which seller is legit briansclub or benumb. Have someone experienced with them like their dumps succes rate and is there any way to ignore non vbv cards from selling sites.
Hi everyone,
I am new here. I have been doing carding for a few months and it has helped me achieve my goals and get presents for my parents to show my gratitude for raising me so many years. I don't care what people say about scams. Our government is a scam and everyone is trying to scam us...
Could anyone let me know any of the following questions?
Q: Where do paypal logs get sold?
Q: How do you cashout a paypal log?
Q: What safety measures should i take during paypal cashing?
Thank you.
How do you check if the number you choose are not being used? Is the only way by trying to trimerge and seeing if it works? Tried SSN Validator from my understanding that only lets you know if it is a valid SSN and not it if has been issued to a person.
Trying to find a way to actually be profitable here. A hypothetical scenario:
I cash out CPNs with an actual, personal CREDIT card from a friend/relative by paying off the debt via ACH from CPN bank account, and we split the value. They send my cut in crypto (XMR).
How can this go wrong? From...