Credit Card Chargebacks - a tutorial


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Sep 8, 2022
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Hello everyone, I don't typically post frequently on this forum, and I am not the type of person who writes guides because I prefer to keep my writing style confidential for security reasons. However, I might make a quick post for anyone that's here. Today I'll go over credit card chargebacks, a simple but profitable method that most people can easily pull off with a bit of skill. Depending on your card limits and the number of cards you have you could easily make an extra few thousand a month!

Before we get into the methods, I will quickly go over what a credit card is. A credit card is a card issued by a bank or financial institution that allows you to borrow funds within your card's credit limit to purchase goods and services. You then pay back said borrowed funds with interest at the end of each month. This differs from a debit card where you directly "debit" a merchant offering goods and services. Credit cards are better for chargebacks since they have better fraud protection and coverage, faster times to resolve card disputes and overall better customer support. It should be noted that some debit cards from certain neo banks also offer the same credit card benefits as mentioned before, however unless you have a debit card with those features you should strictly use credit cards for the methods mentioned below for the highest and fastest success rates.

-Method One- (Physical):

1# Go to a physical store or get a friend to go to a physical store (stick to one and make one payment only) that's somewhat far away from your general area (30 minutes away should be fine) then you or your friend can buy whatever they want. Keep your spending around $1000. Ensure you have good OPSEC, this means avoiding security cameras, not purchasing items which require ID, making sure you don't use any store membership or accounts that link back to you or your friend and if possible, wear items such as masks, sunglasses and hats to conceal your face. You need to make sure it looks like you or your friend were never there. If possible, use self-service checkouts that don't have cameras built in. If you have to check out with a cashier, make the transaction brief and forgettable, this also applies to the entire shopping experience regardless. You should pre plan out what you're going to buy and go in and out as fast as possible. Try to avoid entering your card pin number. If you do have to enter your pin it's not the end of the world but it would be better if you didn't. Once you or your friend have made the purchase with little to no detection, make your way out of the store as fast as possible and get away from it as fast as possible too. If your friend made the purchase, you could be waiting in a car a few blocks down the road as a getaway driver and vice versa.

2# Wait around 4 to 6 hours, you can do whatever in this time period, if you're smart, you're using this time to come up with an alibi of where you were and what you were doing when the purchase was made.

3# Call your bank. When they answer the call you should pretend that you're stressed and in an emotional state (DON'T OVER DO IT, YOU NEED TO BE CONVINCING). Tell them that you had a very busy day working or dealing with family matters (be creative, just make sure the thing is time consuming and preferably stressful) and you just noticed that you wallet is missing, you just checked your bank account online and you found some transactions of whatever value were made at whatever store and you definitely didn't make them, act very upset that someone stole your money.

4# They will probably ask you questions along the lines of where you were when the transaction was made (use alibi), when did you notice your wallet gone (say just now) and other basic security questions. If they ask how they knew the card pin say it was something like your birthday or house number was the pin and that info was on some form of ID in your wallet and that they probably guessed it. Basically use your SE skills and answer all their questions, make them think you're in a state and you're confused and scared.

If you're convincing enough to the bank, they will freeze your card/bank account and mark the payment as unauthorised. They may also start an investigation (possibly with LE), this is why the OPSEC in the store is so important.

6# Wait a couple of days and you'll get a new card in the mail along with the transaction reversed. Provided that you didn't fuck the OPSEC up you will have successfully charged back the bank. (If you wanna be more convincing buy a new wallet and replace all your cards too).

The only downside is the IRL aspect and having to get a new card.

-Method Two- (Online, HIGHER SPEND LIMIT):

1# Choose any online store, create account and browse around the site for a bit to look like a legit user (Use a residential proxy or SSH tunnel with the postcode of the IP matching your post code along with an anti-detect browser setup designed to mimic your normal browser)

2# Get a friend to call up the bank using your phone number or using a spoofer spoofing your number which you use with the bank. You need to use a friend because their voice can't sound like you at all (make sure the caller's voice matches your gender). If your friend wants, they could use a tool to change/modify their voice for OPSEC. Your friend should tell the bank (pretending to be you) that "you're" going to spend whatever amount on whatever website (keep it below 8K). Make sure your friend answers all the security questions and gets them all cleared from the bank.

3# Then your friend should contact the website that you chose via your number (again pretending to be you) and they should tell the store that you're looking to buy whatever item for whatever amount and that the bank has given the all clear but you want them to confirm and give the all clear too, they will prob ask for your account info so give that to them along with payment info if they ask too (WHATEVER U DO, DO NOT PAY OVER THE PHONE).

4# Buy the item using the proxy and anti-detect browser and your real information (name, address, etc)

5# Once the item is shipped and out for delivery, check if it needs a signature. If it does use a fake signature to sign for it or get a friend to sign for it using a fake signature. If it doesn't need a signature, get them to leave it at your porch.

6# 24 hours after the order arrived, call the bank again this time yourself. Tell the bank that you noticed a transaction on your card that you didn't make. Act really confused about it and tell the person on the phone that you thought that this wouldn't happen because someone called you from the bank around a week ago to ask you some security questions to stop fraudulent activity happening on your card. The person on the phone will tell you that you have been scammed at this point, you should act really upset and shocked when they tell you (again don't overdo it). They'll then ask you what the "scammer" asked you over the phone. Tell the bank it was security questions to verify your identity, tell the bank that you believed the scammer because they said that they were from the anti-fraud department. The bank will think that someone SEed you over the phone and will check their call recordings to realise that the person that called wasn't you.

7# From here they should freeze your card and open a dispute where they will fully refund you. Depending on your credit card/bank they might ask you for some more information, again use your SE skills here, try and avoid LE intervention. In my experience the more exclusive the card is the less questions they ask you and the better the support agent will be. If they ask about the delivery address say nothing ever arrived or you were out. They will then send you a new credit card in the mail.

You shouldn't do these methods very often and when you do, you should always mix up the excuses that you use. You should do it about once a year per credit card you own. If you own multiple credit cards and you want to try it on all of them spread each attempt out by a few weeks. You can easily make 4 to 5 figures per year with this provided you can flip the goods quickly and anonymously (Gumtree, Stealth eBay, get a friend to sell at CEX or Cash Converters). You could also use your friends credit cards too. All you need to do is use your head, have great SE skills and be creative with everything. That last part about creativity is the most important since it will help keep the methods alive for longer. If you need any help just let me know. This method also works in other countries too such as the US, CA, UK, EU and NZ.


Junior Contributor
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Jul 20, 2023
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this will definitely work but you need a reliable friend and you need the ability to make in look convincing and not fold if pressured by the banks. On multiple credit cards alot of $ can be made.


Junior Contributor
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Aug 2, 2023
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Would this work for a cash advance? Or like gift cards ? Something that you can instantly get the money back with?

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