whenevr you find out let me know tis place you may find a few but if you dont 1500 $ or more to pay them your burnt you can try looking up ethical hacking free lancers see if they will do it for you or learn yourself i can teach you how to perform one succesfull hack its time consuming and ill...
Im not neccisarily a carder i focus on longer scams building businesses and CPNs mostly but i have all the carding equipment have for years and use it everyonce in awhile i currently am slowing down on hitting the banks and businesses cause ive been hitting on a hot spot lettting it cool down...
there is so many diffrent type of scamming going on right now and i think alot of people fall into thinking carding is just scaming in general whichits not its one area of the market of scaming but i will tell you as a begginer the first thing you wanna do is ask your self 1) how much do i have...