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  1. Ransom0day

    Instore carding Help [ Will pay for help ]

    Hey! Basically I went out of town for a couple days to in store card out my area but I ran into a issue . I been getting hit and misses on where my card gets accepted. basically when I go to a food place with self swipe [ fast food store ] card works flawlessly I carded 60$ worth of food today...
  2. Ransom0day

    Is Phishing for Gift Cards worth it?

    I have don a lot of research, I am a very good programmer and can easily create the site so that is not a problem. I was just wondering if it is worth trying to phish gift cards. If so does anyone have any guides they could direct me towards. Should I do email phishing for this? Will I even make...
  3. Ransom0day

    The Basics - Staying Safe While Carding and Welcome /d/Carding!

    The Basics - Staying Safe While Carding and Welcome /d/Carding!
  4. Ransom0day

    Should i give up on CC?

    i am a recent dread user, made multiple researches and still can't figure out ways to cash out cc as filtering the info u get and the relevant ones is impossible, from checking the user score to checking their last post and history, i don't even know most of the terms used even if i make...
  5. Ransom0day

    since anonsfile down how to get pinned guide sources?

    There was a post by /u/ginger that had links of bailopan and other carding tutorials but no one of links working now.Where can I get these now? /post/8114579186c9dcc8eaaf btw
  6. Ransom0day

    Carding is pretty simple

    So im a little new to carding, ive been in the check fraud game for a while but after a few scrolls through this carding sub I kinda figured it out. Searched deep on the markets, found a legit vendor, bought 3 cards off him and first thing I did was order a $500 gift card which originally went...
  7. Ransom0day

    Any good places to card digital items

    Does anyone know any good websites where you can card things like gift cards without a ton of risk of being straight up denied or sent a OTP code? thx
  8. Ransom0day

    Is Kinguin or G2A a good place to card?

    Hi. I was wondering if G2A or Kinguin were good places to card as they sell egift card codes. Are they 3D secure or not? Thx.