as computer engineers call "Soft-Burning". This doesn't even have the right voltage in order to actually encode the chip that is utilized on the real EMV Chips, the Card manufacturers knew this prerequisite, hence why they chose a proprietary method to encode their cards to avoid doppelgangers like ourselves to attempt to clone the cards from a hardware capability perspective. The true way to encode these cards is by using the frame and casing of something like an "Omnikey" or "HID Readers/Writer", and editing the internals of the circuit boards to accept more voltage input and adjust the sequencing. Again, this is extremely complicated; but we overview what to do step by step within our "Starting a Physical Carding Business" Book; which can be purchased
HERE if you would like to learn how to actually apply it to reality.


High-Level Firmware Coding Knowledge (C/C++)

For practicality's sake, we are speaking from the perspective of someone that is starting a framework for cloning the EMV from scratch and not utilizing our system schematic of LStacks/GStacks/Binaries embedded within C++. We developed our system using our small R&D team to reverse engineer the key-level encryption of Chip-Based Transmission. This would need to be done by yourself or your team to reverse engineer the chipset transmission for cloning purposes. Our framework is available within Chapter 2 of "Starting a Physical Carding Business" which can be purchased HERE, and you can use the GitHub link and the step-by-step instructions to set up the point of acquisition (skimming devices) way of capturing your code framework and the installation can be performed manually on the backend; as we explain (complete novices to coding can do it, just by following the steps). If you don't utilize the framework found in our book, I would recommend you spend around three months developing and conducting R&D to do your own framework for acquisition and encoding for Cloned Cards.


Dip1/Dip2 Base Cards

"Dip Cards" are the final component needed to execute the Clone Card operation, these are just cards that natively have OEM Europay/Mastercard/Visa specifications (Magstripe/EMV Chip) that are the same as the cards made by manufacturers, from a hardware perspective these would be perfect to actually start the encoding process on. Depending on who your card manufacturer is, you can have them custom designed to whatever design you would like. We personally do all of ours in-house in our small facility, however outsourcing it is quite easy. I believe the base layer cards that we use for our Cloned Cards are the best base cards ever utilized across the industry, therefore I will include some photos of our Cards below.

Halo Photo - Thread 1.jpg

Conclusion: Expensive Endeavor, Don't Be Fooled

The EMV acts as a static transmission key not innately dynamic, it cannot change each time it's used as a validator. No hardware/firmware is dynamic in nature hence why they use the words "hard" and "firm" because they are inherently static. Emulation occurs via synapsing, which can only be done when acquiring the data proprietarily, and reinstalling proprietarily within the realms of the data structure. Making "EMV Software" fake, it can only be encoded manually from the backend using the same framework in which you acquired it. Emulating EMV for individuals without Computer Engineering and Firmware backgrounds is theoretically impossible.

X2 Software and countless other fake software paint a picture of a fake reality that does not actually exist. Building your own carding infrastructure for both data acquisition and installation is extremely complicated and expensive ($300k+). However, we recommend starting off with products like our Cloned Cards (which will be posted on our channel soon, but you can inquire on Telegram @Python013), we sell these Cards in three different variations: Mid-Balance Cards ($250 USD), High-Balance Cards ($400 USD), and Super-High Balance Cards ($875 USD) (Inquiry for further details like Balance Thresholds & ATM Withdrawl Limitations). You can cash these cards out within your local jurisdiction quite easily as our data network is distributed among people within our P2P Skimming Infrastructure. We restrict clients to ordering up to two cards per week, however, if you stick to it you will be able to acquire enough capital to be able to pay the $35k to join the P2P Skimming Programme. This will get you the skimmers to acquire the data, 100% of the data will be sent to us once you acquire it, and we will send 50% of that data back to you as fully produced Cloned Cards ready to be cashed out; meanwhile, the other 50% of the data will be utilized for our retail Cloned Card customers within relative geographic positioning as all cards are typically Geographically locked.

This strategy would be the cheapest entry to executing your own data acquisition system, obviously not the manufacturing as we cover this end; because the overhead and technicalities are so complicated. If you feel as if you have the capabilities (capital and technical abilities) in order to execute the backend manufacturing and data acquisition by yourself, then I would recommend purchasing our Book (How to Start a Physical Carding Business) and start implementing your own proprietary systems.

If you have any questions or concerns (not just purchasing) feel free to message me on Telegram! @Python013 or join our Telegram Channel @PythonKingdom

New Product Post's & Editorial Posts will be here on ShadowForum in the coming weeks!

- Thanks!


Established Contributor
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Jul 24, 2022
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This overview was amazing, Python you are truly an expert within the Physical Carding Space. Great overview, honestly. Just a quick question, I believe during this post you forgot to highlight the capabilities of the cloned cards that y'all sell. Idk If you remember me, but I've bought over six different cloned cards from you; the mid balance and 5 super high balance cards over the past few weeks.

For the noobs, cloned cards can be used at ATM and POS machines inside of stores. The common way of cashing them out is going out before midnight and then taking out 500 and then another 500 after midnight (as the 24hr withdrawal limit resets), then go to the POS register inside of a store and buy high value gift cards or items to resell for cash or btc. That's basically how u cashout the cheap ones (mid balance and high balance).

The last one the super highs can only be cashed out by the ATM method like I said before and then running up a quick money order with the card addressed to yourself.

Goodluck ShadowForum Fam, Get Rich or Die Trying


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Jul 24, 2022
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This shit is fucking genius lol, Python you are simply on another level my friend; the customer service, the insights, the professionalism lol ur goated. Got my cloned card in fucking 2 days after putting in order. Fucking mental man. I wanted to hit ur line and talk more about the technicals of this shit, hmu on tele @soswayscams so we can shoot the shit. I'm already seeing like 50 bands a month off this clone card shit; but I think I can see an M coming quick if I fuck around and start fuckin Witt da skimmers fam.


Also my super-high balance clone just TD eskgettit

Python Cards

Established Contributor
May 24, 2022
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This overview was amazing, Python you are truly an expert within the Physical Carding Space. Great overview, honestly. Just a quick question, I believe during this post you forgot to highlight the capabilities of the cloned cards that y'all sell. Idk If you remember me, but I've bought over six different cloned cards from you; the mid balance and 5 super high balance cards over the past few weeks.

For the noobs, cloned cards can be used at ATM and POS machines inside of stores. The common way of cashing them out is going out before midnight and then taking out 500 and then another 500 after midnight (as the 24hr withdrawal limit resets), then go to the POS register inside of a store and buy high value gift cards or items to resell for cash or btc. That's basically how u cashout the cheap ones (mid balance and high balance).

The last one the super highs can only be cashed out by the ATM method like I said before and then running up a quick money order with the card addressed to yourself.

Goodluck ShadowForum Fam, Get Rich or Die Trying
Thank you so much @h0oligan for providing the extra insights needed for users, the full pricing list will be available during the actual clone card thread which should be uploaded within the coming weeks.

Python Cards

Established Contributor
May 24, 2022
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This shit is fucking genius lol, Python you are simply on another level my friend; the customer service, the insights, the professionalism lol ur goated. Got my cloned card in fucking 2 days after putting in order. Fucking mental man. I wanted to hit ur line and talk more about the technicals of this shit, hmu on tele @soswayscams so we can shoot the shit. I'm already seeing like 50 bands a month off this clone card shit; but I think I can see an M coming quick if I fuck around and start fuckin Witt da skimmers fam.

View attachment 194

Also my super-high balance clone just TD eskgettit
Hello Sosway!, thanks so much for the reply. I will message you shorty to talk in further detail about your aspirations for the P2P Skimming Programme; would be great to have you onboard. Thanks very much for the vouch!


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Feb 15, 2022
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Python nice editorial, I wanted to ask more about your P2P Skimming Infrastructure, as for the most part as an experienced user of the retail variations of your Cloned Cards. Is there any difference aesthetically between the Cloned Cards that you sell via retail and the high volume of cards that you give to the people that are in the P2P Skimming Programme?

I only ask because of the fact that I like the way your cards have an aesthetic and overall look that looks real when I am at a POS Machine and the cashier looks at it. I wouldn't want to have like a white PVC card cashing out at the register, as it obviously looks suspicious lol. Adding to this, do we get custom printing on the cards like for the name, like you currently offer on the high and super high balance cards on the p2p cards?

I notice this may be hard to do as i would assume if your printing a lot of cards for p2p users, it would take a lot of work to customize each card for each and every single user.and shit.

Let me know if that is too much to ask or if it is something that you do by default?


Python Cards

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May 24, 2022
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Python nice editorial, I wanted to ask more about your P2P Skimming Infrastructure, as for the most part as an experienced user of the retail variations of your Cloned Cards. Is there any difference aesthetically between the Cloned Cards that you sell via retail and the high volume of cards that you give to the people that are in the P2P Skimming Programme?

I only ask because of the fact that I like the way your cards have an aesthetic and overall look that looks real when I am at a POS Machine and the cashier looks at it. I wouldn't want to have like a white PVC card cashing out at the register, as it obviously looks suspicious lol. Adding to this, do we get custom printing on the cards like for the name, like you currently offer on the high and super high balance cards on the p2p cards?

I notice this may be hard to do as i would assume if your printing a lot of cards for p2p users, it would take a lot of work to customize each card for each and every single user.and shit.

Let me know if that is too much to ask or if it is something that you do by default?

Hey Jwettmonster, in terms of quality and design; there is no fundamental difference between retail and wholesale level cards for P2P Skimming Infrastructure Clients. We do custom name embossing on the front of the card and encoding on the backend so it pops up on the POS Machines as the intended name, for the High Balance and Super High Balance variants. In this case, we distinguish which of the data you submitted fall into such ranges and ask you which name you would like to attribute to the specific card prerequisite of sending.

Hope that helps!

Python Cards

Established Contributor
May 24, 2022
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Very good job PythonCards. I was looking for legit clone cards Master. Please can you me tell how to purchase your cards.
Great thanks... Waiting for your reply..
Yes, I have recently responded to you on Telegram; thanks.


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Jun 30, 2022
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@PythonCards I wanted to ask if you could increase the number of cards that can be purchased at one time for international retail clients. I personally do not believe I have the intelligence or competency to be able to join your P2P Skimming Infrastructure and actually be able to scale up my operation. I am currently making about €35k/mo off a mix of your high-balance and mid-balance cards I've bought in the past because I'm in Italy, but if I could get 3 international cards per week that would be great, as it's a little unfair that the USA & UK clients can order 2 per week but have the full options of mid/high/or super high balances.

My insufficient options to purchase super high balance cards withholds my revenue relative to other retail clients globally.

Thx :0

Python Cards

Established Contributor
May 24, 2022
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@PythonCards I wanted to ask if you could increase the number of cards that can be purchased at one time for international retail clients. I personally do not believe I have the intelligence or competency to be able to join your P2P Skimming Infrastructure and actually be able to scale up my operation. I am currently making about €35k/mo off a mix of your high-balance and mid-balance cards I've bought in the past because I'm in Italy, but if I could get 3 international cards per week that would be great, as it's a little unfair that the USA & UK clients can order 2 per week but have the full options of mid/high/or super high balances.

My insufficient options to purchase super high balance cards withholds my revenue relative to other retail clients globally.

Thx :0
Hello Alligatorman, this can potentially be completed in the future; however, we don't have the same inflow relative to the demand for International Cards currently. We utilize international super-high balance cards to cash out within our own localized cashout network, this is because the inflow makes up for roughly 20% of the P2P Skimming Infrastructure Native inflow from USA & UK Skimming networks. Cards acquired in these areas must not have geographic limitations applied to them to be "international cards", which tend to be attributed to prepaid cards.

When on vacation many people don't load enough money on these travel debit cards to fall within the "super-high balance" variation, the ones that do are pretty rare. If we have a surplus of cards and more diversification in terms of card type (non-prepaid travel cards), then we will start to roll out an option for international clients to purchase these cards as well instead of increasing the limit to 3.

Thanks for the Question, however.

I'm sure many other users want insights on the same.


Established Contributor
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May 14, 2022
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Hey Python, not sure if you have answered this question previously but I just wanted to know exactly what it would take from an intellect perspective to join the p2p skimming infrastructure and if its worth doing all the work to hit my target of like $50k/mo in income.

Should I just do 8 super highs a week or jus add to my scale by joining p2p, that's kind of my dilemma rn; btw I'm in USA.


Junior Contributor
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Jan 14, 2023
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Do they ship to Europe and the s that legit? And how much can I withdraw at ATM with the cards he offers

Python Cards

Established Contributor
May 24, 2022
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Hey Python, not sure if you have answered this question previously but I just wanted to know exactly what it would take from an intellect perspective to join the p2p skimming infrastructure and if its worth doing all the work to hit my target of like $50k/mo in income.

Should I just do 8 super highs a week or jus add to my scale by joining p2p, that's kind of my dilemma rn; btw I'm in USA.
I would encourage you to read our e-book, once you have read it. Rehash some of the information with me and I will help you really refine and improve your knowledge relative to this line of work. You can purchase the book HERE.

Once you have read it, It will be a good time to assess whether you should be either buying retail products like the super-high balance cards or joining the P2P Skimming Infrastructure.


Junior Contributor
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Jan 15, 2023
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PythonCards Editorial Series Introduction

Hello, I am "PythonCards" a Verified Vendor for Cloned Cards, Skimming Devices, Dumps, and other Physical Carding Products here on ShadowForum. I am the CEO and owner of "PythonKingdom" a Physical Carding storefront that dates back to Silkroad, so we have been vending within this space for roughly a decade. We have seen the transcendence within the Dumps/Cloned Cards/Physical Carding space from the time in which it was fully distributed upon accessibility in terms of production (anyone and everyone could effectively clone a card and cashout), to now where it requires significant capital and resources to bypass the barrier to entry regarding the data acquisition (skimming) and manufacturing of Cloned Cards because of various security features added into the Cloned Cards.

I wanted to make an editorial series weekly to provide the users within this forum further insights into the interworkings of Physical Carding, as there is a vast amount of misinformation on the internet about it. It was subsequently leading to many different prospective buyers losing their funds from predatory scam artists selling dreams. The first topic I believe should be covered is the "X2 EMV Software" or "X2 Smartcard Allinone" card encoding software, which is completely and utterly fake beyond comprehension. We are Computer Scientists/Computer Engineers by trade, so our views tend to have a bias towards technicals; however, we will break everything down in a digestible way even for the most uninformed novice Carder.

This post will consist of two distinctive critiques that will debunk the X2 Software myth and shed light on the realistic ways to actually acquire data for Cloned Cards to produce them at scale. Feel free to contact me personally (Python Kingdom CEO) on Telegram: or just by searching my username @python013 on Telegram search bar. We also have a Telegram Channel that is still under development where we will be selling Cloned Cards, Skimming Devices, Dumps, & a lot more. Our thread here on ShadowForum is under development currently, however, are still selling them directly as well, you can message me personally to commit to an order; they start at $250 USD and range up to $875 depending on the balance of the Cloned Card you purchase. Skimming Devices and Raw Dumps data will be available exclusively to our V.I.P Clientele and older Past Marketplace clients for the time being, we are new to the Forum Space; and we have to orient products to be digestible for more of a novice audience besides of experts; so bear with us.

Find our Telegram Channel: HERE


Critique 1: EMV Software is Conceptually IMPOSSIBLE

We witnessed early iterations of EMV Software come to light during the early 2010s; being peddled as software to combat the required usage and acceptance of the chips within American Credit/Debit Cards and POS/ATM Machines alike. The consensus of this software was that they allow you to effectively encode the EMV Chip utilizing the Magnetic Stripe as a data catalyst to properly install the data into an EMV Chip. This conceptually is beyond fiction, into a new realm of pellucid insanity as that is both theoretically and practically INSANE.

Magnetic Stripe (LEFT), Chip (RIGHT)


The Magnetic Stripe and the EMV Chip are not homogeneous in any capacity, they are completely agnostic; meaning there is no data that correlates in terms of function or capability (they have fundamentally nothing in common), therefore there is no such thing as software that can magically from thin air translate magnetic stripe language to EMV Chip (key transmission language). It's effectively like trying to translate English to some other planetary fictional alien, it's impossible because all terminology primarily stems from Latin, hence why you can translate English to Mandarin or Polish to Engish; because they all have the same underlying terminology to be translated upon. This same theory applies to code, datasets that underly the magnetic stripe, do not share the same base understanding as the datasets that sit upon the EMV. Not only that, but the EMV Chip serves as a validator thus meaning that the EMV is to supplement or "validate" the correct usage of the magnetic stripe; meanwhile the magnetic stripe's purpose is to serve as an identifier meaning it allows the POS Machine, ATM, or any other card entry solution, to identify who the actual card owner is. Once the card owner is identified by the machine (ATM, POS, etc), the EMV Chip sequentially validates that this magnetic stripe is a real magnetic stripe and not cloned.

Hence why EMV Chips were even introduced in the first place because individuals were cloning Magnetic Stripes rampantly, as it was quite easy and only required an MSR pre-2011, thus leading to the introduction of EMV Chips; which aren't exactly full-proof but it dramatically heightens the tools and infrastructure needed to clone the cards at scale; to the point that the average and the non-technically inclined fraudster cannot Clone the Cards, hence reduce fraud drastically. Granted, no security system is truly flawless, as said previously the Card Manufacturers know this just as well; the goal of security is simply to make doing the thing you want to restrict people from doing much harder to accomplish. In the next critique, I will go over the tools and infrastructure that are actually needed to clone cards.

Critique 2: FALSE NARRATIVES are more appealing than REAL NARRATIVES

The narrative that has been propagated by scam artists or "rippers", is as we previously stated, that installing the EMV Data is simple; just use the Magnetic Stripe data that is already easy to acquire and widely available. This narrative is far easier to appeal to people as historically it was the same narrative that the individuals selling shovels gave to the miners and mining companies during the Gold Rush: "Don't worry, the Gold is everywhere; just use my Shovels. Eventually you will find it...". However contrary to the lies these rippers sell you, it is far more multiplex and complicated. The real narrative is that producing Cloned Cards requires Propietary Data Inflow (Modified Skimmers), Visa/Mastercard/Europay Authorized Chip-Level Manufacturing Utilities (Official Chip Encoders used by Card Manufacturers), High-Level Firmware Coding Knowledge (C/C++), and Dip1/Dip2 Base Cards. For a small scaled localized setup of this operation, it would cost north of $360K USD to set up and actually be able to Clone Cards at scale, and the manufacturing process is far more difficult than how it was previously promoted.

Below I will break down the costs of each and every attribute of what typically makes the true way to execute Cloned Card production so expensive.

Propietary Data Inflow (Modified Skimmers)

Skimming Devices are devices that typically go on top of POS Machines or ATMs as overlays in order to take the data off of victim's credit/debit cards via acquiring Magnetic Stripe data through magstripe heads, and they acquire PIN through a touchpad tracker or small pinhole cameras. There are also more sophisticated ways of data acquisition via skimmers that are wireless, like GSM Skimmers; but we will go into that in more detail within our future posts that will go over skimming devices. The Skimming Devices we sell commonly range from $1,000 all the way up to $7,500 depending on the device's specifications and capabilities. What makes our skimming devices proprietary is that our skimmers acquire EMV Data within a customized formatting LStacks/GStacks/Binaries which is a derivative of the programming language C++, this data can then also be reinstalled into a Cloned Card within its native formatting via backend encoding. The code framework is proprietary because of the fact that the language is made in-house. We aren't going to go into extensive detail about it, as we have a 220 Page book about it already called "Starting a Physical Carding Business" that is available on our Telegram channel if you would like to dive deeper into how to set this up. Purchase the "Starting a Physical Carding Business" Book HERE. However, for visual purposes; I will be posting a few photos of some of the skimming devices so you can visualize your own personal setup.

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20210911_192029 (1).jpeg

Visa/Mastercard/Europay Authorized Chip-Level Manufacturing Utilities (Official Chip Encoders used by Card Manufacturers)

Visa, Mastercard, & Europay all utilize the same exact Chip-Base on all cards they manufacture. These chip's despite what everyone on the internet proclaims are NOT encoded utilizing random chip reader/writers on Amazon called "Omnikey" or "HID Readers/Writers" that is all made-up and are commonly used for what we as computer engineers call "Soft-Burning". This doesn't even have the right voltage in order to actually encode the chip that is utilized on the real EMV Chips, the Card manufacturers knew this prerequisite, hence why they chose a proprietary method to encode their cards to avoid doppelgangers like ourselves to attempt to clone the cards from a hardware capability perspective. The true way to encode these cards is by using the frame and casing of something like an "Omnikey" or "HID Readers/Writer", and editing the internals of the circuit boards to accept more voltage input and adjust the sequencing. Again, this is extremely complicated; but we overview what to do step by step within our "Starting a Physical Carding Business" Book; which can be purchased HERE if you would like to learn how to actually apply it to reality.


High-Level Firmware Coding Knowledge (C/C++)

For practicality's sake, we are speaking from the perspective of someone that is starting a framework for cloning the EMV from scratch and not utilizing our system schematic of LStacks/GStacks/Binaries embedded within C++. We developed our system using our small R&D team to reverse engineer the key-level encryption of Chip-Based Transmission. This would need to be done by yourself or your team to reverse engineer the chipset transmission for cloning purposes. Our framework is available within Chapter 2 of "Starting a Physical Carding Business" which can be purchased HERE, and you can use the GitHub link and the step-by-step instructions to set up the point of acquisition (skimming devices) way of capturing your code framework and the installation can be performed manually on the backend; as we explain (complete novices to coding can do it, just by following the steps). If you don't utilize the framework found in our book, I would recommend you spend around three months developing and conducting R&D to do your own framework for acquisition and encoding for Cloned Cards.


Dip1/Dip2 Base Cards

"Dip Cards" are the final component needed to execute the Clone Card operation, these are just cards that natively have OEM Europay/Mastercard/Visa specifications (Magstripe/EMV Chip) that are the same as the cards made by manufacturers, from a hardware perspective these would be perfect to actually start the encoding process on. Depending on who your card manufacturer is, you can have them custom designed to whatever design you would like. We personally do all of ours in-house in our small facility, however outsourcing it is quite easy. I believe the base layer cards that we use for our Cloned Cards are the best base cards ever utilized across the industry, therefore I will include some photos of our Cards below.

Halo Photo - Thread 1.jpg

Conclusion: Expensive Endeavor, Don't Be Fooled

The EMV acts as a static transmission key not innately dynamic, it cannot change each time it's used as a validator. No hardware/firmware is dynamic in nature hence why they use the words "hard" and "firm" because they are inherently static. Emulation occurs via synapsing, which can only be done when acquiring the data proprietarily, and reinstalling proprietarily within the realms of the data structure. Making "EMV Software" fake, it can only be encoded manually from the backend using the same framework in which you acquired it. Emulating EMV for individuals without Computer Engineering and Firmware backgrounds is theoretically impossible.

X2 Software and countless other fake software paint a picture of a fake reality that does not actually exist. Building your own carding infrastructure for both data acquisition and installation is extremely complicated and expensive ($300k+). However, we recommend starting off with products like our Cloned Cards (which will be posted on our channel soon, but you can inquire on Telegram @Python013), we sell these Cards in three different variations: Mid-Balance Cards ($250 USD), High-Balance Cards ($400 USD), and Super-High Balance Cards ($875 USD) (Inquiry for further details like Balance Thresholds & ATM Withdrawl Limitations). You can cash these cards out within your local jurisdiction quite easily as our data network is distributed among people within our P2P Skimming Infrastructure. We restrict clients to ordering up to two cards per week, however, if you stick to it you will be able to acquire enough capital to be able to pay the $35k to join the P2P Skimming Programme. This will get you the skimmers to acquire the data, 100% of the data will be sent to us once you acquire it, and we will send 50% of that data back to you as fully produced Cloned Cards ready to be cashed out; meanwhile, the other 50% of the data will be utilized for our retail Cloned Card customers within relative geographic positioning as all cards are typically Geographically locked.

This strategy would be the cheapest entry to executing your own data acquisition system, obviously not the manufacturing as we cover this end; because the overhead and technicalities are so complicated. If you feel as if you have the capabilities (capital and technical abilities) in order to execute the backend manufacturing and data acquisition by yourself, then I would recommend purchasing our Book (How to Start a Physical Carding Business) and start implementing your own proprietary systems.

If you have any questions or concerns (not just purchasing) feel free to message me on Telegram! @Python013 or join our Telegram Channel @PythonKingdom

New Product Post's & Editorial Posts will be here on ShadowForum in the coming weeks!

- Thanks!
Hello, thank you very much for your explanations as an expert.
But what do you think about the software "EMV Reader Writer V.86" or "EMV Reader Writer Tan", is it fake too?, what is really in them?
Well, I was thinking of buying it.
Thank you very much in advance.


Junior Contributor
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Jan 20, 2023
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Thanks for taking the time to put this editorial together. I should have read before emailing as you answer all that's needed to know.
Seems like your my guy.
Take care.

Python Cards

Established Contributor
May 24, 2022
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Hello, thank you very much for your explanations as an expert.
But what do you think about the software "EMV Reader Writer V.86" or "EMV Reader Writer Tan", is it fake too?, what is really in them?
Well, I was thinking of buying it.
Thank you very much in advance.
Yes, both of that software are completely fake as encoding the EMV through the medium of software is completely impossible, it can only be hard-encoded directly not within the environment of a automated software.

Python Cards

Established Contributor
May 24, 2022
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Thanks for taking the time to put this editorial together. I should have read before emailing as you answer all that's needed to know.
Seems like your my guy.
Take care.
Sure, not a problem.


Established Contributor
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Sep 21, 2022
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This is a very informative post. Although I suppose you are mainly trying to sell your product here, I really appreciate someone clearing up on the actual procedure of cloning cards. The myth of cloning cards being easy has become so widely spread, that I saw kids on TikTok flexing clear cards and a card writer they bought off of AliExpress. Appreciate it, looking forward to more of your threads, very interesting!

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