Beginner here. I feel misinformed on carding, and I want to straighten it out.


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Feb 14, 2024
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I did get in to carding thinking all would be sunshine and rainbows, being able to card BTC without a Fullz and ID, and I didn't think about browser fingerprinting and location specific proxies and all of that shit.

I do realize now that it does require an initial investment. I'm willing to invest $100-$200.

Now, I have proxies, RDPs, a good (but pricey) card provider (for anyone wondering I'm using the site, it's super fucking expensive though! $27-30 per US card), and a special browser.

Here's the thing. It still looks easy to me, and reading over the threads here, it looks like I have the wrong idea. I feel misinformed, so I have a few questions.

1) Is it really not as easy as carding a GC website and selling the GC? I found a small but what looks to be outdated list of cardable GC sites, so if they do work, do I just sell the cards for BTC?

2) Can I buy a Fullz and card BTC with that?

3) Could I card BTC by loading a business verified PP that I buy from Dream Market with charges to credit cards from the PayPal? That seems relatively quick if I did $100-200 per card and then cashed out.

4) I have an abandoned house to card products to, could I just card from Amazon?

5) Could I clone credit cards and buy GC in store?

6) Could I card Amazon giftcards from Amazon?

7) What if the billing address has to be the same as the shipping address?

Thank you so much to anyone who answers these!


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1) Carding giftcards isn't a good place to start, its not even good if you know you can get away with it. If you want gift cards, go take them from a store scratch off the code, then get some zebra sticekrs or whatever it is the GC uses for "tamper proofing" off amazon then put the cards back on the store shelf and wait for someone to buy em. You will make A LOT more that way.
2) To buy BTC with a credit card you will need an ID with selfie pretty much on any service that's going to offer it. Maybe with some new sites you can buy small amounts of $10-50 without ID but its getting pretty rare these days. Also you'll need a burner phone (in most cases VOIP like google voice wont work). If you want to scam for BTC there are other methods you can use but carding isn't one of them.
3) Paypal has been dealing with fraud for 2 decades, do you REALLY think you're going to outsmart them if you're new to this?
4) Again Amazon has been dealing with carders for decades, you can try but its a pretty a long shot. Most likely your account will get instabanned when you place the order.
5) Possibly but again see my answer to #1, just "borrow" the cards and seal them back up, let someone else buy them. Or just buy other stuff to resell thats not as easily traced and can't be voided like a GC can.
6) unlikely, and even if you could, they can easily be charged back or canceled before you even have time to resell them and then you burn your amazon account.
7) Then you mark the order as being a "gift", or try a different site, not all of them check.
You're going at this the wrong way my dude. If you want to make money from carding the best thing to do is self-carding. Don't waste your time trying to get gift cards or whatever and then reselling them, spend the CCs directly on your own web shops and cash them out to your own bank drops.


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Feb 13, 2024
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1) Carding giftcards isn't a good place to start, its not even good if you know you can get away with it. If you want gift cards, go take them from a store scratch off the code, then get some zebra sticekrs or whatever it is the GC uses for "tamper proofing" off amazon then put the cards back on the store shelf and wait for someone to buy em. You will make A LOT more that way.
2) To buy BTC with a credit card you will need an ID with selfie pretty much on any service that's going to offer it. Maybe with some new sites you can buy small amounts of $10-50 without ID but its getting pretty rare these days. Also you'll need a burner phone (in most cases VOIP like google voice wont work). If you want to scam for BTC there are other methods you can use but carding isn't one of them.
3) Paypal has been dealing with fraud for 2 decades, do you REALLY think you're going to outsmart them if you're new to this?
4) Again Amazon has been dealing with carders for decades, you can try but its a pretty a long shot. Most likely your account will get instabanned when you place the order.
5) Possibly but again see my answer to #1, just "borrow" the cards and seal them back up, let someone else buy them. Or just buy other stuff to resell thats not as easily traced and can't be voided like a GC can.
6) unlikely, and even if you could, they can easily be charged back or canceled before you even have time to resell them and then you burn your amazon account.
7) Then you mark the order as being a "gift", or try a different site, not all of them check.
You're going at this the wrong way my dude. If you want to make money from carding the best thing to do is self-carding. Don't waste your time trying to get gift cards or whatever and then reselling them, spend the CCs directly on your own web shops and cash them out to your own bank drops.
wont self carding get you blocked with all the chargebacks?


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wont self carding get you blocked with all the chargebacks?
Of course they will, but not before you can pull at least a few grand out of it and at that point you just move on and make a new shop. Chargebacks usually take more than 2 days, most payment processors like will give you 1-2day payouts once you've aged the account with a few legit transactions first (like a 1-2 a day for a week), You can either find a partner who has access to good cards that wont CB in at least a week or look into Virtual Card numbers ( "ShopSafe" by BoA for example).


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Of course they will, but not before you can pull at least a few grand out of it and at that point you just move on and make a new shop. Chargebacks usually take more than 2 days, most payment processors like will give you 1-2day payouts once you've aged the account with a few legit transactions first (like a 1-2 a day for a week), You can either find a partner who has access to good cards that wont CB in at least a week or look into Virtual Card numbers ( "ShopSafe" by BoA for example).
i know i am late but why use virtual cards do they not chargeback im thinking about this setup


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Feb 13, 2024
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i know i am late but why use virtual cards do they not chargeback im thinking about this setup
and what product do i claim to sell? physical good or digital?


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and what product do i claim to sell? physical good or digital?
It doesn't really matter, physical seems like more work (getting pictures, getting shipping info, etc) but you can do either. Something like a GoFundMe is pretty good for starting out, there''s tons of similar sites, just find a new one and setup a donation page.

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