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  1. ATM-TopG

    Product Release: Cloned Cards (Physical & Shipped) [👑 PYTHON KINGDOM 👑]

  2. ATM-TopG

    Know Anything About ATM Skimming?

    I can teach you for $400 bro escrow accepted and everything.
  3. ATM-TopG

    Product Release: Cloned Cards (Physical & Shipped) [👑 PYTHON KINGDOM 👑]

    U just take the card out and put it in again bruv on a diff atm that ting doesn't even need to be different bro, just gotta use that ATM multiple times till card done g
  4. ATM-TopG

    Is carding dying? Be honest

    There are still people making thousands daily. You just need to know how to cashout. e.g. there is a game with Chinese payment gateway that sell in-game currency, if you can card it, I can guarantee you can make $5k daily :D
  5. ATM-TopG

    Fucking done with Brian’s club

    Yes, all shops that sell CVV are resellers. They code and build a shop, then wait for people to offer and sell CVV through their seller panel on the back end. Brianlcub is close to retirement, so it seems unlikely he cares much about quality at this stage.
  6. ATM-TopG

    ATM Jackpotting questions

    Ya honestly, jackpotting ain't a thing. Might be able to use a sledge hammer I guess, but those Youtube videos of ATMs been forked, that's just nonsense. Ain't nobody gonna believe all that.
  7. ATM-TopG

    whats the average price for a dump that works in eu?

    In the U.S., you can expect to pay a bit more for dump cards compared to Europe. In-store swiping is out of the question in the U.S., but I'm not sure about European countries so there might be some money to be made if EMV isn't enforced. You'll have to check that info and see. The average price...
  8. ATM-TopG

    Product Release: Cloned Cards (Physical & Shipped) [👑 PYTHON KINGDOM 👑]

    u put the card in, takeout 500, then rinse and repeat lol. The atm limit native to the atm is 500, not the limit native to the Card.
  9. ATM-TopG

    Product Release: Cloned Cards (Physical & Shipped) [👑 PYTHON KINGDOM 👑]

    This is a bit of a hot-take but I honestly think the Super-High the only one truly worth it. The high and mid are good don't get me wrong, but if you can get a Super-High its the best, let me explain.... The super-high can be cashed out if u take out 500 from the ATM nine times before midnight...
  10. ATM-TopG

    REVIEW: PythonKingdom Bought a Super-High Balance Cloned Card.

    The super-high so easy to cashout, you can just do ATM twice and get out like $8k tbh, I know python puts on the FAQ a more complicated way to cash it out. However I feel like just doing it at atm is easy along as it's a low-key ATM because you will have a lot of hundreds everywhere LMAO. But...
  11. ATM-TopG

    can i order physical stuff in Romania with american cards???

    So long it's accepted by the merchant. Visa or Mastercard. I think why not. I'm not a carder though. In Europe the only issue I encountered with was with prepaid cards and creditcards sometimes, Europe is mostly debit only. Trial and error? Be careful with 3DS/PSD2 too. Pretty much the norm in...
  12. ATM-TopG

    Know Anything About ATM Skimming?

    You need to know the right chips to use.aThe camera is for the pin.But everything else depends on the machine you are working with. Skimming still works but it's getting hard and not so profitable now.If you know what are you doing and where to do it you can still make some good profits. I am...
  13. ATM-TopG

    How to spoof call to shop?

    smsranger on telly
  14. ATM-TopG

  15. ATM-TopG

    could a kind soul please help

    lmao :O , it's fine i don't answering them. personally i dont think you need a VM, others might disagree... they can be detected by anti fraud systems, remember your'e trying to act normal and your average joe defo doesn't use or know what a virtual machine is. also just ask yourself what is...
  16. ATM-TopG

    could a kind soul please help

    haha, no worries you are welcome happy to help. system wide means a VPN at a system level. you have application level vpn/proxies eg. browser extensions / browser configurations which only proxy the application's connection, then you have system wide which proxy ALL connections made by the...
  17. ATM-TopG

    could a kind soul please help

    Yeah that makes sense, You don't need a mac address changer unless you are carding without a VPN from a public router like a cafe. A mac address is used to identify a device on a network so packets can be routed to the correct device. Your router is the only thing that knows your mac address...
  18. ATM-TopG

    could a kind soul please help

    You should have a secure system wide VPN like Mullvad on at all times, this will handle your DNS, and prevent IP leaks anywhere. Now any connections you make are coming from your VPNs IP address not your own. So now you can connect to an RDP (the connection is from your VPNs IP address) Or you...
  19. ATM-TopG

    withdraw from atm , carding still alive ?

    It is very possible to withdraw clones at atm most atms nowadays accept Visa cards of all types just need to be careful with the people around since holding a blank card to a supermarket will have lotta people picking at you. firstly you need to make sure you do the cloning right and all...