Beginner here. I feel misinformed on carding, and I want to straighten it out.


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Feb 14, 2024
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I did get in to carding thinking all would be sunshine and rainbows, being able to card BTC without a Fullz and ID, and I didn't think about browser fingerprinting and location specific proxies and all of that shit.
I do realize now that it does require an initial investment. I'm willing to invest $100-$200.
Now, I have proxies, RDPs, a good (but pricey) card provider (for anyone wondering I'm using the site, it's super fucking expensive though! $27-30 per US card), and a special browser.
Here's the thing. It still looks easy to me, and reading over the threads here, it looks like I have the wrong idea. I feel misinformed, so I have a few questions.
1) Is it really not as easy as carding a GC website and selling the GC? I found a small but what looks to be outdated list of cardable GC sites, so if they do work, do I just sell the cards for BTC?
2) Can I buy a Fullz and card BTC with that?
3) Could I card BTC by loading a business verified PP that I buy from Dream Market with charges to credit cards from the PayPal? That seems relatively quick if I did $100-200 per card and then cashed out.
4) I have an abandoned house to card products to, could I just card from Amazon?
5) Could I clone credit cards and buy GC in store?
6) Could I card Amazon giftcards from Amazon?
7) What if the billing address has to be the same as the shipping address?

Thank you so much to anyone who answers these!


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Feb 15, 2025
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I did get in to carding thinking all would be sunshine and rainbows, being able to card BTC without a Fullz and ID, and I didn't think about browser fingerprinting and location specific proxies and all of that shit.
I do realize now that it does require an initial investment. I'm willing to invest $100-$200.
Now, I have proxies, RDPs, a good (but pricey) card provider (for anyone wondering I'm using the site, it's super fucking expensive though! $27-30 per US card), and a special browser.
Here's the thing. It still looks easy to me, and reading over the threads here, it looks like I have the wrong idea. I feel misinformed, so I have a few questions.
1) Is it really not as easy as carding a GC website and selling the GC? I found a small but what looks to be outdated list of cardable GC sites, so if they do work, do I just sell the cards for BTC?
2) Can I buy a Fullz and card BTC with that?
3) Could I card BTC by loading a business verified PP that I buy from Dream Market with charges to credit cards from the PayPal? That seems relatively quick if I did $100-200 per card and then cashed out.
4) I have an abandoned house to card products to, could I just card from Amazon?
5) Could I clone credit cards and buy GC in store?
6) Could I card Amazon giftcards from Amazon?
7) What if the billing address has to be the same as the shipping address?

Thank you so much to anyone who answers these!
Do you got telegram or discord account..?

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