Carding/drop questions


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Jul 29, 2022
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Hi! I have an item I would like to get from a company in poland and it would be about $4000 USD, they only accept paypal or bank transfer as form of payment. Would it be possible for me to get purchase a cashapp drop from a vender, and connect a card to it and transfer money from the card to the cashapp, then get either a bank drop or a paypal drop and transfer the money from the cashapp to the bank/paypal drop. After a few runs of different cards/cashapps a couple hundred each and put the all into the bank/paypal drop until i am at ~$4000 use that drop to buy the item. Would this be a viable thing or is it not rational? Would it be better to just try a regular carding and not mess with that.

Along with that, if I wanted to connect a card to a cashapp, would I need the cashapp to be created off the fullz of the card, or could I get a cashapp from a vendor with random details and connect the card, or would niether even work at all?

When carding items from online in general, Im assuming you dont want to send the items to your personal address, I know for buying stuff from DNM's its best to send to your personal address as its less suspicous but whats the best for carding items?

People say to run windows as the OS, should it be windows as the main OS which you then get a VM and also run windows plus all the other stuff (VPN, socks5, RDN, etc.) or run tails as the main OS and just run the windows OS off of the VM? Definately want to clear this up as I have been using tails exclusively for anything related to the darknet/carding.

Lastly if anyone could point me in the direction of vendors selling guides/methods that are up to date that would be great, I have no problem paying for the guides as long as they are not outdated like most are.


Established Contributor
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Jun 14, 2022
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1. bank logs to cashapp . use fully verified cashapp
2. get a fully verified cashapp from anyone
3. card yourself to get goods
4. for carding use Windows - rdp - socks and for bank logs use burner sim
5. tap in my inbox

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