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  1. youngboyG

    Debunking EMV X2 Software (PythonCards Editorial)

    Yeah I had no problems, but make sure you read the comment's on the thread. The Mid-balance card you should stay away from. High Balance is best
  2. youngboyG

    Where can you buy Fullz

    Hi, I wanted to ask where I can buy Fullz which are legit and working. I only want to buy some clothes maximum 500€
  3. youngboyG

    Debunking EMV X2 Software (PythonCards Editorial)

    Do they ship to Europe and the s that legit? And how much can I withdraw at ATM with the cards he offers
  4. youngboyG

    Searching for Fullz

    Who knows a legit vendor for Fullz? And how to cash fullz out? Please only suggest big Websites with Vouches I won’t buy from Telegram