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  1. sigh

    Product Release: Cloned Cards (Physical & Shipped) [πŸ‘‘ PYTHON KINGDOM πŸ‘‘]

    lol dude i updated like 2 years ago LOL, yeah it did but mid balance card isn't worth ur time like a bunch of the others stated previously on this thread. Even if ur doing like a trial run just use escrow thru like Coinlink or Darklocker for the high card. Not even worth buying the mid balance...
  2. sigh

    Has anyone had experience with PythonKingdom? Is he legit tryna buy

    Python is legit, but not perfect. Stay away from both the domestic and international mid-balance cards, ordered those first and had a bad experience on the cashout. You have to be up at midnight in order to go to a store when all of them are closed to buy giftcards, its too sketchy and...
  3. sigh

    Product Release: Cloned Cards (Physical & Shipped) [πŸ‘‘ PYTHON KINGDOM πŸ‘‘]

    yeah just forgot to my bad, everything went fine card had a small issue at the atm with the pin number but it was just an error with the printing on the paper they send with the card. Dabbling more in super-highs nowadays.
  4. sigh

    Product Release: Cloned Cards (Physical & Shipped) [πŸ‘‘ PYTHON KINGDOM πŸ‘‘]

    aint gon say much but πŸ§πŸ€‘πŸ€‘
  5. sigh


  6. sigh

    Product Release: Cloned Cards (Physical & Shipped) [πŸ‘‘ PYTHON KINGDOM πŸ‘‘]

    Cashed out this morning. i don't wanna talk about much tryna blow my cover but i hit a few thousand with 1 card already
  7. sigh

    Old Carder

    Get a job
  8. sigh

    Product Release: Cloned Cards (Physical & Shipped) [πŸ‘‘ PYTHON KINGDOM πŸ‘‘]

    hes valid bro my shit came in today took out a few bands from the atm
  9. sigh

    Fraud Bible Download Link

  10. sigh

    Need help please

    look into otp bot
  11. sigh

    I need To review

    i placed a order yesterday, he sent me a tracking number earlier today.
  12. sigh

    i want to start

    it will no longer be live if i post it
  13. sigh

    Product Release: Cloned Cards (Physical & Shipped) [πŸ‘‘ PYTHON KINGDOM πŸ‘‘]

    placed an order for 230 usd card. Will update when it arrives.